My Three Wives Are Beautiful Vampires

Chapter 640: A remarkable experience.

Chapter 640: A remarkable experience.

53 hours later.

325 : 39.

That was the result... If one were only counting how many 'orgasms' each had, Aphrodite would easily lose.

... But if you look at the result of the 'war'.

Victor lay looking up at the bedroom ceiling, his body a little thinner than usual, while Aphrodite was glowing. [Literally]

... Aphrodite beat Victor easily.

The Sex Goddess kept her record as invincible. Even if she lost in the orgasm department because she was too sensitive, she was the one who won the war!

Victor felt like he had reached nirvana now. He felt like he had transcended into a higher plane of existence. He could swear he saw the image of several Angels with trumpets applauding him for entering Heaven.

'Wait, I won't die!' Suddenly that image disappeared, and Victor snapped back to reality.

Victor broke out into a cold sweat. For a moment, he almost went to paradise. [Literally.]

"Haaah." He sighed deeply and went back to being relaxed again.

While his body was going through 'peace' after sex, his mind was in chaos.

'How in the Seven Hells is this possible?' That was the question that passed through his head.

He wasn't upset about 'supposedly' losing the 'fight' he was in; he was pleased for it. The woman in his arms was utterly full of his seeds, and she was entirely his. He couldn't care less about such a small thing. He was just very competitive with Scathach because that was how Scathach's personality was. With others, he preferred to enjoy the flow of things more.

And that's what he did with Aphrodite; after all, like him, she didn't want to compete or anything like that. She just wanted to enjoy every moment, and believe me... they enjoyed it... A lot. This was undoubtedly the best 'Love' and 'Sex' he'd had. It was on the same level as the first 'Love' experience he'd had with Violet and the 'Sex' experience he had with Scathach.

Victor was satisfied; everything was perfect. He managed to transform the Goddess of love into someone like him. The wait was worth it.

... But now comes the million-dollar question.

'How the fuck am I so tired? Shouldn't I have inexhaustible Energy or something? And why did it all end after only two nights?' Although he knew it was only two nights, he felt that the time they spent practicing was much longer; the whole experience felt quite surreal.

Victor thought this must be some Divine nonsense because it couldn't be anything else. He had the longest, most intense 'fights' at night with Scathach, Natashia, and even Violet, Sasha, and Ruby. Yet, even after those fights, he never felt so exhausted; after all, he had enough Energy running through his body to keep active for years if he wanted.

The night he had with Scathach, it was understandable that he was exhausted. He didn't have the Energy of a World Tree sustaining him yet, and the woman was stronger than him physically. He could understand that.

But with that Energy constantly swirling through his body, he doubted he would ever get tired again in a nightly fight, and Aphrodite quickly shattered that certainty from him.

Confused was how Victor was feeling right now.

Luckily, Roxanne was around to enlighten Victor with knowledge:

[Darling... Having sex with a God is very different from having sex with a Mortal.]

"..." Victor raised his eyebrow.

[What do you mean?] Victor asked Roxanne.

[Just think, where did Adonis get the Power to see the future?]

[...Through sexual relations with the Goddesses... Oh.]

[When a God has sex, it's not just something carnal. Depending on the intensity, situation, and feelings involved, the Soul can get involved too, and this contact can develop several strange things for weaker Mortals. There's a reason Human Beings were the most commonly elevated Mortals.]

[And since you have a deep connection with Aphrodite, a connection that became even more united in this intimate moment... Well...] Roxanne was silent, not knowing how to explain this.

Fortunately, Victor could understand Roxanne's feelings, and he wasn't stupid enough not to understand where things were headed:

[... You mean it's not my body that's tired from these activities, but my Soul that somehow got in on the action with Aphrodite's Soul?]


'What kind of nonsense is this?' Victor couldn't believe what he was hearing.

'Two Souls fucking? Huh?' He never thought the Supernatural World could get any weirder.

[Your body is completely fine; I guarantee it. Your body's Energy hasn't even expended 0.00001% of your current capacity.]

[...But your Soul...] Roxanne looked at the representation of Victor's Soul within him. As she was merged with Victor, she could easily enter the deepest corners of his Soul, and what she saw was a red Soul that contained multitudes of eyes all throughout it, eyes that represented the Souls that Victor consumed. The sight was grotesque and imposing.

And that same imposing Soul was sitting on the ground panting. It looked like a marathon runner who had to run in the desert without water for several days.

Or even a Boxer who'd fought strenuously and collapsed in his corner of the ring, utterly exhausted.

[Your Soul is weakened...] Was all Roxanne could say without explaining the 'sight' before her.

Roxanne approached Victor's Soul, yet it did not react at all. It just remained in the same tired position. She pointed her palm toward Victor's Soul, and a soft green glow began to emanate from her hand.

'With my help and consuming some Souls in his body, it is possible to increase the recovery time...' Roxanne thought.

[Don't tell me it will always be like this?] Victor asked. If he was going to feel like this every time he did it with Aphrodite, wouldn't he really die from doing nocturnal activities?

'What a wonderful way to die~.' Victor chuckled in amusement.

[I think so... As I said before, sex with a God depends a lot on the situation in general, and the feelings involved, after all, to make a child, a God needs to unite a piece of their Soul with a part of their partner's Soul for this child to be born.]

[...Wait, does that mean Aphrodite might have gotten pregnant because our Souls fused together for too long?]


'Holy fuck...' Victor was incredulous.

[As you've said, Master. Gods, if disconnected from their Concept, are basically High-Level Spirits. And like all Higher Entities, they don't 'mingle' with the flesh, but with the Spiritual part of things.]

"..." When Victor thought more calmly about it, he realized Roxanne was right.

[At the time when you and Aphrodite were having sex, your Souls tried several times to create a new life, but due to your opposing natures, such a thing was not possible. Progenitor or not, Goddess or not, a Being who belongs to the 'Dark Side' of the scale cannot have children with a Being belonging to the 'Light Side' of the scale, and since Aphrodite embodies many 'Good' Concepts, she is on the 'Light Side'.]

[Due to this process, the entire situation became exhausting for your Souls.]

Victor was silent for a few seconds.

'From Roxanne's account, I am able to trust a theory, the theory that there is a Power that prevents 'Beings' that break the 'Balance' from being born... If I want to procreate with Aphrodite, I must become a God. Then, regardless of my Concept, we will be able to have a child. After all, the child that will be born will be a God, and they will automatically gain a Concept on either side of the scale, be it 'Good' or 'Bad''.

[The reason I was so tired wasn't because of the act of sex itself, it was because our Souls were trying to procreate, and with each failure, it urged us to keep trying, which resulted in our Souls getting unnecessarily tired.]

[Correct. But the one who suffered the most was you, not Aphrodite. Your Soul is massive, Darling, much bigger than a Goddess's like Aphrodite, but your Soul still loses in quality to a Goddess as old as Aphrodite, who has several High-Level Concepts for Divinities.]

Victor didn't comment on that because he knew Roxanne was correct.

[One question, how do you know that?]

[Natural knowledge I gained from being a World Tree. It's similar to the instinctual memory of the Progenitor and Dragons... I also read some books in Aphrodite's personal library.]

Feeling Roxanne's concern, he realized that the woman must have taken the books without Aphrodite knowing.

'Something I consider impossible due to Aphrodite's awareness of her surroundings. She must have allowed it and not done anything for being Roxanne.'

[Hmm, no need to be so worried. She won't complain if you do something like that. Just ask her later.]

[... I will... Cough, returning to the subject, in my case, I received this knowledge directly from my 'father'.]

[Jeanne's brother?]

[Yes, although I don't know whether he gave me the knowledge directly or if it's something programmed for each World Tree that grows up to a certain age, after all, in most scenarios, the World tTee is always alone with only her Guardian on the planet until she grows big enough for Life.]

[Due to our Energy traveling all over the planet we inhabit, we can indirectly influence the Life that is growing there. When Life starts to grow, the World Trees need to know what they can influence and shouldn't to prevent any disruption in the 'Balance'. Because of that, multitudes of information of various kinds are in my mind right now.]

[I see... That's convenient.]

[Indeed.] Roxanne didn't deny it, so she added: [I was luckier than my sisters because I found you. Now I will never be alone; me and Big Guy will follow you no matter where you go!]

Victor just smiled gently and lovingly at the cute statements from Roxanne:

[I will always be with you, Roxanne.]

[Fufufu, I know] She nodded, satisfied.

A comfortable silence descended in the room; Victor just stared at the ceiling as he listened to the breathing of the Goddess beside him. Then, slowly, his body regained its former appearance of vitality, a testament that his Soul was recovering quite quickly.

Something that was only possible thanks to Roxanne, who was helping his Soul.

[...Speaking of which, where is that gorilla? I haven't seen him in a while.]

[He's changing...]

[Still? It's been a long time.]

[Yes, I also made some changes for him to be a more suitable Guardian. He can't be a giant gorilla all the time.]

[Can you do that?] Victor asked in shock.

[Of course, the Guardian is part of my Soul, technically speaking, but he is not entirely merged with my Soul. He was born to protect me and always be with me; because of that, I can change some things about him with each evolution. It's the same symbiotic relationship I have with you, only I have more control over it.]

[Oh... That's amazing. I wonder what appearance you chose.]

[Fufufufu, it's a secret, but I'll show you when he wakes up.]


'Wait... Now that I think about it...wasn't Roxanne in the anime-watching group that Ruby and Pepper formed?' A bad feeling began to fill Victor's heart; this malaise was not for him but for the gorilla.

For a moment, he could have sworn he saw the appearance of a man with a monkey's tail screaming and his hair turning blond.

Victor shook his head a little to perish the thought and mused: 'It's okay; he's a gorilla, not a monkey. The two look alike, but they are different species!'

Victor's foreboding grew stronger.

'I don't know what will happen to you, but be strong, Big Guy.' He sent his condolences to the gorilla.


The Goddesses, Vampires, Human, and Alpha Werewolf in the room all looked at Aphrodite with wordless gazes.

The Goddess was glowing, literally speaking.

Her big gentle smile seemed to light up even the darkest darkness; her happy expression could make everyone around feel happy. The aura she was emitting was like everyone was in the middle of spring with various exotic animals. It was a sight that was both exotic and relaxing.

"Cough." Scathach coughed, which snapped everyone out of the trance they'd unconsciously been in.

"She's glowing... Literally!" Violet exploded, "Her aura is like she exists in a plane of existence completely from us, even though she is in front of us!"

"Thanks for stating the obvious, daughter." Agnes rolled her eyes.

"Don't be mean, Mother! What kind of sex makes someone literally glow!? I don't know what she had, but I want it too!"

"..." The girls who had a physical relationship with Victor just kept silent. They agreed with every word Violet spoke in that sentence.

"To answer your question, Violet… It was the best sex I've ever had." Her smile grew, as did her gentle aura.

The Goddesses opened their eyes wide and looked at Victor with a predatory look and one of respect...?

'He was so good that the Sex Goddess herself said so... I want it too!' Demeter thought.

A similar thought passed unconsciously through several Goddesses.

Before the Goddesses could fall into the world of their imagination, they felt the 'warm' atmosphere become dark as if darkness itself descended on the place.

"Perish such thoughts from your heads."

The dark, emotionless voice of the Goddess took everyone by surprise, including Hestia.

The Goddess of the Home didn't want to brag or anything, but she'd known Aphrodite for quite some time, and she'd never seen the woman act like this before.

Looking at Aphrodite's lifeless gaze and empty smile, Demeter and the other Goddesses who had such thoughts furiously nodded.

"Good, I don't want to accidentally 'kill' my teammates. We are few; we should care for each other, right?" Aphrodite looked at Demeter.


Victor, at this moment, had tears of happiness falling from his eyes. He looked like a mother who saw her son grow up and graduate from college.

'They grow up so quick~.' He sniffled.

"...." Violet, Sasha, Ruby, Natashia, Agnes, and Leona looked at Victor dryly.

"What did you do, Vic?" Mizuki asked the question that was on everyone's mind right now.

Even the Goddesses, especially Rhea and Nike, were questioning this now, so they couldn't help but look at him curiously.

"I made her better…." A smile appeared on Victor's face: "So Much better."

Leona tried to hold back, she swore by all that was Holy that she tried to hold back, but she ultimately failed to hold back the urge to roll her eyes and spoke:

"Great, he's raising Yanderes now, ones even more psychotic than Violet and Agnes."

"Oyy!" Agnes and Violet screamed, but Leona didn't care.

"And to make matters worse, his most recent project is the literal Goddess of Love! She even has pink hair and everything." Ruby added.

"…Fuck." Leona and Sasha spoke at the same time in a monotone.

Victor smiled proudly when he heard them talking about his 'achievements'. Then he looked at the other girls with the same twinkle in his eyes.

Mizuki and Leona felt a shiver down their spines. They looked around and tried to look for the source of that shiver but found nothing.

Natashia, who was watching this interaction, only displayed a small smile. 'As expected, my decision wasn't wrong! He's perfect for my Clan, fufufufu~'.

Victor looked at Natashia confused: 'Why is she so happy and hopeful? Huh?' Even though he could read body language and feel emotions, he couldn't read Natashia's mind if she didn't want him to.

After all, the Wedding Ritual was a two-way street, not to mention that Natashia was very chaotic regarding Victor.

"Anyway, it's time for you to leave, Girls. I will visit Eleanor's territory to do my job."

"Ugh, I had forgotten about those women." All of Aphrodite's happy mood disappeared when she realized she had work to do.

"Don't complain; we should do this," Hestia spoke.

"Fine~... Haha, I feel like this is going to be a long day. Let's go, Scathach, Nike, and Hestia."

"Mm, I wonder if I'll be able to fight someone strong there…." Scathach spoke as he started walking towards the exit.

'I must finish this quickly and return to training with the girls. They have acquired a lot of potential, and Medusa's Power to petrify everything is quite interesting to explore.' Scathach was planning how to train the girls, a training that would be like torture, obviously.

"Okay," Nike spoke as he followed Scathach.

"Wait, didn't you say you weren't going?" Hestia spoke.

"…Oh." Aphrodite's smile returned, "That's right, isn't it? Someone has to stay and watch these delinquents. I had forgotten about that; good luck, girls~" She waved at the women with a big satisfied smile on her face.

The Goddesses just looked at Hestia with a neutral look, a look that said: 'Did you seriously have to say that? You just had to open your mouth, didn't you?'

Hestia just rolled her eyes when she saw the Goddesses' attitude, and soon she walked toward the exit along with Nike and Scathach.

"..." Violet, Sasha, and Ruby looked at Aphrodite with dry looks:

"She just raised a flag, didn't she." Violet brought up Aphrodite's earlier casual comment.

"Yes, she did," Sasha replied.

"Yep." Ruby agreed.

"Fuck." Violet groaned.


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