Necropolis Immortal

Chapter 2084 – The Mistress’ Scheme

Chapter 2084 – The Mistress’ Scheme

However, creation would never lose its subjective thought. If it did, it would no longer be alive. Thus, it was impossible to destroy the Divine Temple of Nothing.

Since that was impossible, they had to turn to killing everything within the divine temple instead. All that needed to be done was to incite the same rebellion they’d conducted when they betrayed God.


When Lu Yun stood inside the divine temple, he found it greatly different from the one he expected. In his imagination, the divine temple should have been a towering, dark hall filled with dignified majesty. Its inhabitants would hold various offices and industriously plot how to survive in the midst of the nothing.

But when he truly arrived at the temple, he found that…

He was wrong.

He seemed to be in a world full of hustle and bustle. Dappled sunlight graced the land, birdsong reached the ear and floral fragrances touched the nose. Cities scattered over the lush land like handfuls of scattered pearls. There could be found mountains, valleys, rivers, plains, deserts, forests, and everything a world should have in such a vast expanse.

A sea lapped at the edge of the land. Beyond that was the unbounded nothing.

The Fire Good stood at the peak of a soaring mountain and looked down at the earth beneath them. Next to her, Lu Yun grew lost in thought.

“It’s very different from the Divine Temple of Nothing you thought it would be, isn’t it?” the Fire God chuckled.

“Yes,” the young man nodded.

“The one you imagined is the one of the past.” A distant look appeared in her eyes. “This is the world formed out of the combined core essences of the four divine temples.”

“I find that the sanctuary of the Three Thousand is quite appropriately used here.” Lu Yun nodded.

“Have you changed your mind?” the Fire God grinned.

“No,” Lu Yun shook his head. “Existence continues to expand into the nothing. Sanctuary will be reduced to dust when existence touches the barrier of nothing. Everything will cease to exist, making sanctuary is only a temporary refuge.”

“So… you will leave your homeland?” The Fire God’s expression remained unchanged.

“The existence that you guys cannot destroy has already been born. You know that,” Lu Yun commented with a smile.

“The new world of immortals,” the Fire God acknowledged unpleasantly. Indeed, the primordial world of immortals that Ancestor had nurtured with his life was one that the Divine Temple of Nothing could not destroy.

It would be the springboard for Mo Yi, God, and the others to jump out of nothing. The temple couldn’t crush it, but Lu Yun could with the Tome of Life and Death. The treasure possessed the requisite strength to dismantle the world.

It was why the divine temple had set up a plot to refine Lu Yun so they could seize the Tome of Life and Death. In turn, God, the Dao King, and Mo Yi played into their plans, using the young man as bait to lure the Fire God out of the Divine Temple of Nothing.

The Fire God was the divine temple’s pillar. If she died, the temple was half gone and would no longer be a threat to the nothing and the primordial world of immortals.

The temple remained an enormous threat so long as she was alive. They might not be able to destroy the primordial world of immortals, but they could still move against it and delay its development. Hope remained as long as the primordial world of immortals did not enter the nothing.

“There will be no hope left for the nothing if they fail. Glory is temporary and will ultimately transform to objectivity,” the Fire God continued to try and reason with Lu Yun.

“That is why I’m here to grow stronger,” the young man smiled. “You guys were on the opposite side of Mo Yi and God before, each of you insisted on keeping true to your ideals. And now, I’ve been thrown into the mix. I’m going to use my way to resolve the problem.”

Oh fucking hell, I’m gonna be called the Virgin Mary at this rate. I just want to live, when did I turn into the Dao Saint? Lu Yun grumbled to himself despite what he was saying.

“Not the mistress,” the Fire God shook her head. “She has forgotten who she is. The Dao King is not among them either. He is just her lapdog.

“So they’re all God’s… Hongjun’s people?” Lu Yun blinked.

“God, Hongjun, Pangu, the heir of the Divine Temple of Chaos, as well as the four spacetime travelers,” the Fire God listed. “They are our enemies.”

“Your enemies, not mine,” Lu Yun corrected.

“You have set foot on a different path than them after entering the Divine Temple of Nothing. You are their enemy too now,” the Fire God smiled beatifically.

Theft is never good, try looking at [ ].

“It doesn’t matter,” Lu Yun shook his head. “Nothing matters as long as we survive.”

These were all old monsters who’d lived for countless eons. They might yearn for life, but they wouldn’t fear death. Lu Yun, however, was young. Compared to them, his age wasn’t even a rounding error. Not only did he yearn for life, he definitely feared death.

He would save creation if his own death wasn’t a prerequisite, but would run as soon as his life was threatened. As long as the green mountains were there, one did not need to worry about firewood. He who fights and runs away, lives to fight another day.

“Alright, I’m going to search out my fortuitous opportunity and get stronger.” Lu Yun’s appearance shifted and he bounded upward, entering the world.

“So he’s finally come.” A young woman appeared next to the Fire God. They looked the same, but the newcomer possessed cerulean blue locks and wore a blue silk dress.

She was the Wave God of the Divine Temple of Waves.

“We are no match for him. That Tome of Life and Death is also not derived from the existence before the Three Thousand,” the Fire God frowned. “We’ve been tricked.”

“Hmm?” The Wave God raised an eyebrow.

“The existence before the Three thousand wasn’t the first patch of existence in the nothing. From dao came one, and one begat two… All of that’s bullshit!” the Fire God cursed, suddenly caught in the throes of great fury. “All of it was the mistress’ scheme!

“She never wanted to kill me! She lured me out there so the kid could enter the Divine Temple of Nothing!!”

She shrieked and seethed, gripped in a blaze of wrath so great that there was nothing she could do but let it run its course.

“You guys don’t really think that I brought Lu Yun here because he threatened me, do you?? I brought him here because of the mistress! She threatened me! She can kill me with a thought if I didn’t bring me here and erase the divine temple from the subjective worlds! We’ve all been tricked, we’re all her pawns!!”

“Didn’t you just tell Lu Yun that she’s forgotten everything…?” Startled, the Wave God goggled at the Fire God.

“She had me say that.” The Fire God sagged as anger drained out of her. “She orchestrated the rebellion against God that we thought was our doing.”

Incredulity shone out of the Wave God’s eyes.

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