Myriad Paths of the Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1884 - Chapter 1884: Pulling out the sword and shocking the Emperor City

Chapter 1884: Pulling out the sword and shocking the Emperor City

Translator: 549690339

One should know that an ordinary Son of Heaven could only pull it out by seven feet. However, Lu Ming was able to pull it out by seven feet without using any laws. This was too unbelievable.


could it be that he has secretly used a law, but we didn’t notice it?”

Some people couldn’t help but guess.

“It’s possible, it’s very possible!”

This guess was agreed by most people. Otherwise, it would be too shocking.

But the next moment, everyone shut up.


A voice rang in everyone’s ears. The Laws of Chaos burst out from Lu Ming’s body.


Immediately, there was the sound of a sword.

At this moment, the long sword whistled, and a shocking sword Qi shot into the sky and into the boundless starry sky.

The entire platform was glowing. The endless brilliance almost drowned Lu Ming.

The scene fell into a deathly silence.

Eight feet!

Lu Ming had pulled out eight feet and even used the law.

It proved that Lu Ming had not used the law and he had already pulled out seven feet.

At this moment, he used his nomological laws and pulled out an eight-foot long sword, which was on par with the discipline in history and the discipline of the Galaxy.

the law of chaos. This person is one of the sons of heaven, the son of chaos!

it’s too shocking. He pulled it out by eight feet and tied the record for the Galaxy!

“Can this person completely pull out the celestial Emperor’s sword?”

As soon as he said that, the entire place fell silent again. Even a pin drop could be heard.

Lu Ming was able to pull it out by seven feet without using the power of law. This was unprecedented in history. Could Lu Ming puli it out by nine feet after using the law?

This was really hard to say!

Could it be that the celestial Emperor’s sword that had been stuck here for countless years was about to be born?

Many people trembled in their hearts. They were both nervous and expectant.

The uncle and uncle who were chatting with Lu Ming earlier were completely stunned?

They had never imagined that the young man they were chatting with was a rare peerless genius.

“Eight feet, one more foot!”

At this moment, Lu Ming’s eyes were extremely bright.

At this moment, he had gathered all the strength in his body into his arms. The muscles in his body were bulging, and he was filled with infinite power.

Then, he pulled the sword upwards!


A sword cry resounded through the sky, causing everyone’s hearts to beat violently.

At this moment, endless sword light pierced through the sky. A shocking sword light stood between the heaven and earth. Everyone in heavenly Emperor City could see it.

On the platform, a young man could be seen holding a sword high in the air. He looked like a legendary God of War.

The celestial Emperor’s sword was completely pulled out by Lu Ming and he held it in his hand.

At this moment, time seemed to have frozen. Space seemed to have frozen as well. It was as if they had stopped at this moment for eternity.

In the center of heavenly Emperor City, there was a vast Palace. At this moment, many figures rushed out of the palace, exuding a powerful and terrifying aura.

“The celestial Emperor’s sword has appeared!”

in this world, other than Xing He, there’s actually someone who can pull out the celestial Emperor’s sword?”

let’s go. The celestial Emperor’s sword can not fall into the hands of outsiders. We must get it back!

A series of voices rang out before they stepped into the air and left.

On the platform where the celestial Emperor’s sword was, Lu Ming could not help but feel uncomfortable as if a crisis was about to befall him.

With a thought, Lu Ming kept the celestial Emperor’s sword into the mountain and river diagram. He then flew down and pulled Qiu Yue.”Let’s go!”

The two of them turned into two rays of light and left the place in an instant. It was only when Lu Ming and the other man disappeared that everyone seemed to have woken up from a dream and reacted.

“The celestial Emperor’s sword has been pulled out!”

the celestial Emperor’s sword that has been here for so many years has actually been pulled out. Who is that young man?”

he’s in control of the Laws of Chaos. He should be a genius of the yuan mountain sacred Academy. It’s not difficult to find out!

Many people were discussing excitedly.

Buzzzzzz! &Nbsp; Whoosh!…

At this moment, a few figures suddenly appeared in the sky, each of them exuding a terrifying aura that made everyone shiver.

Emperor pressure! It’s a Martial Emperor powerhouse!

and it’s the Heng family’s Martial Emperor. The Heng family claims to have the blood of the celestial Emperor and are the descendants of the celestial Emperor. Now that the celestial Emperor’s sword has been pulled out, the Heng family will definitely make a move!

the Xingxing River has already announced that the celestial Emperor’s sword will be pulled out by him sooner or later and will become his sword!

Many people were discussing in low voices.

The Emperor-level powerhouse from the Heng family looked at the empty platform in shock. At the same time, a gloomy expression flashed across his face.

The celestial Emperor’s sword had really been pulled out!

“Who is it? He pulled out the celestial Emperor’s sword?”

A powerful Martial Emperor from the Heng family swept his gaze over the crowd, and his powerful Emperor aura made it hard for everyone to breathe.

“I don’t know. It was a young man, but he has already left!”

Someone replied.

“A young man? Who was it? Which force do you come from?”

The Emperor level expert from the Heng clan asked.

1 don’t know, but he is the son of chaos and controls the Laws of Chaos. He should be from the yuan mountain sacred Academy!

Someone said.

“Yuan mountain sacred Academy!”

The Emperor-level powerhouse from the Heng clan had a gloomy expression.

If he was a heaven’s favorite from the yuan mountain sacred Academy, then things would be difficult.

The Heng family was extremely powerful and claimed to be the descendants of the heavenly Emperor. They had a deep foundation and unfathomable strength, and they were one of the strongest forces in the heavenly Emperor City.

However, the yuan mountain sacred Academy was jointly established by three great emperors. They didn’t dare to directly head up to the yuan mountain sacred Academy to demand for her.

that person shouldn’t have gone far. Chase after him. It’s best to take him down before he returns to the yuan mountain sacred Academy. The sword of the celestial Emperor can only belong to our Heng family!

let’s go! the leading Heng family Martial Emperor said. The other martial emperors moved and flew in all directions.

At this moment, Lu Ming had changed his appearance.

He pulled out the celestial Emperor’s sword and felt a sense of danger.

Moreover, the appearance of the celestial Emperor’s sword would certainly alarm many powerful forces, so he made a prompt decision and immediately left with Qiu Yue. In a secret place, he sent Qiu Yue into the mountain and river diagram, and then he used the divine breath technique to turn into a middle-aged man with sallow skin.

With his current cultivation base, even a Martial Emperor powerhouse would not be able to recognize him so easily.

He swaggered down the street and headed in the direction of Vientiane tower.

Not long after, a terrifying expert whistled through the air, emitting a terrifying Emperor’s might that spread in all directions, causing many people to be shocked.

he’s indeed here. Which force is this expert from? ”

Lu Ming squinted his eyes and made a guess in his heart. However, he did not stop and headed towards Vientiane tower. The monarch-level experts ‘spiritual senses swept past him but they could not recognize him at all.

The other party hadn’t even seen his face, and he had even used the divine breath technique, so how could he have discovered him?

Not long after, Lu Ming came to a Pavilion in the North of the heavenly Emperor City.

This was the Vientiane tower!

Lu Ming walked in and an elder immediately received him.

“Dear Customer, may 1 help you?”

The old man asked.

“I need to find out some information!”

Lu Ming said..

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