Princess is Glamorous in Modern Day

Chapter 928 - Don't Want a Son Anymore  

Chapter 928: Don’t Want a Son Anymore

As soon as the student finished speaking, the others echoed.

“That’s right, that’s right. Professor Xia, you taught me really well. What I look forward to the most every day is coming to your class.”

“Don’t listen to those people’s nonsense. I think they’re just jealous of your talent. Professor Xia, you’re my goddess.”

Xia Wanyuan stood on the podium and looked down. The pairs of clear eyes were filled with trust and affirmation for her.

Actually, after hearing Principal Yang’s words, Xia Wanyuan did not feel much. The title of professor was the same to her, no matter if she had it or not, but now, seeing so many people supporting and looking forward to her,

Xia Wanyuan suddenly felt that standing on this podium, she had taken on a lot of responsibility and hope. She should not give up first.

“Thank you, everyone.” Xia Wanyuan smiled faintly. “I’ll still be standing here tomorrow.”

In the end, Xia Wanyuan walked out of the classroom under the applause of all the students.

Although they were still young, they told Xia Wanyuan in their own way that they were all standing behind her.

Xia Wanyuan now had tens of millions of web traffic. As long as there was news related to her, marketing accounts could not wait to upload it to the media 24 hours a day.

Furthermore, it was a big matter like being anonymously reported by the National Teachers’ Front.

For the sake of popularity, the marketing accounts came up with a rather sensational title.

“Xia Wanyuan is being boycotted by the National Teachers’ Front.”

All the major media outlets also went into the water. With the support of the news media, some teachers who had only dared to question behind the scenes also stood up publicly.

“We studied hard for 22 years and graduated with an undergraduate degree. We studied for three years to get a master’s degree, and another three for a Ph.D. In the blink of an eye, we were almost 30 years old before we barely obtained the qualifications to enter the university as lecturers. By the time we received a professional evaluation, we were about to retire. Some teachers could not even be considered professors.

How old is Xia Wanyuan this year? She’s only 22 years old and is a dual professor at the top university in China. I just want to ask, why? Why doesn’t Xia Wanyuan’s promotion need to follow the rules of the education system? Are the rules used to control honest people like us?”

The sincere words of these teachers immediately caused a heated discussion.

[ Emmm, although I like Xia Wanyuan very much, from the looks of it, Xia Wanyuan, this dual-faculty professor, seems to not be legitimate. ]

[Xia Wanyuan is a member of the International Painter Association. Do you know what this means? I don’t know much about the literature department, but based on Xia Wanyuan’s achievements in painting, I think there’s nothing wrong with her being a professor.]

[What about literature professors? Literature requires a lot of accumulation. Xia Wanyuan is only 22 years old, right? If I were a teacher from another school, I would definitely not be convinced. She became a literature professor at Qing University at such a young age.]

The public opinion on the Internet was abuzz. In the end, the Education Bureau could not withstand the pressure and directly applied it to the Qing University, asking for an explanation.

The Qing University remained silent from beginning to end. No matter how the netizens questioned, there was no response.

Xia Wanyuan, who was standing at the center of public opinion, was writing furiously at her desk.

After returning from school yesterday, Xia Wanyuan specially checked the requirements to be conferred the title of professor in the country. Although there was a limit to one’s academic qualifications, if the number of papers published in the core journals reached a certain number and the contribution to academia was large enough, the Qing University could also relax its restrictions and stop the public from talking.

Xia Wanyuan sat in the study for four hours. Downstairs, Jun Shiling looked at the time and finally could not help but barge in.

Jun Shiling walked over and pressed Xia Wanyuan’s hand that was writing. “Stop writing. Look at the time.”

Only then did Xia Wanyuan look up at the time. “Why is it so late?”

Jun Shiling pulled the pen out of Xia Wanyuan’s hand. “Can you listen to my suggestion?”

“Tell me.” Xia Wanyuan leaned back in her chair and looked at Jun Shiling.

“Don’t be the professor of literature first.” Jun Shiling reached out to massage Xia Wanyuan’s shoulders. “They will invite you back one day.”

He knew best how tired Xia Wanyuan had been because of the few research projects in the country. He also knew how much Xia Wanyuan had played a role in them.

Those people only saw that Xia Wanyuan had occupied the position of a professor at Qing University, but they could not see how much she had sacrificed. Then she should just leave, and see if they could complete the project without Xia Wanyuan.

Xia Wanyuan half-closed her eyes and nodded. “Okay.”

In any case, it was not easy for the school leaders to be stuck in the middle. If she resigned, the school could explain to the outside world.

“Then stop writing now. Go and rest.” Jun Shiling picked Xia Wanyuan up by the waist. “If you torture yourself, I’ll feel uncomfortable with you.”

After being placed on the bed by Jun Shiling, Xia Wanyuan hugged Jun Shiling’s neck and did not let go. “After I resign, I won’t be attending classes tomorrow. CEO Jun, I miss you.”

Xia Wanyuan’s words were like a fuse connected to a pile of gunpowder, instantly igniting Jun Shiling’s fire. Jun Shiling’s body instantly stiffened, and his breathing became hurried. He lowered his head and planted a kiss on Xia Wanyuan’s lips.

The dry firewood collided with fire. Jun Shiling immediately lost control and flipped over with Xia Wanyuan.

However, in the next second, a childish voice came from under the blanket. “Aiya, there’s a little monster.”

Jun Shiling and Xia Wanyuan immediately separated. Xia Wanyuan lifted the blanket beside her. Under the blanket, Xiao Bao rubbed his sleepy eyes and looked up. “Mommy, I waited for you for a long time. I fell asleep while waiting.”

“Xiao Bao, why are you here?” Xia Wanyuan reached out to tuck her hair behind her ear and tidied her clothes.

“Didn’t Daddy ask me to sleep with Mommy yesterday?” Xiao Bao pouted, his big eyes filled with praise. “Daddy, see if I’m obedient. I didn’t ask you to call me today, so I came obediently!”

“…” Jun Shiling’s expression was as dark as ice.

“Mommy, sleep!” Xiao Bao hugged Xia Wanyuan’s arm and lay happily between Xia Wanyuan and Jun Shiling. Yesterday, Daddy had let me lie like this! 

“Okay, sleep.” Xia Wanyuan patted Xiao Bao’s back and looked at the aggrieved Jun Shiling. She could not help but laugh. Jun Shiling glanced at her with resentment in his eyes.

Xia Wanyuan waved at Jun Shiling. Jun Shiling leaned over and heard Xia Wanyuan whisper into his ear, “Wait until Xiao Bao falls asleep.”

Xia Wanyuan’s fragrance mixed with the heat from the blanket lingered around Jun Shiling. Jun Shiling clenched his fists.

He did not want to wait for Jun Yin to fall asleep. He did not want his son anymore. Whoever wanted his son could take him away.

Xiao Bao seemed especially excited today and kept pestering Xia Wanyuan to tell him stories. Xia Wanyuan patiently coaxed him to sleep.

At the same time, the Qing University, which had been silent for a long time, finally posted a Weibo post late at night. It was only an extremely simple sentence.

@ Qing University: “Xia Wanyuan has stepped down as a professor of literature at Qing University. Her position as a professor in the art department remains. All teachers and students of Qing University are deeply regretful.”

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