Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?

Chapter 1142 Controlling Error

In order to isolate her destructive divinity so that she can begin to cultivate her divinity of creation, Shiro had to achieve two things.

The first was to isolate her divinity. By doing so, she will be able to prevent it from getting stronger for the time being.

The second is to learn how to use the orb to cultivate a second divinity. She also needed to empower the second divinity until it's something that can stand on par with the Divinity of Destruction.

While the Divinity of Destruction maybe tier 2 right now, it will be upgraded to tier 5 in the future.

If her memories are correct, the Divinity rankings are as follows. Tier 1 Demi God, Tier 2 God, Tier 3 Primordial, Tier 4 High Primordial, Tier 5 First Born and finally, Tier 6 which only belongs to Chaos.

Tier 4 High Primordials are beings like Nyx but have cultivated their divinity to the extreme, giving them a power that is second only to the power of the First Born. Most of the High Primordials died during the first war due to her influence and their souls were repurposed to make most of the Primordials now.

However, not all High Primordials died, there were a few that survived but their currently location is unknown. Though it didn't bother Shiro too much. She was more concerned about how she can balance her divinity out.

'To isolate my divinity, I need to cut out a portion of my source code I suppose. But doing so will leave me incomplete. It'll definitely be dangerous but if I can do it right, it'll give me a clean slate to work with.' Shiro thought to herself.

Simulating the runes that she might need, she started to frown when most of the results did more harm than what was worth. After all, she needed a way to recombine herself with it at the end. She couldn't use the same method as the one she used to split the shard from herself since that didn't isolate the divinity properly.

It would still gain strength overtime so it was not what she needed.

Looking down at her right arm, Shiro had an idea.

Despite getting some of her memories back, she didn't learn more about Error. What she did know however, was that Error could help her achieve more than just extracting or destroying source codes. He was something that will allow her to perform 'surgery' on the source code. Whether that meant boosting their base parameters, adjusting their bloodlines or even their appearance, Error was the key to being able to change their source code.

It was just a matter of teaching Error how to do so as well as how she could take control and help him. Similar to how he can 'take over' her arm to rip out their source code, the reverse should also be possible.

Closing her eyes, Shiro activated Error as a part of her arm turned black.

Red circuits gathered to create a small figure which seemed to be afraid of her.

Understanding that it must be because of her aura, Shiro couldn't help but smile apologetically.

"Sorry, we'll fix this aura soon ok?" Shiro reassured as Error nodded his head.

"So I called you out since I need your help. You know how you are able to use my body to take out their source code? Are we able to do the reverse? Where I take control of your body and make some adjustments to my source code?" Shiro asked as Error paused for a moment before nodding his head.

Separating the circuits from her arm, Error transformed into a contact lens for Shiro.

Raising an eyebrow, Shiro placed it in her eye and blinked a few times to make sure it was in properly.

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Looking around, there was now an additional interface in front of her.

[I'm mostly suited for extracting and using the codes I rip out. If you want to make adjustments to your source code, I won't be able to help you.]

Seeing the message that suddenly appeared in front of her, Shiro was surprised that Error could communicate like this.

[You seem surprised. After taking Rokarn's code, I got a little upgrade of my own.]

"Well that certainly makes things easier. Can I borrow your body now just to see what I can do?" Shiro asked as Error displayed a nodding gif of Shiro.

"Does… does it have to be me?" Shiro asked.

[Well I can use someone else as a base model. Though you may want to do so at another time since the lens doesn't last long and it's rather exhausting to lend you my body.]

Seeing this, Shiro nodded her head.

"So how do I borrow your body? Is it something I do from my side or something you do from your side of things?"

Without sending anymore messages, Error displayed an app in the centre of her vision.

'Tapping' the app, Shiro felt light headed for a moment before realising her left eye was now seeing things differently.

Instead of walls and beds that are in the med bay, she now sees only numbers and letters that are packed into the shape of the object.

[Just imagine yourself moving and my body will move. I'll put the timer in the bottom so that you know how much time you have left.]

Nodding her head, Shiro could see a timer of only 10 minutes on the side. Furrowing her brows, she conjured up her core. The core of a god is what their 'heart' is and the Source Code is included.

Controlling Error's body so that she can explore her 'core' in greater detail, her goal for now was to find how she could separate her divinity from herself without causing lasting damage.


"No luck?" A red haired man asked as the elf shook her head.

"No. Its just out of reach." Lyrica shook her head in frustration as there was a faint veil, blocking the path to power.

"Hm… I don't know how to help you. I mean I've already got what I came here and even learned of my true name." The red haired man shrugged.

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[Vuldrin LVL 999 Dragon Lord of Inferno]

"Yeah yeah, congrats. But let me cultivate in peace ok?" Lyrica sighed as Vuldrin shrugged his shoulders.

"Sure, I'm here since the others are calling you for dinner anyways."

"Mn, I know, I'll be right there." Lyrica nodded.

Looking at her stats, she sighed.

[Lyrica LVL 970 Awakened Sword Saintess]

"Don't rush too much, the more you're in a hurry, the harder it becomes. For you to find a concept in this place, you need to ease yourself into the role. Observe and adapt." Vuldrin smiled as Lyrica rolled her eyes.

"You've told me that countless times now. Its easy for you to say, Mr achieves it in one go." Lyrica complained while making her way out of the room.

Shrugging his shoulders, Vuldrin followed behind Lyrica.

Seeing Asher, Nitha and the others finishing the preparation, Lyrica gave them a hand while waiting for the food.

The food was rather dull in terms of flavours but the amount of mana within the meat was plentiful. For Nitha, this was like a gourmet meal which caused Lyrica to chuckle when thinking back to what Yin could make.

Thinking about Yin, Lyrica couldn't help but wonder how she's progressed in terms of cooking as well as how Shiro was doing. Not long ago, they received a notification telling her about the second half of the new age.

Considering the fact that it was still supposed to be far into the future, Lyrica figured that Shiro probably sped up the arrival by accident.

'Shiro told me about how she became a Queen early on. She needed items that boosted the probability of her receiving a hidden class. For me to upgrade mine before even reaching the limit of tier 6, I'll need to find items or at least something similar to an item.' Lyrica thought to herself while looking at the skies of the beyond.

Thinking about it for a moment, she looked at the levels of everyone here.

Excluding Vuldrin and her, everyone else was less than level 800 while Nitha and Asher just managed to surpass the 800 mark. Considering how much they were killing every day within the realm, this was only to be expected.

"Vuldrin, you mentioned a heart of the realm before right? Similar to a magic circle, if you destroy this heart the realm collapse." Lyrica asked as Vuldrin nodded.

"Yes, but there are multiple level 999 monsters there along with the ruler. If you were to piss them off then that's a game over."

"I know, I don't plan to. I'm thinking of moving our base closer to the centre so that I can sense this heart a little better, it might help me break past the last barrier. However, it might be risky to be that close to the guards so I wanted to ask everyone what they thought about it." Lyrica asked as Nitha raised her hand.

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"Well if it's closer then that means more mana. More mana means more delicious food. Also exp."

"Nitha isn't wrong. I think it's about time we find a higher level place to level up anyways, we're starting to slow down. While we may not be able to fight a guard, monsters nearby shouldn't be any problem." Asher smiled as Lyrica nodded.

"Start packing up then, we'll leave tomorrow."

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