Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 1881 - 1881 Thousands of Paths

1881 Thousands of Paths

When Meng Chao shone his searchlight down on the thousands of paths that were as complicated as a three-dimensional maze, he was surprised to find that there was a faint, elusive scarlet afterimage jumping and floating on every path.

The scarlet afterimages split into two, and from two, they split into four, and from four into eight. Like vague lightning bolts, they kept splitting and replicating themselves exponentially. Finally, they surrounded the entire maze and formed a three-dimensional network of an even larger scale.

In fact, when Meng Chao’s line of sight penetrated the several hundred overlapping paths and shot into the depths of the black fog, he could vaguely see red sparks that shone stubbornly like candles in the wind.

“But how is this possible?” Meng Chao muttered to himself.

The scarlet afterimages were the footprints left behind by Lei Zongchao, the Martial God.

However, it had only been half a day since he entered the depths of the ancient ruins.

How could he have left his footprints on so many roads that surrounded the entire super enormous primordial city in half a day?

Even though he could not calculate it precisely, the length of all the roads added up in Meng Chao’s field of vision was more than a thousand kilometers.

Even if Battle God Lei Zongchao was a Deity Realm expert, it was still too ridiculous for him to run thousands of kilometers in such a strange place.

Not to mention, he was severely injured, and his vitality magnetic field and organs were unstable. It already took all of him to hold on until now.

This could be seen from the fact that the scarlet afterimages he left behind were becoming increasingly chaotic and dim.

At the very least, it was impossible for the Battle God to walk out step by step.

For some reason, he thought of the two identical scarlet afterimages that he had seen at the intersection earlier.

Since one could become two, why could two not become four?

While Meng Chao was deep in thought, a faint light suddenly caught his attention about fifty meters below him on another suspended path.

It was not the Battle God’s remnant scarlet flames.

It was not the spirit energy contained in the ancient ruins that was released by the searchlights.

It was the light from the vitality magnetic field imaging system that Meng Chao was very familiar with!


Meng Chao was surprised and delighted. Under the searchlight, he saw an extremely familiar face.

It was Lu Siya!

“Sister Ya, I’m here!” Meng Chao shouted without hesitation.

His voice contained spirit energy that traveled hundreds of meters away and shook the broken walls.

There was even a building floating in the air that was even more dilapidated than a thousand-year-old tombstone. It collapsed for the second time and broke into countless pieces, which floated in the air loosely.

However, Lu Siya turned a deaf ear as she carefully moved forward below him.

She frowned, and her face full of confusion.

From time to time, she would kneel on one knee and check the remains of the Ancients and the ferocious ancient beasts on the ground, as well as the beacon of spirit flames that Battle God Lei Zongchao left behind. It was as if she wanted to find some clues to help her distinguish between the real and the fake.

Sometimes, like Meng Chao, she would come to the edge of the suspended road and look down while leaning on the edge, but she would also find nothing.

However, she did not react at all to Meng Chao’s thunderous shout, even though he was not far from her.

Meng Chao’s sound waves clearly affected the surrounding buildings and even the road itself.

However, when it spread downward, it seemed to be absorbed by the black fog that lingered around the floating path in an instant.

Meng Chao shouted at the top of his lungs for half a minute, but he still could not make Lu Siya raise her head or even look at him.

Since the paths they were on were vertical and not parallel, Lu Siya’s figure gradually got further and further away. Her figure was wrapped in black fog, and she became hazy.

Meng Chao was extremely anxious. He really wanted to jump into Lu Siya’s path.

Fortunately, he was still rational enough.

He knew that anything could happen in the depths of the ancient ruins.

However, Lu Siya could not hear him shouting. That meant there had to be something extremely dangerous between the two seemingly close paths.

Meng Chao was not impulsive.

After pondering for a moment, he picked up a building fragment that had just collapsed from the road.

The building fragment was neither made of steel nor metal, and it had a strange texture. He threw it toward the road where Lu Siya was.

Meng Chao’s control over his throw was so precise that it was comparable to a sniper’s bullet trajectory.

If nothing unexpected happened, the building fragment would land exactly three meters in front of Lu Siya in half a second.

However, in the depths of the ancient ruins, accidents would happen at any time. It was to be expected.

The building fragment drew a nearly perfect parabola in the air, but when it wasabout ten meters away from Meng Chao’s path, ripples appeared in the air.

Then, it disappeared!

Meng Chao recalled the time when he had just crawled out of the crevice. He had tried to pop a tranquilizer pill into the void where the rope had disappeared.

The pill, like the building debris before him, had disappeared into the void without a sound. It left only circles of ripples that disappeared in the blink of an eye.

“Alright, it seems like these paths are surrounded by traps formed by spatial slits…

“No, to be more precise, the paths themselves are built on a huge, random, chaotic spatial gap!”

A layer of fine sweat appeared on Meng Chao’s forehead.

He was glad but also afraid.

Fortunately, he never jumped down.

Otherwise, who knew where he would have been teleported to and what he would have become.

After thinking about it repeatedly, Meng Chao could not bear to give up this one-of-a-kind opportunity.

Before Lu Siya completely disappeared, he made a second attempt.

This time, he did not try his best from the edge of the road. Instead, he returned to the center of the road and knelt on one knee. His right palm bounced off and stuck close to the ground, while he grabbed his right wrist tightly with his left hand.

Meng Chao took a deep breath and widened his eyes. He exerted force abruptly, and every cell in his body began working like a burning engine. His blood vessels doubled in size due to the surging power. His right arm seemed to turn into a railway gun filled with tactical nuclear weapons. It instantly expanded to the point where his skin and flesh were torn apart. Screaming steam and dazzling spirit energy flames shot out from every pore. His palm was like steel that had been smelted to a temperature of thousands of degrees, and it turned translucent orange.


Meng Chao faced the road and unleashed his strongest attack!

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