Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?

Chapter 1037 Freedom

I looked down at the group of adventurers making their way towards the zone. Two tier 6's, it would be a difficult fight.

Outside of the mech, I am not even worth the dirt on their shoe.

However, with the gift her highness gave us, even weak people like me can face up against the tier 6's that now plague this world.

Looking at the faces of those that follow behind the tier 6, I couldn't help but sympathise with them since it didn't look like they were here of their own free will. Who would?

If it wasn't for the power that her highness had bestowed to everyone, we wouldn't want to come anywhere near a battlefield like this.

But since she has done so much for us, it's only right that we fight for our own freedom as well. Even those that stay back in the city try to do everything they can to keep the city working. They might not be able to fight but they'll farm to avoid a shortage of food, they'll trade to the best of their abilities so that the economy within the city is stable.

Everyone is chipping in what they can to keep this utopia from collapsing.

While I do pity those that follow the tier 6 out of the necessity of survival, I have a job to do. Perhaps if I kill the two tier 6's, they might surrender. If they do, her highness will probably help them.

But at the same time, I can't compromise the mission if they become a bother. I would already have a hard time against two tier 6's.

Running through the plan in my head once more, I calmed my nerves and glanced at the holographic AI that was no longer controlled by her highness. She was focused on helping the three that were trapped within the building after all.

Regardless, I prayed silently for her blessing in battle.

Everyone in the military did this before a battle since we have witnessed her might. With her behind us, we felt like we could accomplish anything.

Watching the first tier 6 walk past the trap that I had set, I waited patiently.

No need to get anxious, they don't know I'm here. Once the second tier 6 walked past, I activated the trap.

Suddenly, tens of tier 5 magic circles appeared as nanotech wire surrounded the area.

Her highness had sent me a document on everything my updated mech can do.

Without the throne world module, she instead gave me a variety of tools to assist me in combat. The nanotech wires being one of them.

The tier 5 circle was only to access a storage of them. As for the wires themselves, they were more than capable of killing tier 6.

Jumping out of my cover, still in stealth mode, I gripped my sword and swung towards the first tier 6 while the wires collapsed in on them.

Lightning flickered off my sword as I activated the technique that she had taught me. My mastery wasn't enough to the point I can hide the lightning yet but I have tried to compress everything within the sword.


Striking against his arm, I clicked my tongue since the lightning gave away my position.

However, the wires were still closing in. I had them on a delay so that they could adapt to the situation.

With his back open, the wires ripped into his flesh as blood exploded out of his back.

Seeing his eyes widen, I took this chance while everyone was in shock to launch a follow up.

Pushing the sword up, I grabbed it into a reverse grip before flipping my body above him.

Summoning another sword, I stabbed it into his shoulder before landing on my feet and forcefully dragged it through his opening in the back that was created by the damaged wires.

Seeing his exposed back, I felt a little sick in the stomach but I suppressed that feeling. This was a battle of life and death, with every tier 6 killed, her highness would have an easier time in the event.

Before I could even reach for his spine, I felt danger besides me. A single fist was charging towards the head and it was surrounded by a burning red aura. Since the mech had shrunk down, the blow would no doubt affect my body so taking that hit was not a choice.

Refining my senses as much as I could, I pushed my body past the 80% control threshold and narrowly dodged his strike while still reaching for the spine of the tier 6 that I attacked.

Seeing the fist brush past the visor on the mech's head, I could feel the heat burning my skin even though I was protected by the mech. The mech itself wasn't damaged since it was something created by her highness but I couldn't say the same for me as the pilot.

But my goal was reached.

The mech's hand had managed to connect to the wires around the spine.

With a single movement, I pulled back as hard as I could.


Glancing towards my hand, I could see the wires create tiny razors that shredded the skin, flesh and bones near the spine, separating it cleanly as there was now the freshly extracted spine of a tier 6 being in my hands.

Shouting in an unknown language, the second tier 6 seemed enraged as his hand grabbed onto the mech's head before I could even reach.



Coughing up a mouthful of blood, my vision shook from that strike.

Even though I could see it coming, I still wasn't able to react in time as he had grabbed the mechs head and slammed it against the ground. Seeing motes of fire appear around his fist, I knew that a second strike was coming but he was pinning me against the floor using his spare hand.

Gritting my teeth, I wanted to think of a situation when I remembered that I could still use the AI.

While it was not her highness, she had programmed it to be of use during battle. It would help you by suggesting a course of action that has the highest success chance.

Activating the AI, several screens appeared as there was now an overlay on what I could do.

Immediately pushing my body to the limit, I ignored how embarrassing it would be since this was now a matter of life and death.

But even though that was the case, my face couldn't help but heat up. As a fellow man, I'm sorry!

Rocket thrusters appeared behind the mech as I forced my upper body up while the tier 6 pinning me down was trying to stabilise himself, I took this opportunity to attack his rear using my knee.

Suddenly, a spear created from nanobots appeared just as my knee came into contact before expanding in a single instant.


Ignoring the gallons of blood that were now pouring on my knee, I quickly flipped our positions and forced open his mouth using both my hands. Holding on as hard as I could while trying not to be pushed off, I stomped towards his mouth as a second spear appeared under my foot, piercing the back of his throat and through his head.

Breaking off both spears, I panted heavily while taking a step back.

Looking at the damage reports, the mech took a quick beating while he was trying to force me off him but in the end he still died so it didn't matter.

Glancing over at the small army of adventurers that followed the two, they raised their weapons towards me.

"Don't make a stupid decision. If you want redemption, surrender and follow me. Our goddess will give you mercy." I offered.

Seeing the hesitation in their eyes, I knew that they were thinking about it.

Unfortunately, one of them only gave me a bitter smile.

"Sorry. I wish we could. But a contract is a contract." He said, ripping open his shirt to reveal a contract circle burned near his collar bone.

The magic circle was searing his flesh as he was clearly thinking about breaking the contract terms.

Before I could say anything, flames erupted from his body.

Gritting his teeth, he took a step towards me.

"We might not be worth a lot of EXP but it's better than dying to that Queen. All of us are here under a contract. We would have been used for cannon fodder anyways so I'd rather you take my EXP instead. I can't say the same for everyone else but I want you to end my life." The man smiled towards me. Taking a step forward, he dropped his sword and spread open his arms.

Closing his eyes, he surrendered to his fate.

I knew that his life was burning away the more I hesitated since the contract was killing him for his decision.

However, it still left a bitter taste in my mouth.

"No. I won't end your life." I shook my head before stabbing my sword into the ground.

"Your highness!" I shouted out but before I could finish my sentence, the aura of the hologram changed.

"I know, I'm still keeping an eye on everything." She smiled as she projected herself in front of the group that were now burning alive thanks to the contract.

Waving her hand, runes appeared above the contract circle and extinguished them along with the flames.

"I can offer you freedom."

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