Re-Birth of a Genius. Creator/Destroyer

Chapter 1507: Water Snakes

Chapter 1507: Water Snakes

The argument once again flared up.

Sivan is losing his patience bit by bit like everyone in the clan is trying to get a piece of his newfound treasure trove.

First, the Grand elder disappeared all of a sudden and wanted to steal some of the equipment from the trio.

But Sivan was sure that nothing good will come out of it. He is really feeling good that the old man disappeared.

Now, before he could relax, another old man is trying to get a piece of him. He had enough of this.

He turned to the clan's leader and said.

"I don't care what the Dusk organization is doing to the clan, but from what I know, they are taking down small targets and the only thing significant they had done until now is the city destruction.

With the current war that is going on, is it really necessary for us to focus on them too much? I already told you to send someone to capture the three.

As long as they are captured, everything will calm down.

I already gave you the solution, it is not my fault that the clan is refusing to execute it.

So, you either do it and stop blaming me or you stop blaming me at all.

All of your elders and grand elders are worried about the small momentary loss caused by the Dusk organization, while I am busting my ass to fight against the Gaja clan.

I can only take so much bullshit at a time.

The Divine league representatives are arriving tomorrow. If the elders and grand elders stay like this, I will be completely honest with the Divine league. I don't give a fuck if the partnership goes down the drain.

But from what I know until now, not only would the partnership go down the drain for me, but I will also be able to get rid of the clan's annoyance.

I am sure the Divine league needs more of my assistance than the rest of the clans'."

With that statement, Sivan left the room without caring about everyone's glares.

The clan leader gulped down. He didn't care much about the threats of Sivan leaving, but he did care about the situation of the Dusk organization.

The death of the Bald man and the Grand elder is still not revealed to the rest of the clan.

Only the Grand elder's immediate family and trusted subordinates know that the Grand elder has gone to the captured city.

And only the clan's leader and his wife know about Bald man's departure.

Both parties don't want the fact that they are trying to get their hands on the equipment from Dusk organization for themselves to be revealed.

So, both parties became silent in this case and didn't even dare to reveal it.

But now that the rest of the Grand elders who are suffering small losses from all of these organizations are not really ready to let this go.

All they have in their minds are their own interests.

If only they knew that the Dusk organization is a much bigger threat than they imagined, they would be having some serious trouble.

He needs to figure out a way to deal with this situation.

"I will think of a solution for this. Stop pestering him for now."

The clan's leader coldly gave his piece before he sent off the rest of the elders.

He really doesn't want to deal with all of these things at the same time, but when he thought of the reward. The reward of being the person that led the clan to destroy their archenemy. The glory and reputation that he could gain from it.

What he doesn't know is, that while he is already in a deep pickle, the trouble is getting deeper back into the port city.

After some more futile searches by the commander that came to the port city, he wanted to arrange a party and go into the sea to perform a deeper search.

But none of the people from the city wanted to do that.

They completely rejected the idea of doing so.

So, he had to call some of his own subordinates from the main city and after some persuasion convinced a shipowner to accompany them into the sea.

They were all ready to set sail.

"Alright, let's go, boss. I am really sick of these people."

One of the subordinates said to the commander.

"What happened? You are barely here for a few hours."

"Well, they are the reason I had to come here. I don't like this city that much. A bunch of cowards."

"We can't blame them. Who knows what really might have happened to make them have such a traumatic experience.

I highly doubt every one of them is delusional."

"I will believe that they are delusional.

The sea is as calm as it can be, how can anything too dangerous come this close to the shore without the coast guards even finding a single clue?

If the creatures really did come from the sea, how come no one ever managed to find their existence all these years?

It doesn't appear realistic at all."

"It is hard for the whole city to collude and stay on a single lie, alright. Stop whining and let's just go."

The commander said as he issued orders to his subordinates.

But what they didn't notice at the time is, in the nearby waters, there is one dark blue creature showing its head out before going back in again as it moved away from the boat and returned to the tower.

The ship moved into the waters and slowly set sail.

Occasionally some of the group members entered the water to check the surroundings.

But even after half an hour, they didn't find anything. The situation was peaceful and harmless, which changed all of a sudden when they saw the first blue glowing creature coming their way.

"Boss, I think I saw one there, it is coming. I will go and catch it."

"No, don't go. The people said it is very resistant and powerful in the water. You come out of the water first."

"No need Boss. It is all alone. I think I can take care of it myself."

With that, he didn't care about what the commander is saying and swam toward the creature.

After he swam for a few meters though, he saw something that made his soul shiver.

Dozens of blue lights appeared in front of him along with a red light.

All of the water creatures are swimming toward him at a rapid pace.

He turned around without a second thought and swam to the ship.


Before he could finish his words, he felt a bunch of water spears going through his back. He felt his breath leave his lungs and water replacing it completely.

He drowned as blood covered the water and it soon disappeared with the froth as the creatures came to the surface and swam towards the ship.

The commander saw the whole scene and looked horrified.

"We are retreating. Try to lead them to the shore. They are way too powerful in the water. I will hold them off a bit."

The ship started moving to the shore. But the water creatures are obviously much faster and they relentlessly came forward.

They started attacking the ship and it didn't take long before the keel was broken and water invaded the ship,

Even before they are halfway to the shore, they were forced to dive into the water and they had to face the creatures.

The worst part is as they are swimming forward with everything they got, they realized they were actually surrounded by the creatures from all sides.

More and more creatures popped up and the whole sea is now brightly lit with blue lights and occasional red lights. Even the day's sunlight cannot cover it up.

The commander realized that they are stuck. They cannot find any other way to deal with the situation. The only option is to fight as much as they can and try to escape.

But the efforts turned out to be futile for his subordinates.

They are unable to do anything against the creatures.

Even if they managed to attack one and made its barrier disappear, it is not exploding. The glowing part of its body is only going down deeper into the water and it is coming back after recovering.

They are using the water of the surroundings to attack the commander and his subordinates.

The whole area was soon dyed in blood and the deadbodies were brought back to the towers.

After that was done, the red creatures all gathered together in the water as they stayed in a formation.

A massive vortex made of water appeared. The vortex grew larger and larger as the water climbed upwards more and more.

The creatures all raised their hands as they controlled the large volumes of water until it turned into what looked like a large water snake and they all extended their hands towards the shore.

The water snake zoomed through the top surface of the water towards the shore.

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