My Three Wives Are Beautiful Vampires

Chapter 864: He's Here...!

Chapter 864: He's Here...!

Now that the Gods had been introduced,

It was now the time of Mortals.

Vlad Dracul Tepes was the first to appear, and with him was a man that Jeanne recognized very well.

"ADAM!" A roar of shock and irritation burst out in the room.

"Vlad, you idiot! Why did you bring him along?" Jeanne growled, her eyes shining with pure Power as her Dragon Wings appeared.

Jeanne's explosion made Violet and Ruby stop fighting and focus on the screen.

The two women quickly let go of each other and stood up, their behavior becoming completely serious.

"What is that man thinking? Bringing someone so weak to this place," Naty spoke.

These were exactly Jeanne's thoughts. She wasn't trying to humiliate her son or anything like that; it was just a matter of limits. Adam was too weak to be present among so many powerful figures.

"Hmm... Maybe he's throwing his son to the lions?" Vine, the Demon General, spoke. "A way to teach him about the Strongest Beings."

These words made the pressure emanating from Jeanne's body grow even stronger.

The women looked at Vine with stern eyes, warning her to be careful about what she said.

Vine scratched her cheek with an apologetic expression.

Zaladrac, who was floating in the air, approached Jeanne. She spoke a few words, and soon, the unconscious Power Jeanne was releasing was isolated around her.

"Calm down. You know him better than anyone; use your head," Zaladrac spoke coldly in the Draconic Language that only a few could understand.

These words woke Jeanne from her anger, and she reigned in her instincts. She was still irritated, but it was more manageable now.

After a few seconds of thought, she saw that Vine's words had some merit. Vlad was investing in Adam, showing him how the world worked.

'Why? Why is he doing this? Is it because of me?' Jeanne could only think it was because of her. Vlad knew her Origins were not 'human' due to the display of Power she showed when confronting him.

'Is he betting on the possibility that my son received some potential from me?'

Unfortunately, that would never happen. Jeanne was a unique existence, and there couldn't be another like her.

Even if she had a child in the future, that child would only inherit her physical characteristics, not the potential of her Soul.

Well... That was in the past. Now that her Soul was merging with her current body, the children she would have with Victor would likely have enormous potential. But she believed that even these children wouldn't be able to use Primordial Energy or have a unique Soul like hers.

After all, how broken would the Universe be if there were several Beings like Jeanne out there? Balance would occur, no matter what she did, and it would prevent her children from inheriting her unique characteristics, such as the ability to use Primordial Energy, for example.

After all, only the Primordials could use that Energy. Jeanne was The Guardian of The Universal Tree, and consequently, she was connected to The Universal Tree.

She was like Big Guy to Roxanne.

Because of this connection, she could use Primordial Energy even after having completed her 'duty' given by that Being.

"Jeanne, calm down. Nothing will happen to Adam; the Primordial won't allow conflicts in his territory," Morgana began to speak.

"Not to mention that Victor will be there."

These words instantly calmed the woman. She had so much confidence in Victor.

"... You're right... But I still want to hear an explanation from Vlad."

Morgana simply nodded in agreement.

The women who heard Jeanne's words couldn't help but feel sorry for Vlad, who had provoked a female Dragon. Jeanne's attitude with the girls was always kind, calm, and quiet. She was a very sociable and quiet woman.

And it was usually these types of women who had the most terrifying fury. The proof of this was how she snapped when she saw her son on the screen.


Vlad, who suddenly had a bad feeling, thought, 'Hmm, she didn't but he was betting on Adam's potential, so he risked drawing Jeanne's wrath for this purpose.

like that at all, huh.' He had an idea of what that bad feeling was.

To be honest, he thought it was risky to bring his son to this place, but he was betting on Adam's potential, so he risked drawing Jeanne's wrath for this purpose.

Next on the list was a Youkai, Haruna, and her most loyal subordinate, Kuroka.

Haruna's appearance made some Beings raise their eyebrows. The reason? She was much stronger and brighter than the first time they saw her.

'Oh? She's about to become a Ten-Tailed Fox.' Amaterasu immediately recognized Haruna's aura.

'I don't know what Victor is giving this woman, but I want it for myself. Is she even more beautiful than me?'

What did it mean to become a Ten-Tailed Fox? It meant achieving Divinity. The Youkai would cease using Youki as Energy and start using Divine Energy.

Although in Haruna's case, due to her ability to control Senjutsu, which was basically the Energy of Nature controlled by The World Trees, with Haruna's increased Power, she would probably be able to control that Energy even better.

'Her potential is immense.' This thought passed through the minds of everyone who saw the old Haruna and the current one.

Kuroka also surprised the other Beings; she became much stronger than before, but it didn't compare to the ridiculous leap that Haruna had made.

Everyone at that moment wondered, what was The Blood God feeding this woman? It was common knowledge that the Youkais and Victor were allies.

But this thought was evaporated from existence when they heard the announcement.

"Representative of The Youkai, Supreme Commander of The Youkai, Otsuki Alucard Haruna."

... Huh?

For a moment, all Supernatural Beings were left speechless.

Alucard...? Is he talking about that ALUCARD?

Everyone's thoughts seemed to be synchronized because they all thought something similar.

"... And to think their Alliance was a political marriage..." Amaterasu spoke in surprise.

"Haruna is smart. She gained a very powerful ally and a very competent Husband. She basically secured the future of all Youkais with this move," Tsukuyomi said.

The moment Haruna entered the palace, the eyes of all the visitors turned to her. Having so many powerful Beings look at her like this would make any being tremble with fear.

But Haruna? She just looked on with indifferent eyes.

Powerful Beings? All her Husband's Wives were powerful Beings, and her Husband himself was an even bigger monster. Such pressure would not affect her.

The group's attention was immediately divided when a new guest appeared.

This new guest made a specific man swallow hard, and another man looked at them with loving eyes.

'My son... It's been a long time since I've seen him,' Loki thought.

"Coming from Samar, representing The Werewolves, Tasha Fenrir Alucard, and as her Companion, the Being known as the one who will bring Ragnarok to The Norse Pantheon, The Beast of The 'End', Fenrir."

"Grr..." The giant wolf growled slightly in irritation; he didn't like being called a 'beast.' n)-1n

Tasha stopped walking and gently touched Fenrir's leg. This gesture made the wolf look at Tasha, and his irritation visibly decreased.

The announcement made everyone's brains shut down for a few seconds. Tasha Fenrir 'ALUCARD?'... Huh?

When did this man take this woman for himself? And what happened to Volk?

Not to mention... FENRIR himself acting docile!?

This particular point made The Norse Pantheon group extremely surprised. They had never seen such a passive attitude from this Wolf before! Not even Loki had seen his son act so docile before.

As Tasha and Fenrir entered the palace, the scene with Haruna repeated itself; everyone looked at her, and only now did they notice Tasha's new 'features' and her level of Power.

... A GOD-KING!?

What on Earth was that man feeding these women!?

Ra, Seth, and Anubis looked at Tasha with complicated eyes. After all, she was a Goddess of their Pantheon. Seeing her with so much Power made them regret losing such a strong Elite soldier.

While everyone was looking at the woman, Fenrir and Tasha walked calmly toward Haruna.

Tasha sat down next to Haruna, and the two looked at each other and nodded slightly in unison.

They had never met in person before, but because of their common 'acquaintance,' they were allies, or rather... they were Family.

Fenrir looked at Odin with a malicious gleam in his eyes, which made the old man's back chill a bit. Unconsciously, he tried to summon his faithful spear, but... Nothing was summoned.

'Right, fights are prohibited here.' Odin's brain restarted, and he began to analyze the situation more logically.

Fenrir lay on the floor and closed his eyes.

If it were a normal occasion, this room would be even more tense, almost on the brink of war. But this was not a normal occasion; everything happening here was being broadcast.

Because of this, Tasha didn't provoke Ra, Seth, or Anubis and instead acted more restrained; she needed to maintain her image.

"Initially, The Queen of Witches would have been invited, but due to recent events, she cannot attend... Therefore, we will move on to the next guest."

"The God of a new Religion that encompasses the entire globe, once The Progenitor of Vampires, and now The Progenitor of Blood Dragons, a new Species of Dragon that has never been recorded before in the entire Cosmos."

"Known as The God of Blood by Mortals, the current King of Hell who commands over 777 Legions of Hellish Demons, The First of His Kind, The 'Anomaly,' Victor Alucard!"

... The guests looked dryly at The Owner of Limbo, wondering why he was so excited. This differential treatment was clearly visible! Shouldn't he be impartial?

They had several complaints about him, but no one dared to express such primal behavior. They weren't crazy, and even if they wanted to complain, they couldn't because they suddenly felt like the world was crashing down on them.

"This... This..." Thor fell to his knees on the ground, along with his brother, who had been lying on the ground for a long time without being able to get up.

Shiva opened his eyes wide but remained standing while an Aura of Destruction covered his body.

'And to think I'd need my Power to stay standing... This level of Evolution is completely irrational; he's a monster.'

The Heavenly Father just displayed a playful smile while covering his Angels with his Energy, something Odin also did shortly after awakening from his stupor.

As a God-King, Sucellus was feeling this pressure for the first time. 'Is he really a Mortal...?' He had serious doubts about that.

The situation of the Egyptian Pantheon was worse than that of the others, and they couldn't even stand up. If it weren't for Ra, the two other Gods would be kissing the ground just like Loki.

The same applied to Amaterasu's group, which was only doing well because of the God-Queen.

When the shadows began to appear like a hurricane, the pressure grew even stronger.

"... How much Power does this man have?" Susanoo asked with great difficulty.

"Hmm, equivalent to 4 - 6 planets the size of Earth, I think?" The owner of Limbo replied calmly as if it were nothing, and these words left everyone in absolute silence.

Even Haruna and Tasha fell into shocked silence this time. They knew their Husband was powerful, but hearing it directly from the mouth of a Primordial had a different impact.

"What...?" Shiva spoke incredulously, noting that not even Kali from his Pantheon had that much Power.

"This is unexpected... To think that my Dimension wouldn't be able to withstand his existence." Although he said this was his personal dimension, it wasn't exactly true. This was just a place he created to hold Meetings of Supernatural Beings, and his real dimension was The Limbo Prison.

That didn't mean that his Power would be limited here; this was still his territory, after all. He just hadn't created this place to contain someone with as much Power as Victor.

'He's clearly not hiding his Power Level... This is a warning, huh... Very well, I'll play along with his 'theatrics.'' The Owner of Limbo displayed a small inner smile of amusement. It had been a while since he had felt this feeling.

"Your Power alone is causing ripples in my Dimension. I didn't create this place to withstand someone of your Power Level. I need to fix this." He spoke as if it were a troublesome matter.

These words sent a chill through everyone present and the viewers watching this broadcast.

The other group that was sweating like pigs was mainly the Egyptian Pantheon.

Ra looked at Seth with a promise of many things, many of which involved death.

Seth was cursing himself internally; he should have stayed quiet.

"Something like this..." The Owner of Limbo snapped his fingers, and all the God-King level Deities felt a change in the dimension.

"Done, my Dimension can now sustain your presence." The moment these words came out,

The hurricane of darkness began to intensify, and soon, shades of crimson and violet began to merge with the hurricane. In the next moment, two Wings burst out of the hurricane, erupting with Power all around.

Soon, in every corner of the planet and the Supernatural Community, they saw Victor Alucard, the man who had caused all this chaos.

Long Draconic Horns pointing backward, two large Wings, a complete obsidian-colored armor with violet details that seemed to be 'breathing' like violet fire.

Long black hair floating around, covered in Pure Infernal Miasma, and Draconic Eyes that shone in crimson-violet.


"Kyaaaaa! He is here!"

Valeria slightly jumped in fright when she heard the sudden scream.

"What-" Before she could even say anything, chaos spread.

"Quickly record! RECORD! Get every angle possible!" Lizbet Greygrave, a Dark Elf who was one of the most fanatical high-status faithful, ordered.


"We should shoot everything in 8k!"

"My God, he's so beautiful!"

"Our God, bitch! He is our GOD! Our Blood God!" An acolyte growled.

"Prepare the offerings!" Rena shouted. She was a lost Werewolf who became one of the Religion's archbishop.

Suddenly, several criminals, whether men or women, began to appear. Each of these prisoners were criminals who committed various crimes such as human trafficking, rape, exploitation of minors, etc. They were the scum of society.

"Crazy! CRAZY! YOU ARE CRAZY!" A woman screamed. She was accused of the worst crime anyone can commit: she sold her own daughter to be exploited for money.

An Acolyte took a red dagger made of Supernatural materials and cut the woman's neck.

"Gaahh---..." The woman's voice trailed off as her body fell with her head landing on the giant plate, and soon, more blood began to spill.

"Blood for The Blood God!"

"He shed the blood of sinners for us so that the innocent may be protected!"

An Acolyte stabbed a man in the head.

"Blood for The Blood God!"

"We protect each other! Betrayal is the worst crime a believer can commit! Because you are not just betraying your family, you are betraying your God, who helped you when you needed it most!"

Several Acolytes took out knives and began to stab the traitorous woman who leaked information to their enemies. With each stab, Valeria could see the hatred of everyone present.

"Gaaahhhh! Please forgive me-, I-, I-." The woman was unable to beg any further because her body soon fell dead.

"Blood for The Blood God!"

Valeria blinked her eyes several times when she saw this sight. The level of fanaticism literally exploded on a scale that was impossible to quantify.

"W-W-Wait, please don't kill me-."


"Record everything! We must show our gratitude to our God! I'm sure he's watching us!"

The proof of Elfa's words happened when Victor looked towards the screen and smiled slightly. He opened his mouth and said something. No one understood anything; it was a language incomprehensible to their Mortal minds.

But the 'miracle' was undeniable.

All the faithful present here were covered by a blood-red aura, and then everyone felt their strength increase.

"...You have become more beautiful." An Acolyte pointed to her friend.

"You too…"

The moment these two Acolytes said this, the other girls realized that they had also become more beautiful!

The blood spilled on the plate flew into the air, and this attracted everyone's attention again. Soon, a sentence appeared:

"I am always watching, my beloved faithful ones."

The blood then returned to the plate.

A silence fell throughout the area... Absolute shock fell upon them. It was one thing to have Faith, and another thing was for your God to repay that Faith directly with such an explicit gesture... This action... was simply orgasmic...! They never got tired of it!

The next moment, literal hearts appeared in their eyes, and their eyes became utterly lifeless.


"He's watching us!"


"Blood for The Blood God!"

"Blood for The Blood God!"

Sounds of screams of criminal men and women were heard along with this fanatical chorus.

'…Master, you are amazing… Now, I understand your plan, as expected from my God.' Valeria smiled widely

And she whispered even more fanatically than everyone present: "Blood for The Blood God..."

Valeria hit the ground with her Staff and shouted: "Prepare the offerings! Today, we will fill Hell with sinners for our GOD!"


As she heard this beautiful cry from her God's faithful, Valeria thought, 'I must make a new statue that properly represents my Master's current appearance!'


Edited By: DaV0 2138, IsUnavailable

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