My Crown Prince Consort Is a Firecracker!

Chapter 2750 - 2750 Setting Out for Tempest City

2750 Setting Out for Tempest City

Organizing another wedding banquet proved to be quite a natural hassle. Nonetheless, it served the purpose of silencing the meddlesome busybodies and causing those with hidden agendas to reconsider their words.

The young crown prince consort expressed her continued willingness to cooperate, despite the circumstances.

On the day following the banquet’s conclusion, the group of students preparing to journey to Tempest City began their preparations in earnest.


Situated at the heart of the Three Provinces, Tempest City stood as an autonomous entity, separate from the Three Provinces.

Regardless of whether travelers hastened from the royal capital, the journey via flying beasts would inevitably span five to six days.

Carriage travel was even more time-consuming, rendering it an impractical option.

Even the swiftest mystical horse could not maintain a gallop for more than a month.

Given that it was already the 7th of March, their time was undeniably limited. Any unforeseen incidents along the way could leave them unprepared and vulnerable.

However, the assistance of Her Excellency Lady Qiaoqiao and the Scarlet Sky Breaker had the potential to shave off at least a day from their travel time.

In the early hours of the morning, flying spiritual beasts could intermittently be observed departing from the capital’s designated flying platform.

The common folk, much like during a New Year’s celebration, gathered with their families along the streets to witness the spectacle.

Their cheers resonated as majestic spiritual beasts took flight, bearing riders upon their backs.

Even amongst the crowd, numerous servants from noble families who had just returned from errands joined in, proudly identifying their family members with exclamations like, “Behold, the second young master and the third young master of our household!”

“Our Dou Clan is sending four individuals to sit for the Imperial Academy’s entrance examination.”

“Hahaha! In our Qin Estate, we have a grand total of seven Young Masters and Misses embarking on this journey together!”

“Truly astounding; the Qin Family is indeed an extensive lineage.”

“It appears that there’s a considerable representation from the Duan Clan as well.”

“I’ve heard rumors that the Duan Clan’s Third Young Master is on the brink of achieving a breakthrough into the divine realm.”

“Unbelievable! Isn’t the Third Young Master merely a naive thirteen-year-old?”

“You speak the truth.”

“Quick, cast your gaze there! Could that be the air-transportation spiritual tool of the Qin Estate?”

“Yes, indeed!”

Goodness gracious! The unsuspecting onlookers erupted into a frenzy, intermittently catching shouts of astonishment.

Across the sky glided a substantial air-transportation spiritual tool, bearing the Qin Estate’s insignia and entourage, inciting a chorus of awe.

Within an open space nestled within the Eastern Palace’s modest garden, a third-tier ship stood anchored in a customary formation.

A flurry of junior eunuchs and junior palace maids worked with utmost dedication.

Effortlessly, they conveyed pastries, nourishment, attire, and implements, ferrying them up and down the vessel like a cascading stream. Evidently, their elation was unmistakable.

/It seems our Crown Prince Consort has flying ship!/

People often hastened their journeys by riding spiritual beasts through the wind and resting outdoors. Even if a family or clan possessed an air-transportation spiritual tool, it was improbable for it to rival the size of the Crown Prince Consort’s third-layer ship.

“Is everyone finished with their dawdling? Once you’re ready, board the ship! We’re about to depart.” Little Fatty positioned himself at the ship’s bow, projecting his voice to those milling about in the adjacent room.

Ma Ta, Lu Yu, Qi Xuanxuan, and the others simultaneously pushed open the side room’s door, each carrying several bundles on their backs. The sight of this prompted automatic eyebrow twitches from those present.

Elder Brother, Senior Sister, don’t you both possess inner worlds?

Unbeknownst to outsiders, the battle team from Sikong Planet had developed an aversion to being caught unprepared.

Currently, regardless of their potential possession of inner worlds or the ability to utilize them, they still opted to carry numerous bundles to ensure their preparedness.

“Qiaoqiao, be quick!”

As everyone turned around, their gazes met a young woman garbed in a crimson battle suit. She had tied her long hair into a flowing ponytail at her waist, and an intriguing golden doll head ornament adorned her head, emitting a faint golden glow beneath the sunlight.

The petite figure looked up, executing a graceful leap before landing lightly on the deck.

Crown Prince Mo’s smile took on a subtle quality.

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