Mr. President Dotes On His Wife Crazily

Chapter 894

894 Miss LAN and the others want to cut your rope

Lan Xiao’s vision was very clear. The black shadow that had pounced towards Lou Yu city was none other than Wen Muchu.


Wen Muchu was entangled with Lou Yucheng and the two of them were fighting each other.

Just now, even in the face of death, she was not afraid at all.

However, at this moment, the fear in Lan Xiao’s heart started to surge out.

She was afraid, afraid that Wen Muchu would fall.

Lou Yucheng’s body was at least tied up with a rope. However, Wen Muchu had nothing on him.

Assistant Qiao’s eyes were red with anxiety. He quickly ordered the two of them to go down and help Lou Yucheng.

His subordinates were loyal to their master.

Without any hesitation, they immediately took the rope and tied it around their waists before going down the cave.

Lan Xiao felt uneasy. She had asked Wang Xuan to hide in an inconspicuous place.

When assistant Qiao wasn’t paying attention, she immediately tied a rope and jumped down the cave.

Assistant Qiao was shocked. When he saw that it was Lan Xiao who had jumped down, his eyes flashed.

He then glanced at Wang Xuan, who was hiding in an inconspicuous corner.

Wang Xuan was so frightened by his glance that her body trembled slightly.

She shrunk her body and hugged herself tightly, trying to minimize her presence.

She was really afraid that this man would push her down again when Lan Xiao was not around.

Lou Yu city’s men were the first to reach there.

They called out to Mr. Lou and approached Lou Yucheng and Wen Muchu.

One of Wen Muchu’s arms was tightly wrapped around Lou Yucheng’s neck.

No matter how Lou Yucheng struggled and tried to break his arm, Wen Muchu did not let go.

Lou Yucheng was so angry that his face turned ashen. He gritted his teeth and scolded, ” “Wen Muchu, what are you doing?”

Upon hearing this, Wen Muchu sneered.

“What do I want to do? I’d like to ask you what you’re up to. What, you’re afraid that Lan Xiao will catch you and reveal your true colors, so you’re desperate and want to kill Lan Xiao to silence her?”

Lou Yucheng frowned slightly. He was just about to answer Wen Muchu’s question.

However, in the next second, he saw a petite figure flying towards them.

Xiaoxiao, why did you come down again? ” Lou Yucheng cried out in shock.

After shouting, he curled his lips into a mocking smile.

What else could Lan Xiao have come down for? it was definitely for Wen Muchu.

Could it be that he was still hoping that Lan Xiao had come down because he was worried about him?

He was stupid.

Lan Xiao ignored Lou Yucheng and reached out to grab Wen Muchu’s arm.

“Chu Chu, come over.”

When Wen Muchu heard Lan Xiao’s voice, a trace of joy flashed in his eyes. His heart, which had been tensed up because of his worry for Lan Xiao, slowly relaxed.

He reached out and held Lan Xiao in his arms, completely hugging him.

Because Lan Xiao had taken a rope and tied it to a stone in the cave.

Therefore, because of its huge size, the rock could completely carry the weight of two people.

Moreover, the rope was specially made and wouldn’t break easily.

The moment Wen Muchu hugged Lan Xiao, Lan Xiao’s lips curved up and he reproached her in a hoarse voice, ” “What’s wrong with you? it’s so dangerous, but you didn’t take any precautions and jumped down? Wen Muchu, do you not want to live anymore?”

As Lan Xiao spoke, he clenched his fist and punched him a few times.

Wen Muchu’s eyes flashed with a trace of adoration as his large palm tightly wrapped around her small hand.

“Don’t worry, I won’t be that reckless. At first, I grabbed onto the vine. When I came down, I saw Lou Yu city. He thought that he was the culprit behind all this. That’s why I let go of the vines and pounced on him.”

Lan Xiao pursed his lips and carefully placed his face on his chest.

She quietly listened to the rapid beating of his heart. Even if they were in danger at this moment, she felt that they could overcome any danger together in his arms.

hold on tight, let’s go up for a walk first. Wen Muchu said as he grabbed the rope with his arm. He used his arm strength and legs to climb up bit by bit as if he was climbing a rock.

“Will this work?” Lan Xiao’s eyes flashed with worry.

“Alright, believe me.” Wen Muchu returned her a gentle smile, then lowered his head and kissed her on the lips.

Lan Xiao nodded and nestled in his arms obediently.

While they were climbing up, Lou Yu city was almost at the entrance of the cave.

Because there were people pulling Lou Yu city up from the cave, the speed of the rise of Lou Yu city was very fast.

Assistant Qiao stood at the entrance of the cave and watched as Lou Yucheng was about to be pulled up.

His eyes dimmed slightly and he gave a look to the man beside him.

The man understood what assistant Qiao meant and nodded slightly.

Then, he took out a dagger that glinted coldly from his pocket and walked toward the rock Lan Xiao was tied to.

Wang Xuan naturally saw this scene.

She was so shocked that she quickly got up and rushed to the man. She hugged the stone and stopped him.

“What are you doing? No, you can’t cut this rope.”

If the rope was cut, then Lan Xiao and Wen Muchu, who were using the rope to climb up, would definitely fall down and be smashed into pieces.

The man sneered and grabbed Wang Xuan’s arm, pulling her to the side.

“You think you can live? I’ll deal with you after I deal with these two.”

Wang Xuan shook her head and shouted in fear, ” no, no, no! Didn’t your President Lou say that you can’t hurt miss LAN? are you going to disobey his order? ”

When assistant Qiao heard this, he sneered.

“President Lou probably won’t blame us for making our own decisions. Originally, he and Lan Xiao had come to this point and were already enemies. President Lou was confused and couldn’t see the situation clearly, so I had to help him figure out what choice he should make.”

Wang Hua’s eyes were filled with fear. She desperately wanted to rush over and stop the man’s actions.

Assistant Qiao came up to her, grabbed her wrist, and threw her into the cave.

“Don’t get in my way anymore. If you want to die, I’ll fulfill your wish later. This place is the burial ground I’ve specially prepared for you. You can’t waste my painstaking efforts.”

Wang Xuan’s foot slanted and a sharp pain came from her foot.

She fell to the ground and could no longer get up.

At that moment, Wang Xuan was in despair.

She watched as the man pulled out the dagger and touched the rope.

She broke down and shouted,”miss LAN, miss LAN and the others want to cut off your rope, Zhenzhen.”

Assistant Qiao’s face darkened. She took a step forward and raised her hand to slap Wang Xuan.

“You really don’t know what’s good for you.”

Wang Xuan’s vision turned black as he was slapped, and he fainted completely.

At this moment, Lou Yucheng was pulled up.

Due to the close distance, he naturally heard what Wang Xuan had shouted just now.

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