My Entire Family's Gone Haywire!

Chapter 1409 - 1409 Another piece of news

1409 Another piece of news

As Gu Nian and Madam Xue’s relationship grew deeper by the day, Madam Xue had even complained about how Xue Qianyu had spent less time with Gu Nian.

She couldn’t wait to get rid of the sand divine Kingdom as soon as possible. Sometimes, when she saw the people from the sand divine Kingdom in the city, she would have a bad look in her eyes. It’s your country’s ruler who’s insensible, causing my son and daughter-in-law to spend less time together.

The people of the sand divine Kingdom thought, I’m innocent!

All in all, kun city was developing well in all aspects. Some craftsmen who came here because of the Chinese Valentine’s Day and the Mid-Autumn Festival didn’t want to leave. There were no houses in kun city for sale. Those who had money went to the government office to book the next batch of new houses, and those who didn’t have money directly moved to the villages around Kun Zhou.

As the population grew, Gu shouxin recruited a new batch of bailiffs. Up until now, the Yamen had finally taken shape.

In the past, even if Gu shouxin had money, he couldn’t recruit people. But now, a large number of young people had poured into kunzhou.

By the end of September, people from the neighboring country had started to move into mixed city.

Because the Jin Nan country had become the Jin Nan state, the Jin Nan people could choose to live in mixed city or other places in the kun state. Most of them chose to live in mixed city.

There was no security in living outside the city. Who knew when the great Zhou and the Lang GE Kingdom would start a war!

Gu shouxin made a special count. There were only a total of more than 20 families from the Lang GE Kingdom who bought houses in mixed city. They were all doing business and bought things from kun city to be transported back for sale.

It would take two days to travel from kun city to the lange Kingdom by horse, so it was good for them to have a place to rest.

Gu shouxin had secretly investigated these twenty or so households. They were all people who had been doing business honestly since the beginning of the trading area, but the servants they brought along often changed.

In this regard, even without Gu shouxin’s reminder, the Peng family also knew to instruct the city gate guards to pay more attention.

Previously, because of the incident in the goddess Kingdom, Peng sanlang and Lu Zheng had led their troops to fight with the Yun nation. This time, mixed city could be moved in, and there were many new people who bought houses in the mixed city. This was a good sign for great Zhou.

Many of the people in the Yun nation and the divine Sand Kingdom did not have a fixed residence. They had always lived in tents and herded sheep and horses. It was better in the divine Sand Kingdom. Some tribes had fixed territories, but there would be people fighting for territory. However, the Yun nation really did not have a fixed place. Even their King often changed places. That place was only suitable for rearing sheep and horses, not suitable for people to live in.

By the time all the buyers in mixed city had settled their accounts, it was already the end of September.

It was less than a month away from Gu Hui and Peng ze’s wedding. Gu Hui had also been called back in early September to get married.

Everyone in kun city knew that the Gu family’s eldest daughter was about to get married to general ze from the Peng family’s water Battalion. When they met the two on the road, they would give their sincere blessings.

The three daughters-in-law of the younger generation of the Gu family had also sat for the full 42 days of confinement. After the confinement period, they were helping Grandma Gu to arrange Gu Hui’s marriage.

The Gu family did not have many friends in Qing Zhou, only a few. This time, they had come along with Gu en, who was studying at the ancestral home.

Gu en had passed the elementary scholar examination, and the Qing Province case was the same as Gu shouxin’s.

Well, such a happy event was nothing compared to Gu Hui’S. Gu en was not disappointed. After being away for more than half a year, he had grown taller and looked more mature.

Not only did he bring back the title of the criminal head, but he also brought back another piece of news.

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