Nurturing Humanity

Chapter 295

Chapter 295: Perfect

Translator: 549690339

“The night of the heavenly witch!”

It gradually turned dark, and the sandbox in the orchard welcomed night again.

Outside the window at the back of Xu Zhi’s living room, there was a small town with exquisite, super-small European architecture. The streets and people were in a hurry, bringing with them dust and wind. The air seemed to be suppressed by the darkness, making it hard for people to breathe.

The night wind also gradually blew. 50 years of night and day symbolized the inauspiciousness of the world. Many people could not help but quickly return home.

“The war has begun.”

“That world? This is unimaginable!”

“Heavens! There was day and night every day? How was that possible? I can’t believe there’s such a beautiful world out there.”

“They don’t deserve such a beautiful world!”

in our world, after hundreds of years, the wind is getting stronger and colder, as if the end of the world is coming!

In the tavern of the goddess of the night, professionals in cloaks and dark-brown clothes were drinking ale, watching the hot Dance of sexy girls, playing Gwent cards, and chatting. Even some white-robed high priests were drinking.

“It’s always so noisy outside the window when it’s dark. Can’t I eat?”

Xu Zhi was chewing on his food in the living room. His calm expression made it seem as if he was saying that the couple downstairs had made too much of a move. but it’s true that it’s getting colder and colder. It’s already been a month and a half since I opened the sandbox in autumn. Looking at the time, it’s almost winter, right? ”

He looked at the calendar. Winter was coming in Tongcheng, and he had to put on a coat.

He was already an expert, so his hearing was too far away. In fact, due to the terrifying flow of time, their voices overlapped, making them sound like a group of flies buzzing.

He closed his ears and continued to eat in the room, thinking about the matter at hand.

this super-small food world is really a rising star. Now that their gathering place has been scattered, a group of food hunters, who are both food hunters and food captives, can start to be self-reliant. They can go out to explore the world, research food, and advance into species with potential for food …

Didn’t they want to play online games?

To level up by killing monsters?

It was time to satisfy their desires.

Although it was extremely real and so hardcore that it made people’s scalps numb, after all, reality was not a game. Most people would find it difficult to survive in such a difficult jungle environment. Not everyone was like a shell master, who could eat anything with a crunchy sound. Furthermore, there were all kinds of level one and level two gourmet creatures, who would treat them as delicacies and hunt each other.

But it was not a problem even if they all died.

There would be more coming in for the next tournament. After all, due to the time flow problem in the wizard community, they had decided to hold a tournament every week.

Now, he just had to wait for them to develop quietly and see what changes would happen.

Civilization needed time to develop.

This matter had only just begun, and he could indeed let it go for now.

As he thought about it, he finished tonight’s dinner. This was an unprecedented feast of food, and he was indescribably happy.

Good food was a very important part of life. The happiness he was enjoying now was even greater than that of the other extraordinary worlds. He had opened up a new system and advanced a civilization that he had been looking forward to.

The purpose of creating worlds and developing civilizations was to become stronger, but in essence, wasn’t becoming stronger for the sake of living a better life?

The world of gourmet had been established, and now there were only two words: Comfortable!

It was very fresh. In the future, he would have a world as his own kitchen. He would be able to eat all kinds of brand new, delicious, and special dishes for every meal. It was simply the highest dream of a foodie!

As for the Phoenix Spirit tea that he had just finished?

I’m sorry! He already had something better now. He could finally no longer hold grudges and think of ways to court Phoenix again.

He threw the clothes he had changed out of into the washing machine, stirred them, and then went to take a shower. The water splashed down, and he silently sensed his body.



A man was practicing martial arts in the dense forest. His blood was boiling and he was in full swing.

At this moment, he was forging the combat abilities of the ancestral wizard system. He had suppressed his realm and was fighting with the wild beasts in the forest at the same level.

His face was expressionless, as if he had no emotions or desires. He was just practicing combat robotically. It was precisely because he had no emotions that every training movement was extremely precise and repetitive, turning into muscle memory of the battle.

However, this was only the appearance. His moves were empty.

Next, he looked for a wild beast to fight. His melee combat skills in actual combat were very rough, and he was a novice. It was difficult for him to use them flexibly. After all, Xu Zhi had always been practicing the Wizard system, and he was a mage.


One day, two days …

Life in the jungle was unusually boring. Injury, recovery, injury, recovery.

In the huge house, there was a slime that was raised. It was already used to lying on his head. Battle maniac, do you know how to talk? let me teach you!”

She tried to communicate with this strange giant creature, trying to convince it to turn it into her own combat power. This way, she could do whatever she wanted.

However, he had obviously made the wrong decision. Although the mirror image had intelligence, it was only a tool and could not be bewitched. A person without emotions and desires would not be moved.

“Do you have any other clansmen?”

There was no sound.

The giant’s hair had been delicately tied into small braids and then coiled into a ball. Branches were used as a frame, turning it into a black bird’s nest. Slime made the ceiling, Windows, and door, just like a small house.

“Hey, hey, do you want to find a woman?” Slime twisted his waist, and the mud piled up with difficulty. He tried to twist it into the shape of a beautiful woman, but just as he stretched out a human figure, it turned back into mud with a puff. damn it! There are also things that I can’t change into!”


She was completely driven mad and felt like she was on the verge of a breakdown.

“By the way, do you want to learn cooking tonight?” She regained her composure and mumbled.

This giant was a battle maniac. He killed people crazily, which resulted in a lot of food for her to practice on. As a true cooking enthusiast, her level naturally rose very quickly.

Ta ta ta!

The giant ran quickly, its huge body attracting a large Wolf Pack, forming a dark Mass.

“F * ck, you’re asking for death! I can save you if you die, but I can’t die!” The chef, who was lying on his scalp, shouted, ” we’re luring so many monsters at once! Kite them, quickly!”



The shower continued to spray water.

“Making a staff.”

When he saw this scene in the middle of his bath, Xu Zhi laughed carefreely, thinking that he was just watching for fun. catching a player here is like stirring up a hornet’s nest. Sooner or later, someone will come and save the damsel in distress.

He walked out with a white towel draped over his shoulders and his upper body bare. His body was slender and muscular, but his expression was calm. in front of me, the matter of the wizard community’s final competition has been settled for the time being by opening up the food industry … I’ve dealt with those troublesome players, and it’s considered opening up a bigger free sandbox. I’ve also completed my merit and completely perfected the structure of my Orchard. However, things on the other side haven’t stopped. The Magus world and the ancient primordial world have completely connected.”

He lay down on the large, comfortable white bed, covered himself with a blanket, turned off the lamp on the table, and sensed the sandbox world on the other side… have to go in …. He thought. Perhaps, in the future, the surface and the underground world will merge completely.”

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