My Three Wives Are Beautiful Vampires

Chapter 484: My mother-in-law can't hold back anymore. Not edited yet.

Chapter 484: My mother-in-law can't hold back anymore. Not edited yet.

Chapter 484: My mother-in-law can't hold back anymore.

"Now… now it's you." Victor looked at Lina, Andrew and Fred.

"Don't look at me, I've already made my decision, as long as you can protect me and my family, I'll go with you."

"Fufufu, for a moment, I thought you were going to speak; 'Leave it to me! I will protect my family!' Just like a protagonist in a movie or anime."

"Nah, I'm not stupid enough to believe that I can protect myself, and my family, from a possible invasion of blood demons that are coming to eat my body... Literally speaking." He added at the end when he saw Andrew, Edward, and Victor's amused smiles.

"Unlike a certain overpowered vampire, I'm just an ordinary human with a few magic tricks."

"You flatter me." Victor gave a tight smile, and then added with a slightly amused smile: "I'm weak as hell, I still can't defeat my dear mother in law~"

"...." If you are weak what is us? Chips? Cannon fodder?

Everyone in the room who knew Victor's power, or knew what he did, commented internally.

On the other hand, Liena, Edward, Leona and Fred were thinking:

'Challenge Scathach? Bitch, please, only you can say that with a smile on your face.'

Lina can't help but feel awkward.

Here was Liena trying her best to make her existence smaller so that Scathach wouldn't pay attention to her.

Meanwhile, this man was actively trying to gain the interest of the most dangerous woman [something he's already achieved a long time from what she can tell].

'By the eyes of that woman who obsessively screams at that man, even if the man now wanted her to leave him alone, she wouldn't do it in this life.' Lina can't help but be impressed by this boy she once knew.

"Heh~, don't you know, stupid disciple? Is the very act of trying to challenge myself while theoretically a 'vampire not even out of the development phase' considered absurd?" Scathach commented with an amused, slightly seductive smile.

A smile that made Andrew, Edward and Fred squirm at her mature charm.

But the moment undue thoughts popped into their minds, they quickly slammed into his head internally.

There is a saying that all men should follow, don't drive the dick crazy.

And that woman was the Queen of madness.

...If they only knew that she is considered 'normal' in the girl group...

I mean, with girls like Natashia and Roberta who had multiple personalities inside their bodies, girls like Violet, Sasha and Ruby who had a gigantic obsession for Victor and could plan a world destruction event if it was for Victor's sake.

Don't forget about Aphrodite, a literal goddess who with her stolen power could make all beings in the world her slave, a goddess who because of the deity of love, she can become a crazier existence than all the girls put together.

Scathach was just a mad maniac who could destroy a country if provoked, just a woman who could kill a god, and get away with it because the gods themselves were afraid of her.

...See? She is the most normal...

Although she is falling into that category due to recent events...

"That's still not enough." Victor's eyes glowed slightly blood red.

Victor's eyes conveyed everything Scathach needed to know, and only she knew how much that look made her internally shudder, she was really holding back now not to pick him up and throw him in a random place to make her fight him... In many ways.

"Cough." Ruby faked a cough to get Victor's attention.


"Darling, carry on." She smiled with her cold face, a cold face that said:

'Stop flirting with my mother in front of strangers!'

Victor scratched his cheek lightly, it's not like he wants to flirt with her or anything, it's just something natural to him.

'Oyakodon... Oyakodon...' Anna thought in her head as she looked at this scene:

'Seriously, I don't know what to think about my son and his weird relationships anymore, at this point, I don't even have the energy to discuss anything anymore' Anna shot him a dead look that said how much she was getting used to this ridiculous situation.

"Fufufufu." Aphrodite just laughed out loud, and laughed even harder when she saw her friend's reaction.

'I wonder what she'll think when she finds out that literal goddesses are interested in her son.'

"Back to the point, what do you have to talk to me, Liena?"

Lina wakes up from her stupor, and looks at Victor:

"...Nothing." She answered carefully as she tried to ignore the gaze of everyone in the room, especially Scathach.

"Oh?" Victor raised a curious eyebrow.

"All the questions I had regarding you were clarified in Adam's conversation."

"What happens is, I wanted to see if my son was in danger with you, after all, you were a vampire, you know those common things."

"...." Victor flashed an amused smile, even though he was speaking vaguely, he could understand what she was talking about.

Basically, she was suspicious that Victor was enchanting Andrew, or using his son for something involving his blood, a common act when vampires prey on humans.

Even if she trusted her son's words, she still wanted to be sure.

"I'm glad you're satisfied." Victor spoke in a neutral, apathetic tone.

"And now?" he asked curiously.

"Honestly, I just wanted to know what's going on."

Seeing Victor's confused expression, she continued:

"…I understand that a demonic invasion is about to happen, but for what reason? Who is responsible? I want information about the supernatural world."

"... You do not know anything?" Victor can't hide his incredulous tone.


"Don't look at me like that, I was retired, you know? I was planning to live a normal life."

"..." Victor narrows his eyes, and he wasn't the only one, Ruby, Edward, Leona, and even Scathach herself.

"You know that once you enter the supernatural world, you can't leave, right?"

"...." Liena nodded slightly.

It's not that you can't 'leave' of your own volition, it's simply that once you become aware of the other side, the other side can no longer ignore your presence.

Once you learn the knowledge of supernatural beings, you cannot live like you used to.

It's like opening a pandora's box, the moment you see the contents, you won't be able to ignore the other side anymore.

Even if you try, the other side won't let you.

An example is this situation itself, despite trying to live a calm and 'retired' life, her son became involved in the supernatural world, and she had no choice but to return.

And she lied, she knew what was going on, she saw the world acting strange, the strange murder cases increasing, people going crazy.

She's no fool, she knows something was going on, but she doesn't know what was going on and who caused it, she wasn't a Hunter anymore, and she didn't want to get involved with The Inquisition anymore.

Despite keeping his expression neutral, Victor could read the woman like an open book, her body language delivering everything he needed to know.

'Looks like she for a long retired

"You've gone rusty, Liena." Scathach spoke in a neutral tone, but everyone in the room could see the disappointment in her voice.

"I'm not an immortal being like you, and I don't take pleasure in battle like you do, Scathach."

"The second part may be true, but the first part, you and I both know it's a lie."

"...I'm speaking from my mind, Scathach."

"...." Scathach just nodded slightly, she could understand what she was saying, it wasn't strange at all, she had experienced it several times in the past.

Vampire Slaves who have gone completely mad with the passage of time, few have actually been able to maintain their sanity after several centuries of roaming the land.

And the case was even worse for slave vampires because they weren't 'living' beings like noble vampires , they were just walking glorified corpses.

"Humans are not meant to live a long life, our minds are not immortal."

Aphrodite nodded internally, this was something she fully understands, just like Scathach, she has experienced several such cases in the past.

'Only humans who have a goal, or a great will, can withstand the passage of time.' Aphrodite can't help but look at Victor.

Even though he is a human in the past, his mindset is more similar to the supernatural world, specifically, noble vampires. Perhaps, absorbing Adonis must have helped with that, even though he didn't live that life, he experienced 1700 years through someone's memories, not to mention he's a progenitor of vampires, a being who won't allow himself to bow his head to these ' weaknesses', your blood, your pride will not allow it.'

She can't help but look solemnly at Victor: 'This is his blood curse, but also his greatest asset... I'm just glad he's someone different from Vlad, he's his complete opposite, a man who seeks to surround him with his family, as long as that part of him never changes, he'll be fine even if millions of years pass.'

She can't help but think that his obsessive mentality is what will save him too over the years, and because of that obsession his relationship with girls will never go as cold as it did with the vampire king.

'He's kind of like a warm, gentle fire that burns forever~' She laughed in amusement as she imagined a certain goddess who lived in her temple looking at her fireplace.

'He's a lot like her in that aspect...'

'Wait...' Aphrodite touched her chin and started to think, for a moment her eyes turned neon pink: 'That might be a good idea...'

Anna looked at Lina with a neutral look, several thoughts were running through her head, but the main one was her son's proposal to give her immortality.

But then she realized she didn't have much to think about, despite being called 'immortals', vampires could still be killed, and she didn't doubt that was the case with her.

'Why worry now? I'll just keep stroking my granddaughter's head~'

"You think too much, Liena."

"...." Liena looked at Victor.

"What do you mean?"

"You can become immortal, but if you don't want to live anymore, just take your weakness and kill yourself."


"Stop being dramatic." He spoke in a neutral tone, the way he spoke was beyond rude, but Victor didn't care.

"Do you speak-."

"You're just tired of living."


"As a former hunter, you must know about The Inquisition, right?"

"...." She opened her eyes wide.

"Seeing that scene, and seeing that the leader of The Inquisition himself allowed it, you felt your faith waver, and you were disillusioned."

Lina just felt shock through shock as she watched Victor.

'This man is scary, how can he understand me so well?'

"Tsk, Tsk, in a way, you are worse than Mizuki." Victor rolled his eyes.

Scathach and Ruby couldn't help but chuckle softly when they saw the way Victor spoke.

'He really has no filters.' Mother and daughter thought at the same time.

"Victor, she's still my mother, you know?" Andrew narrowed his eyes.

"I know, and I'm saying this because she's your mother."


"You think she was a stranger, would I give a damn? She could be stuck in this feeling of helplessness as long as she needs to and I wouldn't give a damn."

"???" Andrew just had question marks popping up around him.

"Victor, please slow down the conversation, Andrew's and probably Lina can't keep up." Fred spoke.

A vein pops in the head of mother and son, did this scoundrel just call them a donkey?

'Hahahaha, this man doesn't have filters either, but it seems that in his case it's more stupid.' Scathach chuckled inwardly.

"Haaaah…" Victor takes a long breath, and throws something towards Lina.

Unconsciously, Lina raises her hand and takes the object.

And then she sees a cell phone...?

"This cell phone has the number of Mizuki, the former general of The Inquisition, a general who defected after learning the truth of The Inquisition."

"...." Liena opened her eyes wide.

"Talk to her, explain your past affiliation, your doubts will be clarified, after that I will ask Ruby to give you a report on the demon invasion."

"Oh, you're going to Nightingale when it all starts, you and Andrew."


"That's not debatable." Victor didn't wait to finish speaking.

"Either you go, or he will force you to go."

"... Okay." She could only say it, she felt weird right now, she should be annoyed that Victor ordered her around and tossed her around as if she were his subordinate.

But she didn't... In fact, she felt a little shy... And grateful, after all, she could feel that he had the best of intentions in giving these orders.

"Mother!?" Andrew felt his instincts tingle.


And that instinct exploded when he saw how distraught his mother was, and it made him angrier, luckily, he was sure enough to know that Victor wouldn't break the 'brothers' promise they'd made.

Like himself, Fred and Edward weren't going to do that.

Promise between brothers is something sacred.

"Darling/Victor..." Mother and Daughter looked at Victor with dry, lifeless eyes.

"...What?" Victor knew immediately that it was time to play the fool.

'Fufufufu, the most handsome man's charm is not just to charm women, coupled with his natural charisma, he basically became the perfect leader, everyone will follow him if they feel the man has good intentions... In fact, even if he had no good intentions, they would all follow this man, his charm and charisma was a powerful tool to make allies.' Aphrodite couldn't help but nod inwardly with satisfaction.

Scathach's eyes brightened even more, she takes Victor's hand and pulls him in one direction.

"Come with me."

"W-Wait, where are you taking me?"

"To train. You are getting very arrogant lately, as your master, I need to put some sense into your mind." She couldn't say she was jealous.

"Oh?" Victor smiled widely, and then pulled Scathach, and the woman was surprised that before she knew it, she had her face in his chest.

"Training with you is something I will never refuse."

badump, Badump.

Scathach's heart began to pound madly, and her face turned slightly red, her eyes turned red, and she looked at Victor with an obsessive tone.

The fire she had before was completely rekindled.

"I've changed my mind… It won't be more training, I will destroy you." She spoke in a vicious tone that sent shivers down the spines of everyone present.


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