Princess is Glamorous in Modern Day

Chapter 1049 - Waves on the Sea  

Chapter 1049: Waves on the Sea

Above the vast sea, a ship was quickly breaking through the waves.

Jayce carried the confidential documents from China and carefully walked into Yu Qian’s room.

Yu Qian sat in front of the piano, his slender hands flying up and down. Music notes jumped out of his fingertips. Outside the window was an endless blue sea.

It was clearly a soothing sleeping song, but to Jayce, this song seemed to have a dark forbidden curse.

Closing his eyes, it was as if he could see the center of the vast sea. The whales sank, the seagulls fell, and the lonely dancers danced alone on the sea under the considerate moonlight.

Jayce was not a musically-inclined person, but every time he heard Yu Qian play the piano, he felt uncomfortable.

“What’s wrong?” After the song ended, Yu Qian turned around, his gentle face calm.

“Boss, there’s news from China that our batch of goods has successfully been transported into the country. The people you want has been prepared.” Jayce walked towards Yu Qian with the documents, his empty left sleeve swaying in the air.

Yu Qian took it and glanced at it. Then, he suddenly thought of something else. “Did Sea Shark transport a batch of weapons last time?”

“Yes.” Jayce looked down.


“Has the south of Continent F been peaceful for too long?” Yu Qian tapped his finger on the piano keys. “A peaceful place can’t reap great benefits.”

Jayce understood what he meant and immediately bowed respectfully. “I’ll contact the people over there.”

“Mm, go.” Yu Qian waved his hand, and Jayce hurriedly retreated.

=Night gradually fell. The originally blue sea was now surging. In the endless darkness, the whistling wind made one’s heart turn cold.

In Yu Qian’s room, the sound of the piano gradually sounded, like the most perfect accompaniment of the surging waves.


The next day was a rainy day. In a simple shed, Xia Wanyuan was sitting on a chair and reading a script. Not far away, Su Yueran was also sitting quietly.

The staff discussed the actors in the production team softly as they set up the set.

“As the saying goes, two tigers can’t share one mountain, but why do I feel that Xia Wanyuan and Su Yueran are quite harmonious? The two of them have good acting skills, are quiet, and speak politely.”

“Isn’t it because the two of them don’t have any conflicts of interest? Anyway, they have backgrounds and can do whatever they want. I think the two of them will become very good friends. On the other hand, An Rao and Xia Wanyuan don’t seem to match.”

The two of them were chatting enthusiastically when a cold laugh suddenly came from behind. “Ha.”

The staff hurriedly turned around to look and was embarrassed.

Behind them stood the protagonist of their gossip, An Rao.

An Rao was wrapped in a thick down jacket. Although she was not wearing high heels because of her pregnancy, her cold expression still frightened the staff. Everyone hurriedly retreated.

It was really not good to talk about people behind their backs! They were caught red-handed by An Rao, whom they mention only once in eight hundred years.

An Rao rolled her eyes, then looked at Su Yueran, who was sitting beside Xia Wanyuan in the distance, and shouted, “Yuan Yuan!”

Xia Wanyuan put down the script and walked over with a smile. “Why are you here? Why are you running around when it’s raining?”

An Rao held Xia Wanyuan’s arm. “I miss you. I came out because it’s raining. I’m too bored at home. There’s no one to play with me.”

“Alright, but I can’t accompany you because I have to film.” Xia Wanyuan allowed An Rao to lean on her.

“It’s nothing. I’m just watching you act,” An Rao said as she glanced at Su Yueran.

At that moment, Su Yueran happened to look up. An Rao hugged Xia Wanyuan’s arm tighter.

Snatch my best friend!!! Impossible! An Rao looked competitive.

Su Yueran glanced calmly at An Rao and Xia Wanyuan’s linked hands, then lowered her head and continued reading the script.

An Rao was bored to death at home every day. When she saw Xia Wanyuan, she had endless things to say. The originally quiet production team seemed very lively because of An Rao’s arrival.

Xia Wanyuan had an extremely good temper in front of An Rao and listened to her patiently.

The others secretly glanced over. They were a little surprised that the usually distant Xia Wanyuan was so close to An Rao.

“Miss Xia, thank you for your book. I’ve seen your lessons and they were very good.” When it was time to film, Su Yueran walked over and returned the book in her hand to Xia Wanyuan.

Su Yueran was just like her name. She had a faint smile and looked beautiful, making An Rao’s heart ache.

Although she did not want to admit it, she had to admit that Su Yueran was as gentle and refined as Xia Wanyuan, and she looked like she had many common topics with Xia Wanyuan.

Pregnant women were sensitive to emotions. Before Xia Wanyuan could say anything, An Rao felt wronged.

Boohoo, my best friend is going to be snatched away.

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