Power and Wealth

Chapter 848: Staying in a beautiful woman’s house

Chapter 848: Staying in a beautiful woman’s house


Dong Xuebing shared his problems with Xu Yan for over an hour.

It was still drizzling outside and did not seem to stop at any time. It was also getting foggy.

After Dong Xuebing had finished, he drank his tea and exhaled loudly. “Thank you for listening to my problems. Sigh…. I had kept these to myself all this while and had never shared them with others. Not even my Mum and wife. I don’t know why I felt comfortable sharing these with you without feeling ashamed of myself.”

Xu Yan smiled. “Just look for me when you have any troubles.”

Dong Xuebing nodded. “It’s late. I…. I should be going.”

Xu Yan looked outside. “It’s still raining? How are you going home? Furthermore, will your mother allow you to enter the house?”

“I will look for a hotel. I don’t want to disturb you anymore.”

“It’s Sunday tomorrow, and I am not working. It’s fine.”

“It would be inconvenient. Can you lend me some money for a hotel?”

Xu Yan shook her head. “How can I be assured to let you be alone in your current state? Just sleep over at my place tonight.”

“But your place doesn’t have an extra room.”

“Didn’t you sleep here previously? You can use my bed, and I will sleep on the sofa.”

Dong Xuebing had spent the night at Sister Xu’s place previously. Her apartment had two rooms, but one of them was converted into a study. Only the main bedroom had a bed. He is homeless now and only planned to stay a while at her place. He could not sleep over like the last time on her bed and let her sleep on the sofa. Putting her age aside, she is a Division Chief. He had to show his respect.

Dong Xuebing replied. “I can stay, but I will sleep on the sofa.”

Xu Yan laughed. “Alright. Let’s talk about this later. It’s only 7 pm.”

Dong Xuebing looked at his watch. “I felt much better after pouring my sorrows. Since we are free now, how about I give you another skin treatment?”

“No need. You should rest.”

“How are you feeling these few days?”

“I never felt this good before.” Xu Yan laughed. “Thanks to your treatment, my backache felt much better. I felt more energetic. I overheard some of my subordinates saying I looked many years younger suddenly. Haha…. I also feel the same. Your TCM treatment is great.” 

Of course. Xu Yan is in her mid-forties, and Dong Xuebing has used REVERSE on her several times. He estimated her body’s age should be in her late thirties. Her figure got better and became more beautiful. He remembered the photograph in her bedroom. She would be a stunning beauty if he REVERSED a few more years to her.

To be honest, Xu Yan’s photo of herself in her thirties left a deep impression on Dong Xuebing. He hoped to see her become younger. Furthermore, she had lent him a few hundred thousand without hesitation and listened to his problems when he was down.

Dong Xuebing rolled up his sleeves. “Let me give you another treatment.”

Xu Yan laughed. “I should not be thinking about my looks at my age. But…. All women want to look good. Haha…. I am the same. Xiao Dong, can I still look younger? The previous treatments were very effective. Will it work this time?”

“Of course.” Dong Xuebing replied confidently. “You had seen the effects previously. You have lesser wrinkles, and your pigment spots have lightened.”

Xu Yan asked. “How much younger can I be?”

Dong Xuebing hesitated for a second. “I think the maximum should be around your thirties.”

Dong Xuebing could make Xu Yan younger, but he dares not. If she returned to her twenties, related agencies would go after him. He also did not have much time left. Although one minute of REVERSE is equivalent to around two months, he only has around forty minutes left. He could only reverse a few years.

“Thirties?!” Xu Yan exclaimed. “I was the prettiest in my thirties. You had seen my photo.”

Dong Xuebing nodded. “Yes. You were beautiful…. Oh, I mean, you are beautiful now too.”

Xu Yan laughed. “Stop flattering me. I am old now and look different from them. Xiao Dong, I would be grateful if I could return to my thirties.”

“Stop treating me as an outsider.”

“You are right. I should not be so polite with you.” Xu Yan paused for a second and said. “Ok. Even if it did not work, I am satisfied with my looks now. I returned home after the previous treatment, and my relatives almost could not recognize me. Your TCM massage can easily qualify for a Noble award.”

Dong Xuebing was surprised. “Did you tell anyone?”

“Don’t worry. I promised to keep your secret and will keep to my words. Do you think I will go around telling others about you?”

“Ah…. That’s not what I mean. My massage does not suit everyone. It’s rare to find someone that suits this treatment. It might not work on others, and I was afraid they might call me a scammer.” Dong Xuebing lied.

Xu Yan nodded. “I understand.”

“Let’s start now. I will get ready.”

“Ok. I will take a shower and remove my makeup.”


This would be the last time using REVERSE on Xu Yan. Dong Xuebing had no idea how she would look and was looking forward to the result.

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