Physician’s Odyssey

Chapter 621 - Summoning Rain and Clouds with a Flip

Chapter 621 - Summoning Rain and Clouds with a Flip

“Come, have some fruits!” A middle-aged woman took out a plate of fruits with a smile on her face after Su Tao sat down.

Su Tao analysed that this woman was Cao Rong’s wife, so he behaved casually and took a lychee. After removing the skin, he popped it in his mouth. The lychee was sweet and refreshing, so he commented, “Tastes pretty good. It should be Ancient Lychee harvested from Hu Mountain.”

This sort of lychee was produced from Ancient Lychee trees, trees that were hundreds of years old. During the Song Dynasty, when Cai Xiang, who’s a politician and calligrapher, was appointed as the Governor of Quanzhou, he exclaimed that the lychees produced in Hu Mountain were juicy and sweet. Hence, he gave it the name Ancient Lychee, which was recorded in the Record of Lychee.

Cao Rong smiled at Su Tao’s keen eyesight and smiled. “My wife likes to eat lychee, and she would make an annual trip to Hu Mountain to buy them.”

“Even I have no idea why I have such a craving for lychee.” Cao Rong’s wife, Xia Ying, smiled.

“Lychee can nourish the spleen and stomach. Aunty, do you usually have anorexia? Eating lychee is good since it can increase your appetite and digestion. But do take note not to overeat daily, or it can cause oral ulcers, mucosa inflammation, and nose bleeding, especially for someone like you who’s internally heaty. You can only eat seven to eight a day.” Su Tao smiled as he warned.

Xia Yu was briefly frozen before she sighed, “I heard someone speak of it in the past, but I just can’t control my mouth. But since you’ve spoken, then I will pay attention to your reminder.”

Su Tao knew that he had a slip of the tongue and smiled. “Sorry, my occupational habit relapsed. Please pardon me for that.”

Waving his hand, Cao Rong smiled. “Your words are worth thousands of gold. You’ve treated my uncle in the past, so I have been wondering what kind of person you are. But I never expected that you would be so young.”


Sorting out the thoughts in his mind, Su Tao finally had a realisation and probed, “You’re talking about Sire Cao?”

Nodding his head, Cao Rong smiled. “My uncle has a weird temper, and he never believed in doctors. Since you managed to get him to seek medical help, that alone proves that you’re capable.”

“I’m only lucky.” Su Tao humbly smiled.

“Truth be told, there are actually three reasons why I invited you here today. Firstly, you’re the benefactor of my Cao Family, and since you’re in Nanyue Province, I naturally have to receive you to express our gratitude. Secondly, as for the problems you’ve encountered here, I promise that I will investigate it to the end and give you an explanation. Lastly, I would like to seek medical help from you.” Cao Rong smiled.

Upon hearing those words, Su Tao was stunned since the third reason was probably the main reason.

Even if Su Tao helped Cao Dingjun, in terms of expressing gratitude, it certainly wouldn’t be Cao Rong doing it. As for the Love Representative Charity Funds, it’s Cao Rong’s responsibility, and there’s no need for him to give Su Tao a promise in his face.

Shaking his head, Su Tao smiled. “Mr. Cao, from my observation, you and your wife are pretty healthy. Perhaps you might be exhausted due to work, and I can give you a prescription for it. You just have to take it for a period of time to alleviate the exhaustion.”

Letting out a sigh, Cao Rong shook his head. “I’m not the one who’s ill, but a friend of mine.”

Su Tao was somewhat shocked. For Cao Rong to personally make an invitation, the patient must be a high official, at the very least, right?

“Do instruct me, I will do my best.” Su Tao’s face became solemn.

Pressing his hand down, Cao Rong replied, “I have also invited him over, so you will be able to meet him in a while.”

Although Su Tao did not have any change in his expression, he felt that there’s something unusual about this matter. For some reason, he felt fishy about Cao Rong requesting his help.

Half an hour later, the doorbell rang, to which the housekeeper went over to open the door. Cao Rong also stood up and walked to the entrance before shaking hands with the newcomer.

“Guochun, I have been waiting for you. Let’s have some tea while we talk!”

Su Tao stared at the newcomer for a long time. He knew that this was the patient that Cao Rong was requesting his help for. The build of this person was similar to Cao Rong, but his frame was slightly thinner. His eyes were clear, but there’s something unusual about his complexion.

Pointing at Su Tao, Cao Rong introduced, “This is the youngest National Healer Specialist, Su Tao!”

Ma Guochun reacted as everyone would. He was shocked before he smiled. “You’re truly young. Heroes are truly forged young.”

Upon hearing that, Su Tao sighed. Ling Yu was younger than him, so he could only be considered one of the youngest. Wearing a warm smile, Su Tao replied, “Nice to meet you!”

Cao Rong did not introduce Ma Guorong’s identity to him as the three of them chatted together. Judging from their conversation, Su Tao analysed that Ma Guorong must be an official in Shenzhou City in Nanyue Province. Su Tao sneakily took out his phone and searched the internet, it was just as he had guessed. Ma Guorong was a high official in Shenzhou City, and at the same time, he’s also a member of Nanyue’s Provincial Committee.

Judging from Ma Rong and Ma Guochun’s conversation, the two of them have maintained certain alertness from each other, and they’re not as intimate as he had imagined.

He guessed that Cao Rong wanted him to take a look at Ma Guochun, but he wasn’t in the right position to point it out. Hence, Su Tao felt a little baffled.

When Xia Ying called for dinner, all of them arrived at the dining table. All of them were common dishes, to which Ma Guochun smiled. “It has been a long time since I had home-cooked meals.”

Waving his hand at Xia Ying, Cao Rong smiled. “Take a bottle of Maotai that my uncle previously gave me. Today, I have to drink a few cups with Guochun.”

As Ma Guochun smiled, he did not say anything. But when Cao Rong was pouring for him, he covered the cup with his hand before the latter could fill up the entire cup and explained, “I’ve already quit alcohol for many years. But since you’re so happy, then I’ll make an exception and drink a little with you.”

“Alright, we’ll drink a little as long as we’re happy.” Cao Rong would naturally not persuade Ma Guochun to drink.

After that, Cao Rong also poured a little for Su Tao. Su Tao did not refuse and the three of them started to chat as they drank.

Su Tao did not speak often, but his occasional words were practically masterworks that left Cao Rong and Ma Guorong somewhat surprised. They instantly realised that the knowledge of this young physician wasn’t ordinary.

After they finished their lunch, Ma Guochun briefly rested before he picked up a call and smiled. “I won’t disturb you any longer. There are still many things that await me in the city.”

“Go on. Without you, Shenzhou City will be in a mess.” Cao Rong smiled and did not insist.

Standing to the side, Su Tao sighed. At this moment, Cao Rong still hadn’t mentioned Ma Guochun’s illness, which Su Tao vaguely figured out the reason.

After Ma Guochun left, Cao Rong called Su Tao to the study room and asked, “You must be curious about why I did not mention the motive of today’s meeting to Ma Guorong, right?”

As a smile rose on Su Tao’s lips, he sighed, “It’s because he will definitely reject you if you mentioned it.”

“You’re right.” Cao Rong let out a deep sigh and continued, “Reaching his height and age, you will have to let go of your position if there’s an issue with your health. This is a threshold that no one can cross.”

Even Su Tao sighed as he shook his head and remained silent.

Taking a deep glance at Su Tao, Cao Rong seemed to have read his mind and explained, “Every industry has their own rules, and there is a bottom line that cannot be crossed. I can understand that from a doctor’s point of view, and you have the right to keep your patient’s illness a secret. But there’s an exception to everything. Occasionally, you have to let go of some principles for the greater good.”

Shaking his head once more, Su Tao sighed, “Mr. Ma does have some issue with his body.”

When he finished, he kept quiet and did not continue. He did not further elaborate on Ma Guochun’s condition.

After a brief ponder, Cao Rong did not pursue Su Tao about it and smiled. “Thank you!”

Although Su Tao did not elaborate, Cao Rong already knew what’s going on. With regards to the rumors about Ma Guochun’s illness, it’s most likely true. So as the Provincial Secretary, he would have to plan ahead.

“There will be an incident within two months.” Su Tao elaborated after a brief hesitation.

“Can it be treated?” Cao Rong nodded.

Shaking his head, Su Tao wore a wry smile and frankly replied, “It won’t be easy!”

Letting out a sigh, Cao Rong smiled. “Sorry to put you in a difficult position.”

Cao Rong had a firm grasp on people’s hearts. He knew that by revealing the fact that Ma Guochun was ill, it had already gone against Su Tao’s principles. Hence, this was the reason why Cao Rong would thank Su Tao to comfort his feelings.

“Mr. Cao, I can understand your thoughts. The reason why you arranged it in this manner is because he holds a high position, and you have to be responsible for the people in the city.” Su Tao smiled.

Inwardly letting out a sigh, Cao Rong now knew why his uncle had such a high evaluation of Su Tao. If Su Tao was willing to be an official, he would definitely be a formidable figure.

Su Tao only briefly stayed in Cao Rong’s house before he left. Seated in his study room, Cao Rong gave a call to Cheng Qian to issue two orders. Firstly, the latter was to find everyone related and investigate the Love Representative Charity Funds as well as the few other charity foundations. The mastermind had to be arrested, and there’s no need to worry about the consequences. Secondly, prepare a ticket for himself to Beijing to discuss the two candidates with Vice Premier Xiao.

On the plane back to Huainan Province, Su Tao looked at the city, shrinking in his eyes, and sighed. Who could have expected that his short trip to Nanyue Province would cause such chaos? At the same time, he got to know that the world was deep and unfathomable.

Su Tao suddenly realised that his range of influence seems to have increased. He had a feeling as if he could summon rain and clouds with a flip of his hand. At the same time, he knew that he had to be cautious since his future enemies will be powerful.

Shao Jing and Jiang Mingxuan were only an obstruction. There’s still Qin Jingyu waiting for him further ahead.

When the plane landed, Su Tao turned on his phone. It was a call from Qin Meimei and she happily said, “The matter has already been resolved. The Love Representative Charity Funds is done for! Although we lost some sponsors, the Qihuang Charity Funds won in the controversy battle, and we’ve become a clear stream in the industry! Just a moment ago, a leader from the province called and said that they would provide us the greatest support for this auction event!”

“Don’t worry about it. I will invite a batch of excellent enterprises to join in and support. Nothing will go wrong with the charity auction.” Su Tao smiled.

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