Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 1357 - Secret Base

Chapter 1357: Secret Base

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

The eyes of the human-faced spider scanned Meng Chao’s injuries from top to bottom and inside out, like a scanner on a large medical device.

‘When he realized that Meng Chao was fine and that he had just broken through the barrier of life, regardless of the severity of his injuries, a spark of joy surged in his eyes.

However, when he realized that Meng Chao’s body structure was subtly different from that of the ordinary Turan, the spark of joy turned into a wave of suspicion.

He opened his mouth to speak.

He was speaking in ancient Turan.

The tone was complex and changeable, and the semantics were difficult to understand. Every syllable was filled with sounds of curling tongues, sticking tongues, flicking tongues, swallowing, and changing tones. Sometimes, it was as cheerful and passionate as the coloratura soprano on Earth. Other

times, it was like a dolphin in the ocean. It was deep and long, and it could penetrate the soul directly.

Even when he spoke, the shells around his body vibrated and rubbed at a high frequency, making a rhythmic sound of metal colliding, forming a rhythm similar to Morse code.

Meng Chao suspected that the ancient Tulan language used by the human-faced spiders not only contained a hundred times more details than the simple, crude, and even childish Tulan language used by modem orcs.

Even the human-faced spider could communicate three to five times more information per unit of time than the human-faced spider.

Unfortunately, Meng Chao did not understand what he was talking about.

Meng Chao’s Tulan language was like two knives in the first place.

It was already good enough that he could communicate with the modern orcs on a daily basis.

The ‘Ancient Tulan language’that he came into contact with occasionally came from the modern witch doctors, priests, and chiefs. It had been simplified and even mistranslated. It was in line with the communication habits of the modern orcs, but it was far from the original meaning.

Meng Chao even felt that he did not have an organ that could receive such high-frequency information.

He could only open his hands and point at the other party’s mouth first, then at his own ears. Finally, he waved his hand, indicating, “I’m sorry, I don’t understand…”

The man-faced spider seemed to be somewhat disappointed when he realized that the purebred ‘human’‘in front of him, who did not have the characteristics of a beast, was actually spitting out the childish and ridiculous ‘modern Ore language’.

However, he seemed to have experienced countless times that were a hundred times more severe than this in the long years. He quickly recovered and used the stuttering modern Tulan language to communicate with Meng Chao.

“We… Don’t have time…”

After saying only half of the sentence, he frowned slightly.

It was as if he despised the poverty and simplicity of the modern Orc language. It was impossible for him to express his feelings, ideals, and the massive amount of information that he desperately wanted to pass on to the later generations.

He simply shut his mouth, waved his blade limbs, and gestured for Meng Chao to follow him into the depths of the cave.

Meng Chao naturally would not refuse.

He looked curiously at the scene in the cave.

He discovered that this long and deep cave was vastly different from the natural caves he had explored in the past.

Most of the naturally formed caves were definitely zigzagging and uneven in thickness. At times, they were so cramped that people could only squeeze past them sideways. At other times, they would suddenly open up, revealing karst caves and empty bubbles that were even larger than a basketball court.

Although this cave was deep, it was straight and flat, as if it was a secret passage built by man.

The walls of the cave were as smooth as a mirror. The surface of the cave was covered with some kind of high-speed friction between metal and rock. The high temperature melted the rock, and the traces of cooling and solidifying were like rainbows that extended into the depths of the darkness.

There were also a lot of debris scattered in the cave.

Most of the debris were broken pieces of arc-shaped armor that were thicker than Meng Chao’s palm. The cross-sections were stacked on top of each other, as if seven or eight layers of composite structures had been compressed together.

From Meng Chao’s experience, this was the outer shell of some kind of large-scale transportation vehicle or war machine.

It should have been the spaceship of the ancient Tulan people. When it was forced to land in another world, it scraped the rock layer along the way and was torn apart and scattered.

If that was the case, could it be that this space fold hidden in the rock layer was actually created by the forced landing of the Tulan spaceship?

Meng Chao clicked his tongue in wonder.

From this cave and the scattered shell fragments, one could imagine how thrilling the transmigration of the Tulan spacecraft was in the past.

If one was not careful, the last hope of the entire spacecraft and the Tulan civilization would be annihilated under the crust of another world.

Apart from the shell fragments of the spacecraft, Meng Chao also found a large number of remnants of the interior of the spacecraft in the wreckage.

Although they were too far apart in age and the two civilizations were very different, Meng Chao could not figure out the use of these strange-shaped remnants.

However, he found a small amount of plastic products inside.

Meng Chao’s breathing suddenly stopped.

Plastic was a polymeric compound that was formed from monomer through polymerization or condensation reaction.

To be able to produce plastic products on a large scale required a high degree of materials science and industrial systems.

It could even be said that the large-scale production of plastic products, like the large-scale use of steam or even electricity, was a sign of civilization’s maturity and even glory.

The modern orcs had long forgotten how to produce plastics.

Even a few witch doctors and priests still passed on the ancient production process through word of mouth.

But there was no corresponding source of raw materials and large industrial system.

So much so that they picked up a few carbonated drink bottles from Dragon City in the Tulan River and treated them as treasures, used to store the teeth of their prey or the secret medicine of the witch doctors.

‘The appearance of plastic products made Meng Chao even more firm in his opinion.

‘The ancient Tulan people had a civilization and industrial system that was no less than that of the people on Earth.

In some areas, they were even superior to the Earthlings.

Soon, he found more evidence.

For example, the cave walls were densely carved.

The Tulan people seemed to like carving and painting on walls, bulkheads, rock walls… everywhere.

However, Meng Chao saw rough and barbaric murals similar to primitive art on the bulkheads of the Sacred Mountain Temple. They depicted the scenes of the Tulan warriors and totem beasts fighting to the death.

‘What he saw here was a complicated, continuous, crisscrossing, and dizzying formula.

That’s right, although the numbers and operation symbols used were completely different from the Earth’s civilization.

‘The numbers and operation symbols of the ancient Tulan people were like crystal clear snowflakes and Wisps of constantly forking flames.

But when combined, the feeling that was more profound and complicated than the wordless heavenly book immediately reminded Meng Chao of his university days, the fear of constructing various spiritual magnetic fields and calculating the concentration of spiritual energy.

He forced himself to focus and observe carefully.

Of course, he did not expect to be able to understand the thousands of formulas left behind by the ancient Tulan people.

Instead, he observed the brush strokes that engraved these formulas on the cave walls.

The strokes were deep and shallow, and the strokes were also different. Some of the formulas were bold and unrestrained, while others were upright and proper, penetrating deeply into the wood.

It was as if a sea of formulas that could drown the entire cave and even the entire temple of the sacred mountain had been created by the hands of different people over thousands of years.

Occasionally, Meng Chao could also find a few lines of relatively shallow ancient Tulan among the overwhelming and surging formulas.

The “Shelf life”of words was, after all, longer than that of languages.

‘The few lines of words were also like the derivators and calculators of formulas. When they were overwhelmed with emotions and emotions, they were thrown out randomly. They did not deliberately pursue the accuracy of the grammar and the richness of the semantics.

Meng Chao could guess the general meaning of some of the words through guessing.

One of the derivators had carved on the wall of the cave thousands of years ago with fear and even despair. “No, this is impossible. None of this is real!”

However, there were other derivators who left messages below:

“We will definitely think of a way

“We absolutely can not… be controlled by it

“For our civilization

“I got it! I got it!”

Meng Chao narrowed his eyes.

His thoughts seemed to travel back thousands of years. He had witnessed the ancient Tulan people with different emotions. Some were excited, some were determined, some were crazy, and some were filled with fear, but they never gave up, they used their blood and even their lives to brand the mark of

the Tulan civilization in the depths of the other world.

For some reason, the image that appeared in his mind was not as domineering and awe-inspiring as the ancient warriors such as the “Fist, stomach-less king, and broken wings.”.

It was also far from the modern orcs such as the “Horn of destruction, violent blade, and Doomsday Wolf.”

On the contrary, it was a little thin and weak.

It made sense.

If it was the muscular demons of the Bloody Hoof clan whose fists were bigger than a casserole.

Or the extremely sharp claws of the Gold clan, the Jackals, wolves, tigers, and leopards.

How could they be patient and spend their whole life’s effort to leave so many formulas in a cave deep underground that no one knew about?

The human-faced spider noticed that Meng Chao’s footsteps were slowing down.

‘When it tumed around, it found that Meng Chao was carefully observing, studying, and feeling the formulas on the cave wall.

His gradually withered face immediately revealed a dazzling pride.

His deeply sunken chest seemed to have absorbed a brand new life force from the formula and was full again.

Meng Chao noticed that the spider was bleeding all the way.

His pale golden blood was like a bright and eye-catching signpost, illuminating the darkness ahead.

“Are You Alright with your injury?”

Meng Chao could not help but ask.

“Tm fine… Don’t worry about me… There’s something more important…”

The human-faced spider signaled Meng Chao to quicken his pace.

‘The Aura of life finally came from ahead.

On the walls of the cave around them, there were a large number of primitive life forms that were similar to bacteria blankets, rock algae, creepers, and grape vines. It was difficult to tell whether they were fungi or plants. They formed a small sparrow-like underground ecosystem, it had all the necessary


No, it should not be called ‘primitive life’.

Meng Chao noticed that countless hollow metal tubes that were as thin as cow’s hair were vaguely entangled between the branches of the ‘grapevines‘and the carpet of fungi.

The metal tubes seemed to be alive. They wriggled slowly and dug deep into the rocks, absorbing the spiritual energy deep inside the rocks.

They were like complicated roots and even blood vessels that provided sufficient nutrients for the entire ecosystem.

The raw materials that made up the ‘roots and blood vessels’were liquid metal-like substances!

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