Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?

Chapter 950 Two Wheelchairs

Seeing the wheelchair and Nan Tian's expression which clearly showed that he wasn't going to take a no for an answer, Shiro coughed awkwardly on her comfy chair and shrunk back slightly.

"Erm… Can we talk about this?" She asked with a forced smile.

"We could have talked about this if I had known of this sooner. But considering the fact that you look so pale and worn out now, I don't think talking is on the table anymore." Nan Tian smiled, patted the wheelchair.

"Well you see, I had to train some new recruits and the relic was appearing soon so I couldn't rest often." Shiro replied, glancing around the room for something that she could use.

"I wonder how you trained the recruits. Surely it's not your usual training right? Because if that was the case then that meant you didn't get any sleep either." Nan Tian raised an eyebrow as Shiro dug her own grave.

"She did. She even passed out for two days as well. I had to take over for her during that time." Nimue appeared again as she disappeared immediately before Shiro could strangle her.

'NIMUEEEEEEE!!!!' Shiro shouted out in her mind as the water spirit was just making things worse.

"Hou hou~ Two days huh? Well isn't that interesting. Don't you think so too?" Nan Tian chuckled as he grabbed a chair and sat down in from of Shiro while placing the wheelchair in front of her.

"It wasn't what I had planned. Errr But mum did say my soul was healing up. So I think I'll be fine soon." Shiro replied, avoiding eye contact.

"Is that so? Well I'm interested in what Mrs Asakura has to say about that. Maybe she might even give her own thoughts after I tell her about how you passed out for two days." Nan Tian smiled while pulled out his phone.

"Ahh please don't. Let's just talk about this ok?" Shiro quickly snatched his phone away and forced a smile.

"How do you want to talk about this then? Because I see an overworked demi goddess who passed out for two days despite being tier 6. Have you heard of a Queen passing out from overwork? Because I haven't. In fact, the Beast Queen seemed so lively I wonder if this sickly goddess in front of me is real or not." Nan Tian narrowed his eyes while resting his chin on his palm.

"Err… different context?" Shiro replied.

"Oh what kind of context are we talking about? Are we talking about the… overloading your body with berserk skills and almost killing yourself had it not been for your daughters, the sect and a bit of luck? Or perhaps the context about how you pissed off basically an entire pantheon of gods. Or maybe it was when you appeared in front of the party being completely disabled in a wheelchair gifted by the gods no less. Since you like breaking your body so much, I wonder if our little demi goddess is secretly a masochist." Nan Tian chuckled as Shiro coughed since she has been rather violent with her own body in the past year. Hell, in her first week, she had completely ruined her arm for a while and that was not fun at all.

"Can I choose the persuasion option?" Shiro joked as Nan Tian nodded.

"Sure. Your persuasion better be on the level of convincing you not to kill Aekari." Nan Tian replied.

". . . ."

"What? Go on, I'm listening. I have all the time in the world." Nan Tian hummed lightly after seeing her stay silent.

"Well… Err… Hmm… Maybe you'll let me off because you like me?" Shiro muttered while gripping the phone. Peeking at Nan Tian, she could see that he was smiling.

"Oh my, that's quite a good response. But that only persuaded me to shove you into this wheelchair personally. Because let's be honest, who likes seeing the person they like overwork themselves to death?" Nan Tian said while patting the seat on the chair.

". . . .What if I apologised-"

"Just get in the damn chair before I ask one of the gods to do it instead since I can't force you." Nan tian cut her off as he suddenly received a strange message.

[Gaia agrees! Break her legs and shove her in the chair if you have to!]

'The f*ck?' Nan Tian thought to himself since that was a little… violent to say the least.

Sighing heavily, Shiro looked at the computer screen.

"What about the paperwork. I still have to plan for what to do when the relic appears, Glen and Celeste still need their training." Shiro muttered as Nan Tian shook his head.

"I can deal with that. I have apparently received permission to force you into the chair by Gaia. Imagine having a primordial goddess call for your legs to be broken so that I can force you into the chair." Nan Tian mused as Shiro shouted out 'traitor' in her mind since she had thought that Gaia was on her side.

Staying silent for a bit, Shiro sighed and nodded her head obediently.

"Fine I'll get in the chair. Can it at least be a normal one?" Shiro asked, since the wheelchair was still quite… girly for her taste.

"I do have another one. I'm not sure if you want it thought." Nan Tian raised an eyebrow.

Before Shiro could even say yes, Nan Tian pulled it out and it was a wheelchair with extension that made it seem like a unicorn. Looking at the glitter on the wheels and fluffy tail, Shiro could already feel rainbow puke building up.

"If you're curious as to why I have this it's because I figured that you'll probably break your body sooner or later. If you don't want to have the pink one, you're welcome to choose this one." Nan Tian chuckled since he could tell what she was thinking.

Taking a deep breath in, Shiro grabbed the pink wheelchair.

"I'll take this one thank you."

"That's what I thought." Nan Tian grinned as he stored away the unicorn wheelchair. It was a good blackmailing tool.

Sitting down in the wheelchair, Shiro could already feel a sense of shame building up but Nan Tian wasn't done.

"Undo the wires as well. Just relax your body."

Pouting slightly, Shiro nodded her head as the silver wires started to unwrap from her body.

With her being unable to feel her body through the wires, Shiro sighed softly.

"And the camera for eyes."

"Can you at least let me see while I'm in this wheelchair. It's bad enough that I'm here and I can't feel my body at all." Shiro pouted with annoyance as Nan Tian chuckled and nodded his head.

"Fine. Two cameras shouldn't be that bad."

Wheeling her slightly to the side, he sat in front of the computers and started to tap away without saying anything.

Despite not saying anything, Shiro could tell that Nan Tian was a little annoyed inside.

Thinking about it for a moment, Shiro turned the wheelchair around and looked down at the peaceful city under the moonlight. There weren't many people walking around, but a few stores are still open for business.

Hearing the rhythmic tapping of keyboards in the background, Shiro could tell that Nan Tian was doing all of her work with ease.

"Are you angry at me?" Shiro asked curiously as Nan Tian paused for a moment before continuing.

"Not so much angry but a little upset I suppose. It sounded like everyone else knew about your injury but I was left out." Nan Tian sighed.

"Well it's not just you. Not everyone in the party knows. I didn't want you lot to know unless it was necessary since it might cause extra worry. Everyone has become so busy now that our roles have become bigger. Kind of makes me miss the days where we'd just go out and do dungeons together as a party." Shiro sighed.

"That's normal. But you know it's fine if you tell us about your injuries. It'll make us feel worse if we had to find out ourselves. Do you know how I felt when Nimue told me that you passed out for two days?" Nan Tian asked as Shiro turned around in her wheelchair so that only her eyes were showing and shook her head.

"I felt like I had a heart attack. While I was searching for information, you were heavily injured. For all I know, you could be on your deathbed and I'll still be looking for the capital city. Not knowing about this." Nan Tian looked up at Shiro who was peeking over the wheelchair to look at him.

"Sorry." Shiro apologised as she would feel the same if she found out that one of her friends was heavily injured and they didn't tell her.

Thinking about this, Shiro furrowed her brows since right now, Nan Tian was in the most danger considering the fact that he was spying on a Queen in their territory.

"It's fine, just be more careful please and be honest when you get injured so that we can help you." Nan Tian shook his head before continuing to work.

Thinking about it for a moment, Shiro opened her mouth.

"Erm… in that case then why don't you stay here for a bit. Since I won't be able to work." She asked, sinking down in her chair to hide her blush.

Hearing this, Nan Tian smiled.


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