Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 1363 - Magnetorheological Fluids

Chapter 1363: Magnetorheological Fluids

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Meng Chao was deep in thought.

“can understand the meaning of ‘arena.’ Indeed, there’s no other explanation for gathering dozens of intelligent humanoid carbon-based life forms that originate from different planets and environments on the same planet. Aside from allowing us to fight each other to determine who is stronger, there’s no

other explanation. It’s just like the arena of the Turan civilization. Every civilization that has transmigrated here is like a gladiator that has no choice but to kill others in order to survive.”

Meng Chao frowned. “However, how do you explain the ‘petri dish’ and the ‘incubation pond?

“Are there migratory spawning fish on your mother planet, too?”

“Yes, “the voice said casually. “These fish are usually migrating all their lives. At different stages of their lives, they live in environments that are most suitable for this stage.

“In order to breed more offspring and ensure that their offspring can receive sufficient nutrition and a stable environment, they will travel long distances from rivers to lakes and lay countless fish eggs.

“When the fish eggs grow into small fish, the small fish will march from the calm lake toward the surging river. No matter how many difficulties and obstacles there are along the way, and how many lives of their companions will be sacrificed, the small fish will continue to march forward and charge toward

the surging river and the boundless sea.

“Only in this way can the small fish, which are so weak that they can not even stir up the slightest wave in the lake, grow into a giant kun that can overtum the river and the sea, or even turn the world upside down.”

Meng Chao understood the meaning of the voice.

“Are you saying that our respective mother planets are like calm lakes, and this is a river?”

Meng Chao was deep in thought. ‘No, this shouldn’t be a real river. It’s just that outside of the slightly larger lake, there should be an even more boundless and stormy sea outside of this planet…”

“That’s right.”

The voice said, “This planet shouldn’t be the end of the civilization. It should be some kind of breeding pool and transit station. Or rather, it should be the real starting point.”

“Then, Im even more confused.”

Meng Chao frowned deeply, “Since your civilization once had the ability to develop satellites and travel in the Sea of stars, as well as quite advanced machining, metal smelting, and gene modulation technology, and you have also vaguely sensed the secrets hidden behind this planet, why did your civilization

deteriorate step by step until today, when it turned into a half-human, half-beast, and was about to eat raw meat and blood?

“Perhaps, the high-level orcs today will be proud of their sharp claws and tough shells, but you should be able to see that such human-shaped beasts are getting further and further away from the definition of ‘civilization’. Even if they can barely survive, they will never be able to explore the universe. There

will definitely be no future for them, right?

“What happened to your civilization in the past 10,000 years? How did it come to this?”

The Metal Board was silent for a long time.

Then, it let out a complicated sigh that contained thousands of emotions.

“Don’t be anxious, my friend. We are willing to tell you everything that has happened in the past 10,000 years.”

The voice said faintly, “Anyway, our civilization is about to be destroyed. If we don’t tell anyone else, our secrets and even traces of our existence will vanish without a trace.

“Thope that our information can help you complete your mission better. At least, our lessons can help your civilization avoid repeating the same mistakes and live proudly on this damn planet like a real civilization.”

The voice continued.

The crystal-clear metal plate was vibrating at a high frequency, and intersecting spider-web cracks appeared on it.

‘When the cracks grew and expanded to the maximum, the metal plate cracked like a fragile glass mirror and turned into countless dancing crystal butterflies.

‘The flapping wings of each crystal butterfly revealed the evolution history of the Tulan civilization for hundreds or even thousands of years.

Countless streams of information flowed into the depths of Meng Chao’s brain along with the ripples created by the butterflies.

Hundreds and thousands of dazzling images appeared in front of his eyes at the same time.

In one of the images, Meng Chao saw hundreds of black smoke billowing up, filling the sky with baring fangs and brandishing claws.

Volcanoes erupted on the land, lava flowed freely, and earthquakes were endless.

There were also surging floods that solidified the hot lava into strange-shaped statues.

The environment of the ancient Tulan home planet was indeed much worse than that of the ancient Earth.

However, in such a harsh environment, the ancient Tulan people, who were like Neanderthals, were still nimbly jumping between the meteor shower and the Earth Fire. They moved around as if they were walking on flat ground.

They were draped with the fur and shells of ancient fire-resistant creatures, as if they were wearing fireproof suits wom by firemen. Under their feet, they were stepping on the bones of large beasts that were like stilts, going deep into the crater of the volcano that was about to erupt, they were going to

collect the fungus blankets that were condensed from the heat-loving fungi there as food.

In the second picture, a few ancient Tulan people, who were eating raw meat and blood, were deep in thought as they looked at the solidified magma that had turned into statues, especially the sharp and sharp edges of the statues, it was as if they had understood the mysteries of refining metals and making


In the third picture, the ancient Tulan people dug ditches on the ground and took the initiative to channel the unbridled magma into the ditches. They also attracted large amounts of water to cool it down, creating the first batch of tools on Tulan’s mother planet.

As the ancient Tulan people danced and danced, Meng Chao seemed to hear a new civilization blow a loud, resounding hom that resounded through the sky.

He understood everything in an instant.

Although the third planet of their respective star systems was neither too far nor too close to their respective stars and could absorb sufficient solar energy, it also had a stable orbit, atmosphere, and liquid water.

However, Tulan’s mother planet had three satellites.

The total mass of the three satellites was much larger than the moon.

The interaction between the three satellites, as well as the pulling, pulling, and tearing between them and Tulan’s mother planet, and even the “Tidal resonance’that they gathered together, was much stronger than the tidal force between the Earth and the Moon.

The unique system of the three satellites not only made the geological movement and extreme weather of Tulan’s mother planet ten times more intense than that of Earth’s.

They would often tear each other apart and release part of their mass, forming a burning meteor shower that pierced through the atmosphere and smashed onto Tulan’s mother planet.

‘Whether it was magma ejected from the ground.

Ora rain of fire from the sky.

For all the chaos and death and destruction.

But it also brought life.

Because of the frequent eruptions of volcanoes and the flow of lava everywhere, the ancient Turans learned the skill of cooking cooked food with fire before the ancient Earthlings.

Cooked foods that were cleaner and more digestible than raw food stimulated a doubling of the brain capacity of the ancient turans, allowing them to develop “Teamwork’and “Imagination’before awakening, they had already evolved the “Haka’ability.

The ancient Tulan people who had mastered the “Haka‘could pass down their memories, knowledge, and skills from generation to generation.

The earth fire and meteorites brought a large amount of rare elements that were not on the surface. Under the smelting of the volcano, they became the original alloy.

The unique environment made it easier for the ancient Tulan people to master the ability to make tools and discover the secrets of the alloy than the ancient Earthlings.

While the ancient Earthlings were still eating raw meat and blood, the ancient turans were already feasting on the fragrant cooked food.

While the ancient Earthlings were still living in tree nests and caves, the ancient turans were already able to use metal to strengthen their buildings, thus greatly increasing the size and strength of their buildings.

While the ancient Earthlings were still brandishing rough stone axes and fragile bone spears, the ancient Turans already possessed light iron armor and sharp steel spears.

‘When the Earthlings made use of their teamwork, powerful imagination and strong thirst for knowledge, they finally advanced rapidly on the road of civilization at an incredible speed in just 10,000 years, when they entered the era of steam, electricity, and even nuclear energy, the Tulan people pointed out

the “Magnetic fluid’technology.

The so-called “Magnetic fluid’, also known as magnetic fluid, ferromagnetic fluid, or magnetic fluid, was a new type of functional material.

Ithas the fluidity of a liquid, but also has the magnetism of a solid magnetic material.

It is mainly a stable gel-like liquid made up of magnetic solid particles with a diameter of nanometer, a base carrier fluid, and an interfacial active agent.

The magnetic fluid can form a variety of micro-structures under the action of a magnetic field.

These micro-structures can also present a variety of characteristics in the macro-level.

On Earth, due to the limitations of cutting-edge materials science and nanotechnology, the actual function of magnetic fluid was limited to the field of “Magnetism, light, electricity’, for the time being, it could only be used in the fields of light modulation, light switches, light isolators, and sensors.

On the mother planet of Tulan, because of the research on materials science and metal smelting that had been carried out ten thousand years earlier than the Earthlings, and because “Haka‘could pass on knowledge, technology, and memories, the research on magnetic fluid technology had been carried out.

The technology of magnetic fluid of the ancient Tulan could be said to be one of the best. It was ahead of both Earth’s civilization and its own industrial level.

‘When the Tulan civilization had just entered the industrial age, they had already developed dozens of kinds of magnetic fluid materials.

Some of the magnetic fluid could switch freely between the solid state and the liquid state in an instant. The strength of the solid state surpassed that of most alloys, rocks, and crystals. In the liquid state, it could be easily molded into various complicated structures. As a result.., they could achieve

“One-bond switching’between hundreds of precise mechanical structures.

Some magnetic fluids had excellent antibacterial, anti-interference, and anti-rejection properties. After being implanted into flesh and blood, they could replace traditional metal and plastic prosthetic limbs. Not only could they restore the normal physiological functions of disabled people, but they could

also greatly enhance the physical ability of normal people, they could even greatly enhance the movement ability of normal people, turning the Tulan people into “Superman’who had infinite strength and could leap over roofs and walls.

There were also some magnetorheological fluids whose strength and toughness had reached an incredible level. The technical difficulty of constructing large-scale buildings was also an order of magnitude lower than that of ordinary materials — as long as they were piled up mindlessly, such

magnetorheological fluids could be piled up into any size, height, or shape according to the architect’s imagination.

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