Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 1866 - 1866 Lifting the Seal

1866 Lifting the Seal

Wu Haibo was patient.

He made every “suggestion” based on the blood and lives of countless experts that had been lost in the past half century.

Even Meng Chao dared not be negligent even though he had killed many people inside and outside Holy Mountain Temple in Picturesque Orchid Lake.

He could feel that the spirit magnets hidden deep within his body were washing his nerve endings like tides and sending warning signals to his brain.

The ancient ruins in the depths of Dragon City might be even more dangerous than the Holy Mountain Temple in Picturesque Orchid Lake.

Perhaps, there were more legacies and mysteries hidden down there.

Everyone followed Wu Haibo’s suggestion and went into battle obediently.

He then used a pencil to write a series of questions neatly in his notebook.

There were ten lower-class superhumans from Battle God Palace, and ten superhumans from the noble families and the adjudicator court.

The ten Black Horn Warriors who had been stationed there for the past ten years were mostly from the lower class and the branch families of the wealthy class because the superhumans from the wealthy class were usually unwilling to take on the extremely dangerous and unknown job of “guarding the ancient ruins.”

There was also Meng Chao, Lu Siya, and Wu Haibo.

A total of thirty-three explorers formed the first rescue team.

“Next, put this on.”

Wu Haibo asked everyone to put on an “exploration lamp” that was as shiny as crystal on the tactical slot on the front of their helmets.

“This is a magnetic field imaging system. It can scan and capture the high-energy magnetic reactions left in the space, forming a 3D image that is visible to the naked eye. It’s usually used to capture the traces of ferocious creatures and Apocalyptic Beasts. There’s also a certain chance that special death traps can be detected in the depths of the ancient ruins.”

Wu Haibo paused for a moment and said in a serious tone, “However, like all the tools that you are carrying, you should not trust it completely. It certainly means danger if it manages to detect high-energy reactions, but it doesn’t mean that it’s absolutely safe if it doesn’t detect any spirit waves.

As he spoke, he was the first to activate the imaging system and looked into the depths of the underground rift.

A beam of blue light was moving forward in the rolling black mist with difficulty like a giant whose feet were deeply buried in the mud. It took more than ten seconds for it to reach the depth of the rift about twenty to thirty meters away.

However, what appeared within the light’s range made everyone gasp once they followed Wu Haibo’s gaze and peeked down.

“What’s that?!” a disciple of Battle God Palace cried out involuntarily.

As Wu Haibo’s blue light swept past the inside of the rift, a series of crimson afterimages appeared on the originally dark rock wall that seemed as smooth as a mirror.

The afterimage was illusory and unpredictable.

It was like a looming ghost, but it also seemed to have stripped off a person’s skin, muscles, bones, nerves, and even internal organs, leaving only the complicated network of blood vessels that was emitting faint light.

No, it was not just an afterimage.

Instead, there were more than a dozen afterimages that extended from the edge of the rift to its depths.

It was as if a ghost or an invisible person had just jumped straight down from the edge of the rift and “walked” all the way into the darkness along the rock wall.

The disciples of Battle God Palace and the secret police of the adjudicator court looked at each other.

No one had ever seen such a strange scene.

“It’s Battle God Lei Zongchao’s spirit magnetic field. It looks like the Battle God’s situation is not good.”

Wu Haibo sighed and explained, “Under normal circumstances, superhumans who are above average can control their spirit magnetic fields as much as possible. It would be like a steam engine that fits perfectly. It would never leak air or give off steam.

“Besides, Battle God Lei Zongchao is a pioneer and a grandmaster who has reached a new level of simplicity. If he wanted to, he could totally disguise himself as a defenseless ordinary person without leaking any spirit waves that will be detected by the imaging system.

“The fact that the mighty Battle God has left so many afterimages of spirit energy can only mean one thing: He is gradually losing control of his body and even his soul, and he’s on the verge of collapsing or even death!”

“Looking at it from another perspective, wouldn’t it be more convenient for us to catch up with Master Lei using the magnetic afterimages?”

Meng Chao’s eyes shone brightly. “Perhaps Master Lei didn’t restrain his vitality magnetic field on purpose. He might want the last flame of his life to become a beacon for others to continue exploring the ancient ruins!”

Wu Haibo was slightly startled, and he smiled.

That’s right, the die had been rolled, there was no need to be overcautious and jittery.

There was only one thing left for them to do.

Follow the pioneer’s footsteps, advance with every wave, and obtain victory!

“Turn off the high-voltage power grid and remove the seal!” Wu Haibo ordered in a deep voice.

The raging electric arcs gradually dissipated in the three layers of electric nets.

Deafening booms echoed from the depths of the underground rift.

Wu Haibo told everyone that the so-called “seal” was actually very simple and crude. It was a highly sensitive explosive device modified from a large number of shells.

After making the decision to seal the ancient ruins, the relevant departments had moved almost half of the ammunition depot to the depths of the underground rift.

Any “thing” that boasted a powerful spirit and magnetic field would activate the super enormous explosive device if it tried to crawl out of the ancient ruins. This would blow up the cliffs on both sides of the rift as a result.

Even so, it was impossible to completely close the underground rift because it was not a rift in the physical and geological concept at all.

Instead, it was an entrance to another world, perhaps the entrance to hell.

But at the very least, the explosion could buy time for the humans.

It might also give humans a chance to study and analyze what kind of weird existences crawled out of the depths of the ancient ruins through the explosions.

“Alright, the seal has been temporarily lifted. We’ll reactivate it when we enter the ruins,” Wu Haibo said.

“If there’s no problem, let’s get started!”

In the middle of the three-layer high-voltage power grid, a gap that could only accommodate three people at the same time appeared.

Three ropes made of high molecular materials hung down. They were thicker than an arm and tougher than steel.

Wu Haibo told everyone that when humans first explored the ancient ruins, dozens of winches and elevators were installed on both sides of the underground rift for the convenience of transporting people and goods.

However, in practice, a series of bloody lessons made humans understand one thing: The simpler the equipment installed inside and outside the ancient ruins, the better.

It would be best if there was no technological content. Something that was not easily damaged or tampered with would be more convenient for the exploration team members to navigate when they were subjected to intense mental interference. At that point, they would have lost most of their wisdom and rationality.

Also, the process of rising to the ground from the depths of the ancient ruins should be as slow as possible.

The slower and more inconvenient it was, the more unlikely it would be for one to be exposed to the crossfire above ground.

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