Mr. President Dotes On His Wife Crazily

Chapter 829

829 You’re talking nonsense

As Lan Xiao had bet on Cheng Feng, she won another million Yuan with one million Yuan. She had won almost all the money that everyone had bet on.


The faces of the people in the arena were extremely ugly.

She looked at Lan Xiao with envy.

Lan Xiao’s eyes flickered and she smiled slyly. She didn’t take it all for herself.

Naturally, it was better to be happy together than to be happy alone.

Thus, she looked at the mountain of cash in front of her and smiled at the crowd.

“Everyone, I don’t have much, but I do have a lot of money. I can’t take away so much money. You all know that I have too much money to spend. It’s a waste for me to leave with so much money. You guys can split this one million Yuan, don’t stand on ceremony, Yingluo.”

The crowd was surprised and looked at Lan Xiao with joy.

They all nodded and looked at Lan Xiao with fiery eyes.

In order to prevent them from fighting over the money, Lan Xiao specially called a few people and asked them to line up for change.

West wind was watching from the side, and he was very angry.

She was so angry that her entire face turned green.

He glanced at Lan Xiao with a sinister look and left with his men.

When he returned to his residence, he angrily smashed everything in the house.

However, before he could rest, one of the guards who was guarding ah lie suddenly ran over in a hurry to report.

“Big brother west wind, wuwuwuwu, it’s not good. Ah lie has been kidnapped, wuwuwu!”

When west wind heard this, he angrily kicked the man to the ground.

“Trash, all of you are trash.”

He walked out of the door and headed towards the room where ah lie was being held.

When he saw that there was no one in the room, he clenched his fists in anger and smashed them on the wall a few times.

He had been tricked. He had been completely played.

So, the fight between him and Cheng Feng was deliberately planned by Wen Muchu. What was his purpose? wasn’t it to lure the Tiger away from the mountain? on one hand, he would drag him away so that he would have no time to care about ah lie’s side. On the other hand, he would send people to take ah lie away without anyone knowing?

West wind’s eyes were burning with fire. He gritted his teeth and laughed.”Good Yingluo, very good. Wen Muchu, Qianqian and that Xiao LAN, these two people, did they f * cking treat me like a dog and play me around? If I don’t take revenge, I’m not a human.”

West wind was so angry that he was about to smoke from his seven orifices.

As for Lan Xiao, he returned to Wen Muchu’s residence and Wang Kun brought the news from ah lie.

“Miss LAN, I’ve already brought ah lie to the wolf’s den. This time, I saw with my own eyes how he was swallowed by the wolf. No one can save him anymore, hehe.”

When Lan Xiao heard that ah lie had been eaten by a Wolf, she immediately sighed and looked at Wang Kun speechlessly.

“Yingluo, Didn’t I tell you to just kick him out of the base? After all, it’s a human life.”

“Miss LAN, this ah lie knows too much. We can’t let him live. Besides, this was a punishment given to him by Heibao. I’m just putting everything on the right track.” Wang Kun chuckled without a trace of guilt. His voice carried a sense of self-righteousness.

Wen Muchu held onto Lan Xiao’s hand. things have already come to this. There’s no need to pursue it any further.

To him, ah lie deserved such an ending.

Lan Xiao kept her mouth shut. Fine, since Wen Muchu had already said so, what else could she say?

When Meng Ying returned, she was already awake.

She was now by Cheng Feng’s side, watching the doctor treat Cheng Feng’s wound without blinking.

Fortunately, although the wounds on Cheng Feng’s body looked serious, they were not fatal. He would recover in about a month.

Meng Ying also heaved a sigh of relief.

With a smile on his face, Cheng Feng held her hand and looked into her eyes.

After this incident, the enmity between them had been completely put to rest, and it could be considered that the lovers had finally gotten married.

As for Wang Kun, he apologized to Meng Ying seriously.

Meng Ying did not hesitate. She raised her hand and slapped his face a few times.

After that, she told Wang Kun that their relationship was completely over.

Wang Kun touched his face that had been slapped and smiled.

These few slaps had really let him off easy. If it wasn’t for Cheng Feng, he wouldn’t have had the chance to turn back.

He buried the guilt deep in his heart.

One day, he would be able to completely pay off this debt.

This night, west wind had been extremely tormented. He didn’t sleep at all.

He stood up slowly at dawn, pushed the door open, and walked out of the house.

Then, without any hesitation, he walked towards the Black Panther’s residence.

Black Panther had just woken up. Ah Shuang had prepared some breakfast and placed it in front of Black Panther.

Heibao glanced at ah Shuang with a complicated look and thanked her.

Ah Shuang lowered his eyes, pursed his lips, and didn’t speak.

She walked out of the room in silence. Just as she turned a corner, she met the West Wind.

West wind didn’t say anything and grabbed ah Shuang’s wrist.

Ah Shuang was shocked. He raised his head to look at west wind and scolded in a low voice,”West wind, what are you doing?”

West wind secretly gritted his teeth and sneered. He leaned close to her ear and threatened in a low voice,”If you don’t want brother Bao to find out what you’ve done, I advise you to keep quiet at this time.”

“What are you talking about? I don’t understand what you mean at all. Let go of me.” Ah Shuang frowned and tried hard to shake west wind off.

A cold glint flashed in west wind’s eyes as he said in a low voice, ” “Are you playing dumb with me? Alright, I’ll tell brother Bao now that the person who poisoned him was not ah lie, but you, Yingluo.”

A ‘Shuang’s face turned slightly pale, and his breathing stagnated.

“You’re talking nonsense.”

“Whether it’s nonsense or not, you know better than anyone. “If you don’t want brother Bao to know, then come with me obediently, Yingluo.” West wind grabbed ah Shuang’s wrist and wanted to drag her away.

Ah Shuang panicked. She didn’t expect that west wind would know that the person who poisoned her was her.

She didn’t dare to speak anymore and subconsciously followed west wind out.

Unexpectedly, the two of them had only taken a few steps when Wang Kun suddenly rushed over and blocked west wind’s path.

“Oh my, brother west wind, when did you become so close to ah Shuang? And they’re even pulling and tugging like this, isn’t this attitude very intimate? I wonder if brother Bao knows when you two became so close.”

West wind’s expression changed, and he knew that this was bad.

He quickly let go of ah Shuang’s arm.

“Don’t talk nonsense. Ah Shuang accidentally tripped just now. I just helped her up.”

“Oh, really? Why do I feel like that’s not the case? Ah Shuang, what do you think?” Wang Kun turned his head to look at ah Shuang and gave her a look.

Ah Shuang’s reaction was also fast. His eyes immediately turned red, and he glanced at west wind with a trace of fear. He covered his mouth and went to the room where the Black Panther was, sobbing.

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