Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?

Chapter 512 Realm Node

"You know who this person is?" Nan Tian raised his eyebrows in surprise.

"Yeah… I would say he's the Duan f*cker but it seems like I now know why his attitude suddenly changed. He's in a similar situation to me." Shiro nodded her head.

"He's a reincarnated as well?" Keiko furrowed her brows.

"Mn, and he's someone I knew from my past life too. His name is Aekari Lumire. Once known as the light hero but he now has a new title. Light God. I heard that he reached tier 8 god after coming to this world, he seems to have restarted his levelling stage much like what had happened to me." Shiro frowned.

"Wait a minute, Light God? You mean the guy who attacked us was a god!?" Keiko widened her eyes.

"Yeah, you're lucky to have even survived. Now that we know he's here in the dungeon, saving Yuki has become much harder than anticipated. Honestly, there's almost a zero chance of this succeeding with him around. I suppose the only good news is that he is still tier 5 and now tier 6 legends. Once that happens, even if we have several peak level people with us, we wouldn't even be able to scratch him." Shiro sighed while massaging her eyes.

"Do you think we can kill him with me, Keiko, Estrella and the martial hero when he arrives? We can try to make an alliance with him. From what the guards had said, it seems like the martial hero is coming here soon." Nan Tian suggested as Shiro immediately shook her head.

"You don't understand how much of a pain in the ass the Light God is. You see, as long as there is light, he can constantly heal. His kit revolves around him dealing damage with his light while also healing from it. He also has a perverted skill where he uses his health to fuel the attack. But since it's a channelling type skill, he could essentially fire it forever as long as he is under the sunlight. Unless you're in tier 6, you don't want to be fighting him." Shiro denied.

"Not only that, but since your attacks are also light based, you'll only be helping him." She gestured at Nan Tian who only sighed.

"That's troublesome."

"Tell me about it. I had to actually fight the f*cker. Despite being a tier 6 back then, he found a way to weaken me and eventually win. If not for that, I might have been able to win." Shiro shrugged as she thought of ways to deal with the situation.

To put things bluntly, she had a disposable asset if things became tough. The best case scenario would be that they could trade life for life and kill the Light B*stard right here and now but that was wishful thinking. Even if they got the upper hand, he was slippery like a c.o.c.kroach, making it hard to kill him.

"Go back to your rooms for now and set up a few barriers around the place in case he tracks you back here. Which of course, is hopefully not the case. In the meantime, I'll be thinking of a few ways that we can perhaps help Yuki without endangering ourselves too much." Shiro suggested as the rest of the party nodded their heads.

Leaving the room, Shiro was now by herself.

Sighing for a moment, she laid her body on the bed and closed her eyes.

'Why must he be here now…' Shiro thought with frustration since this was too early.

She wasn't even tier 5 yet for god's sake. If she wanted to survive, being level 500 was a must.

'What to do… what to do…'

While Shiro was stressing about the possible ways to save Yuki, Nimue watched with worry since she knew how dangerous this situation could be.

There was however, one thing they could do to resolve the situation. Abandon Yuki and continue to grow in strength so that she could stand against the Light God.

But with Shiro's personality, that would be the last thing that she wanted to do.

'Even if we try not to fight him, there's no guarantee that Estrella's binding can hold him. We also don't know where Yuki is held either so the operation would take much longer than I would like. I want to send a drone in but doing so would result in him finding out that I'm here. Once he knows that, I'm pretty sure he'd try to stop me at all costs since he knows how dangerous my class can be if I'm given the chance to grow.

'Keiko did say that her teleport was restricted inside the dungeon. She could use it normally as long as it was inside of the premises. But the moment she targeted the outside world, it would be restrained. With their close encounter, I know for a fact that he would add some traps to prevent Estrella from escaping like last time.

'Breaking the situation into a few simple steps, I'll need to figure out 3 things. 1: Where Yuki is. 2: How are we supposed to leave the realm and stop Light God from chasing. And finally, 3: How we're going to avoid combat while he is inside the dungeon. Number 1 can be resolved after I recover. I'll be able to create a mini army of drones to scan the dungeon. As for number two, we'll be reliant on Estrella but I'm not sure if that will work since he may have reinforced the dungeon. It's better to have a contingency plan for this. As for 3, the best way we can do that is to avoid using mana since that would give our location away. But with all that snow, it'll be hard to hide without exposing ourselves in the process.' Shiro sighed.

"I'll think of a solution tomorrow I suppose. The main task is still for me to recover. If I can't recover in time, I won't be able to assist them in rescuing Yuki. Plus, despite Estrella being disposable in a way, we'll still need her so that we can return…. Wait a minute… Would I be able to make the Realm Node? My level is a little low for this but my mana fits the requirements of the build. If anything, doing so might result in me suffering from Nanotech corrosion again. However, if this is successful, I can guarantee an escape even if we don't have Estrella with us." She paused.

{What's a Realm Node?} Nimue asked curiously.

'Right, you don't know about it. You see, the Realm Node is something I developed with one of the mages in the hero's party. Since everyone kept challenging dungeons of higher level, we needed a way to escape if things got a bit out of hand such as a mutation. Therefore, we've managed to develop this teleporting device. There are two parts to this, Node 1 and Node 2. You would place Node 1 at a spot where you would want to switch locations with while Node 2 will be on your body. Should anything bad happen, you can activate the node to trade places with you, even if you are in a dungeon. However, and this is a big however, the previous Realm Node used my friends own teleport spell so I'll need to draft up a new blueprint that works around Estrella's magic. I'm also thinking of giving Estrella a court appointment so that she could gain a passive that might help us out in terms of guaranteeing an escape." Shiro replied.

{I see… Would it be blocked by the barrier though?}

'I'll need to run some experiments. Hopefully, it wouldn't take more than a day since all I need to do is record the barrier frequency and edit the Realm Node so that I can counter the barrier. How else do you think I managed to bypass a Mutated Dungeon despite it not being able to be opened from the inside?' Shiro grinned as she made a note on what she needed to do tomorrow.

If everything goes to plan, she'll accomplish the following within the day. Recover to full health, bypass the dungeon barrier, develop Realm Node (Estrella Ver) and perhaps make an alliance with the Martial Hero. After all, if they were going to end up fighting the Light God in his current state, they'll need as much backup as they can get.

Though having the Martial Hero on their team would only introduce a few more independent variables which is not what Shiro needed right now. They had one purpose inside the dungeon and that was saving Yuki.

Everyone else was secondary since she wasn't about to risk her life against her mortal enemy for some f*ckers who she doesn't even know about.

"I hope this works…" Shiro muttered before falling asleep.

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