Re-Birth of a Genius. Creator/Destroyer

Chapter 1257: Helping Aiwa

Aiwa is currently meditating as she controlled the ice elemental energy. Small needles started forming around her as she stacked it on a large sculpture that was completely made up of these ice needles and the only thing that is holding this sculpture is her ice elemental energy.

Once her concentration breaks, Sam is sure as hell that it would collapse, and even now it is barely holding.

He sat a bit away from her as he looked at the sculpture. He is still wearing the mask and the black cloak as he tweaked with the peg leg.

He is just adding some touches so that he wouldn't feel that irritating sense on the stump.

*knock* *knock*


A knock on the door was heard at that time and then the sculpture crashed instantly. That is the limit of her concentration.

She looked at Sam awkwardly and then at the door with a grudging expression.

"This better be good. Otherwise, someone is going to get it."

She went in and opened it.

"Miss Aiwa, your master is calling you. Your next task has been assigned. Please visit him as soon as possible."

It is an attendant from the Frost leaf.

"I will be back in a while." She yelled at Sam and went away. After an hour, she came back and looked a lot sulky.

"What happened?" Sam asked.

"My next task. It arrived. I need to catch a Snow Chameleon and I need to catch it alive. Who wants to catch a snow chameleon, alive or dead? It doesn't even taste good. The meat of that chameleon sucks."

Sam was surprised with her outrage. The more time he spent with her, the more thought she like a little teenage girl who does everything on a whim.

"Snow Chameleon? You have those beasts here?"


"Then why did you guys even bother going after those ice bears?"

"What are you even talking about?"

"Snow Chameleons love Ice bear meat. They feast on them a lot. For some reason, the big bad bear is prey here and this small glacial reptile is actually a predator."

"I don't know that. I didn't even find that in the library when I was studying the ice bears. Are you bullshitting me old man?"

Sam didn't even what to reply to that.

Sam then wrote down something on paper and gave it to her.

"Take some Ice bear blood, some meat, and its liver along with the other herbs in this recipe and give it to a chef who knows what he is doing. Cook until it turns into a paste. If everything goes well, it would be a gel in an ice blue color.

Take it and create an ice sculpture in the form of a bear with the needles and apply this paste all over it. When the chameleon arrives, you will no and all you have to do is let the needles explode. If you are moderate, you will be able to capture it while it's barely alive."

Aiwa looked at Sam with a suspicious expression.

"What is with that look?"

"Nothing. I will come back later. Bye."

Aiwa went away and Sam sat down on the ground as he closed his eyes and started meditating. He entered his sea of consciousness and targeted the dormant soul of Sivan.

He trained himself in mental warfare for years and he is sure that he would be able to wrestle with this dormant soul and win.

His mental energy swept towards the soul, but it was completely blocked by the mental energy of the soul. It almost created a visible barrier.

Sam poked on that visible barrier as his mental energy turned sharp and resembled a sword aura. The dormant soul inside the barrier shivered as if it met something that is fearsome.

Sam felt a slight headache as he tried forcefully and finally, there is a hole in that barrier and his mental energy enveloped the dormant soul. He tried to devour the soul as the whole, but as he could feel a part of that soul seeping out of the barrier, he suddenly felt extreme pressure.

His mental energy was finally forced out and a new barrier was formed. The dormant soul's position changed. It huddled into it even more and almost resembled a ball.

Sam looked at it for a moment and noticed that the glow of the soul dimmed a bit, indicating its weakening. He didn't try the next attempt immediately and went out.

He let his own soul digest the information he got and finally had some clues about his body's situation. Sam doesn't know exactly what method the other party used to destroy their own cultivation to cause the damage.

He thought he would need to take some time to go through a special diagnosis and find out.

But now that he got the information healing will be easier.

Currently, those meridians are his first priority. Even though they are healing with the natural recovery of this body, it is not happening fast. For them to completely heal, it would take at least a dozen years.

It turned out that Sivan has Overdosed on the Meridian Cleansing medicine. And he didn't just overdose it normally, he did that in a controlled manner and made sure that the Meridians cracked as little as they could along with the spiritual core to lose just the required cultivation level.

After he got that information, Sam already had ideas on how to undo it. Luckily, Sivan is considerate about himself enough to heal the spiritual core, otherwise, it would have taken over a year just for that.

Sam has many methods to heal the meridians back and in fact, he doesn't need a lot of high-level medicine, he can use some low-level medicine in a huge amount to heal one meridian after another, but even for that, he has to get out of this planet first.

He just kept on thinking for a while and before he knew it, a few hours passed. Aiwa returned and this time, she came running.

"Who are you? What are you? How did you…"

She started raining questions down and only after five minutes did she let Sam speak.

"I take it that you caught the Chameleon."

"Of course I did. Just what kind of black magic did you use to do it? Cause I don't believe that such a stupid trick works."

"It is not stupid. It is called being clever and knowledgeable. I know a lot of information about beasts and can take advantage of that easily. So, a thank you would be better."

Aiwa patted Sam on the back as she said with a grin.

"Of course, of course. I am really grateful. With this gratitude, I am taking you in my guard without any test, alright? Now, come on smile."

Sam didn't even know what to do at that moment. He didn't even feel this disheartened when his soul was stuck in the body of a cripple and he was thrown into some kind of snow plain. But now he did.

He couldn't help but sigh.

"Okay, okay. Are you smiling or not? Why don't you remove that mask and show me?"

She almost went as far as touching the mask, but Sam stopped her and said.

"Don't touch the mask."

"Why? You are not that ugly. I already saw your face. Why would you hide that and have this creepy child molester mask on?"

"Don't joke about molesting and I have my reasons. Don't pry too much and get back to the next task."

"I wouldn't be able to get to the next task immediately. They are making me wait again, but this time I caused a ruckus, they couldn't make me wait for too long, they have to give the result by night."

"Okay, then go and rest."

That night Aiwa was contacted once again and she got the next task. This one also had something to do with the beasts. She doesn't know exactly why every task this year was related to the beasts, but she couldn't care less.

She ran back to the house and placed the task in front of Sam.

"Frost Bees? Really? You have those things too?"

Sam asked in surprise. Neither Bees, nor chameleons are creatures suitable to live in these extremely cold environments in normal cases, but there are always exceptions. Snow chameleons and the Frost Bees are extremely rare exceptions.

But having two exceptions in one area is something even he who roamed around dozens of realms rare.

"Are you going to help me or not? You can get surprised later."

"Of course, I can help you, but it would take a bit of effort on your part. I don't believe you are focused enough."

"I am focused enough alright, don't treat me like I am a dumb brute."

"But you are one."

Aiwa didn't even know what to say for a second. But Sam carefully explained his plan to her and he even went as far as explaining a couple of times.

Aiwa was ecstatic as went out and came back the next morning with a grin on her face.

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