Nurturing Humanity

Chapter 233

Chapter 233: The true origin of the sub-brain

Translator: 549690339

As Xu Zhi thought about it, he suddenly felt a little stunned.

Why does it feel a little like me?

He felt his scalp go numb as he slowly spoke to the intelligent sub-brain, ” about the system? What do you think?”

another species that has transcended the era. It’s equivalent to an intelligent sub-brain like me. A mechanical voice was heard.

this looks too exaggerated. Is it really possible? ” Xu Zhi still asked tentatively.

At this moment, the intelligent sub-brain replied robotically, ”

in the vast universe, there are a large number of life forms, energy life forms, Ion Life forms, and even the legendary and terrifying karma law Quantum Life forms. The largest species are naturally carbon-based life forms and silicon-based life forms, which occupy 99% of the population. After all, carbon and Silicon are extremely common elements in nature. We call silicon-based life forms mechanical life forms. They are different from flesh and blood life forms. Their biggest feature is that they have a terrifying amount of computing power, just like the artificial intelligence you guys call artificial intelligence.

Xu Zhi understood that humans were also carbon-based life forms, but the insect race was one of the top carbon-based life forms.

Of course, Xu Zhi also understood at this time that the Zergs were able to evolve all life based on their existing life structure. There were many limitations in other aspects and they were not omnipotent.

He was indifferent to this. There was no invincible life in the world. This was the true reality.

The intelligent sub-brain continued to speak in a mechanical voice, ” the ‘system life form’ inside … This has long been applied to the Zerg hatchery. The battle sub-brain is the standard equipment of every high-level soldier in our technological side. And I was the battle auxiliary sub-brain of the Zerg Queen back then.

Strictly speaking, I’m also a pseudo-silicon-based life form.

“This player’s paper is the path to creating life like us.

“However, our technology side uses the life Factory to manufacture it, while this player uses the biological evolution of the supernatural side to manufacture it. Moreover, as a parasitic supernatural life form, it can cultivate on its own. It is completely different from our pure support effect and has taken a completely different path from us.”

Xu Zhi was stunned.

The existence of the sub-brain of the Zerg had always been a blur to him, but now it was clear.

It turned out that in the past, almost every high-level race in the Zerg race would be equipped with a sub-brain of the Zerg … This thought instantly made sense, and was even inevitable.

In our modern society, everyone has a cell phone.

It would be strange if the Queen’s technological side did not have an intelligent sub-brain.

The Insecta nest mind’s voice rang out again, ”

of course, the previous generation of the wise Queen of the Zerg was a universe Overlord who had crossed countless years. As the intelligent sub-brain of the Queen of the Zerg, strictly speaking, I am an ultimate hero of the Zerg.

Xu Zhi was breaking out in a cold sweat.

The Zerg spores evolved into new races, and every race could give birth to an Zerg hero. The intelligent sub-brain in front of him was the Zerg hero of the Zerg sub-brain.

so you’re an ultimate 5-gene Zerg hero? ” Xu Zhi was shocked. So the real SSR was right next to him?

I was the only non-combat Zerg hero back then. I was used as an intelligent sub-brain. yes. a mechanical voice sounded. the Zerg Queen in the later stages had abandoned the body of the Zerg Queen that it had originally reproduced. It was unwilling to be a reproduction machine like the ‘ant queen’. I fused with its original nest body and became the control console, equipped with various talents to rule the entire race.

So, you’ve become a ruthless tool for reproduction?

It was really tragic.

Xu Zhi was silent for a moment before he tried to pull out the nest’s sub-brain’s genetic chain.

1. Spore deployment

2. Ultra-fast calculation

3. Adjustment of cell division speed

4. Cross-dimension domination of the Zerg

5. Zerg genetic lock


Xu Zhi looked at the ultimate-level Zerg sub-brain in a daze.

It was the core authority of the Queen of the Zerg nest back then. At this time, it had gathered all the ruling-level talents of the Zerg race. Every genetic talent could be said to be heaven-defying, comparable to the rebirth of a Phoenix!

Not to mention the spore deployment talent, infinite possibilities was the strongest ability of the Zerg.

Super-fast calculations were naturally the basic ability of the intelligent sub-brain.

The adjustment of the cell division speed, needless to say, was heaven-defying!

[ cross-dimension Zerg control: able to communicate with subordinates regardless of distance … ] This was the Zerg empresses ‘greatest trump card when it came to commanding troops from countless planets and conquering the starry skies. It was also because of this ability that Xu Zhi was able to communicate with Emperor Qi, who was far away in the sky.

The Zerg gene lock had all sorts of restrictions.

It was written in their genes, leaving a hidden death hole. They were not allowed to betray the organization and could be killed at any time. It was just like how they could not leave the range of the sandbox in the orchard. It was as if they were blocked. This was the ability of the genetic constraint.

It was only at this moment that Xu Zhi completely understood the true origin of the Zerg sub-brain.

It was born from the last Zerg Empress, who evolved into a parasitic race called the ‘intelligent sub-brain’. As the battle assistance of the Zerg, every high-level Zerg was equipped with an auxiliary sub-brain, which was equivalent to a combat pet. It could carry some genetic talents that they did not want to carry but were necessary, such as detection, calculation, remote communication …

He was not afraid of betrayal.

The Zerg empresses were extremely cunning and ambitious characters. This sub-brain race had their emotions and thoughts ruthlessly wiped away. They were not allowed to develop intelligence and had no joy, anger, sorrow, or joy. This was a simple computer.

“No wonder he’s so stupid … The sub-brain’s intelligence is trash.”

Xu Zhi took a deep breath. He felt that the Zergs had been very cold back then, and he suddenly felt relieved. the Zergs clearly have the most advanced technological abilities, but they have to create an ordinary computer similar to Earth’s technology. No wonder the functions are so simple. They can only hack into the internet and eavesdrop on the conversations of the major research institutes.

Clearly, even the most advanced civilization was afraid of betrayal!

Xu Zhi could understand that. After all, it was best to control one’s core lifeline. It would be best if one did not have any intelligence. It would be best if one had the simplest computer.

As powerful as the Zerg, they did not dare to entrust their technological civilization to supercomputers. They did not allow the birth of intelligence. Instead, they used their own evolved flesh and brain to deduce, even if the progress was relatively slow.

the Insecta nest mind is just an emotionless machine, tool, and computer. Its five insectoid talents are very heaven-defying, but I have no intention of keeping them with me. I’ll just let it continue producing spores.

Xu Zhi had the same thoughts as the previous Zerg Queen.

Come to think of it, the Queen Mother of the hive had given up on its reproductive function back then, so why did he want to integrate? Even if he had integrated the gene of ‘spore deployment’, where would the spores be deployed?

I’m a man!

As for the previous Big Shot, who was so powerful, he had died … Xu Zhi did not intend to know what kind of world he had entered or what kind of extraordinary civilization he had come into contact with. What did it say before its death to get him to take revenge?

It didn’t exist!

I’ll farm obediently, develop myself wretchedly, and come out again when I’ve defeated the world.

then, do you want to proceed with the deduction of this creature? ” A mechanical voice was heard.

“Let this player in and pay attention to him.” Xu Zhi felt that it was worth a try. Although that was the core technology of the Science and Technology side, the supernatural side could also learn from it, okay?

Furthermore, they are AI and we are biological AI.

“This year’s batch is also full of talents, very good … As usual, this thesis submission time is only 24 hours. We’ll confirm the quota tomorrow morning and let the next batch of closed beta players in to start the open beta.” Xu Zhi gnawed on the final chicken and looked over at planet diqi. the quality is still okay this time. The new species is already in the process of being born, and it’s been more than two days on this planet. The conditions should be more or less right now, right? ”

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