Mr. President Dotes On His Wife Crazily

Chapter 625

625 Don’t let your own fertile water flow into others “fields

Fang qingci was afraid that Lan Xiao wouldn’t let her bet, so she deliberately said these things to tempt Lan Xiao.


No one would be able to resist the temptation of money.

Lan Xiao’s eyes lit up. This Yingluo was too f * cking exciting and melodramatic, right?

Wasn’t she too lucky?

This was such a good thing, and he was trying his best to get her to do it.

This pig’s foot Halo is simply too bright!

She was even worried that her brilliance would drive a bunch of small supporting actors to their deaths.

It was almost as if whatever she wanted would come.

A huge pie in the sky was falling on her head.

She was just thinking about opening a jewelry store in Jin city with song Qiaoqiao.

As a result, the next moment, Fang qingci, a fat pig waiting to be slaughtered, came to his door on her own initiative.

What else could she say?

This cheating life was too f * cking 666.

Who didn’t know that the Fang family’s stores were all over Asia?

Not only did Ling city have them, but Jin capital also had countless of them.

As far as Lan Xiao knew, there were more than ten jewelry stores in the Jin capital that belonged to the Fang family.

If she could win a shop from Fang qingci in the Jin capital, she would be able to completely open up her Governor and conception vessels.

Lan Xiao was extremely excited. It turned out that this celadon wasn’t here to make things difficult for her, but to give her a shop?

She chuckled and looked at Fang qingci as if she was looking at a pile of things more valuable than money.

“Miss Fang, you’re too kind. I don’t have much ability, so what conditions can I give you? I didn’t expect you to be so generous and want to give me this additional condition. I’m sorry, I’m quite embarrassed, ” Lan Xiao smiled hypocritically, pretending to be flattered.

Seeing Lan Xiao’s useless look, Fang qingci’s eyes were even more contemptuous.

miss LAN, you don’t have to be embarrassed. It’s not a big deal. In my eyes, those things are dead. How can they be compared to humans? ” After she finished speaking, she even looked at Wen Muchu with a profound look.

Lan Xiao’s mouth twitched. As expected, Fang qingci’s target was Wen Muchu.

This disgusting woman actually dared to have designs on her man.

Tonight, she was going to make this confident woman suffer a big loss.

Not only was it embarrassing, but it was also embarrassing.

“Since miss Fang is so generous, it would be hypocritical of me to decline. Alright, since that’s the case, let’s make a bet. If I lose, I’ll agree to any of your conditions. If you lose, in addition to one condition, I want a jewelry store in the center of Jin Jing city. Miss Fang, what do you think of this request? It’s not too much, right?” Lan Xiao looked at Fang qingci with a smile.

Anyway, she didn’t hate Fang qingci that much now.

She wasn’t looking at a person or anything. Instead, she seemed to be looking at a high-end jewelry shop that was making a lot of money every day.

Fang qingci frowned. Looking at Lan Xiao’s smile, she felt that something was wrong.

She subconsciously rubbed her arms. This smile was so f * cking creepy.

“Since we’ve reached an agreement, we can’t go back on our word.”

of course, since miss Fang is so generous, I really have no reason to go back on my word, unless I’m an idiot.

Lan Xiao quickly nodded in agreement.

That look, don’t even mention how eager and enthusiastic.

Fang qingci pursed her lips slightly. She felt that Lan Xiao was different from before.

Just now, she could still see some fear and dread on Lan Xiao’s face, but now, no matter how she looked at it, Lan Xiao seemed to be secretly happy.

That’s right, I’m secretly happy …

He was like a cat who had caught a fish and smelled it, his face full of surprise.

Lan Xiao questioned.

“Miss Fang, we can’t bet without any evidence. Should we write a contract or something? If either of us doesn’t acknowledge the final result, then it won’t be fun, don’t you think?”

Fang qingci’s face suddenly changed.

“What do you mean? Could it be that you’re afraid that I won’t admit to it?”

Lan Xiao chuckled. miss Fang, don’t be agitated. I didn’t mean it that way. I’m not afraid that you won’t admit to it. I’m just afraid that you’ll forget about the bet later. Let’s make a written pledge and make it clear. Wouldn’t that be more convenient and save time if something goes wrong?”

Fang qingci was a little angry. How could she not hear that Lan Xiao was afraid that she would go back on her words?

She had never been questioned by anyone in her life.

alright, I’ll do it. I’m afraid you won’t admit it.

In any case, she felt that she would definitely win this round.

She was just worried that Lan Xiao would deny it.

He didn’t expect Lan Xiao to raise this question one step ahead of time.

Didn’t she want her face? This was simply bullying.

Fang qingci was so angry that her face turned blue. She immediately asked the staff to get paper and a pen.

She personally wrote down the terms of the bet, the conditions of the bet, and the chips that both parties proposed.

After she finished writing everything, she handed it to Lan Xiao in a bad mood. “Take a look. If there’s no problem, sign it immediately. Don’t waste any more time. There’s not much time left.”

Lan Xiao squinted and smiled, as if she didn’t see Fang qingci’s angry face. She took the paper and even smiled sweetly at her.

“Thank you, miss Fang.”

Then, Lan Xiao glanced at the ten lines and quickly read the terms and conditions of the bet clearly.

Yes, it was written very clearly in black and white.

She smiled and nodded, then took a pen and signed her name. After signing her name, she asked the staff to find a red ink pad for stamping and pressed her thumbprint.

Fang qingci bit her lip in anger and sneered.

Seeing that Lan Xiao had finished signing and signing, she took it over and signed as well.

After everything was settled, Lan Xiao solemnly handed the IOU to elder su for safekeeping.

Fang qingci looked at Lan Xiao’s cautious appearance and was so angry that her mouth was almost crooked.

It was as if she would definitely lose and Lan Xiao would definitely win.

hence, in order to prevent her from going back on her words, lan xiao actively created this.

He Yingluo really didn’t know who gave her so much confidence and made her so thick-skinned.

Fang qingci clenched her fists and cursed, ” Lan Xiao, just you wait and see.

Elder su took out the receipt and showed it to Fang Yugu.

“Brother, your granddaughter is quite generous. She’s giving away a jewelry store in the Golden capital so casually. Don’t you plan on doing something?”

Fang Yugu wasn’t angry. He smiled and squinted his eyes.”It’s nothing. We shouldn’t let our own fertile water flow into others ‘fields. If this girl Lan Xiao is really capable, then I’ll definitely take her in as my disciple. It’s just a mere jewelry store. Just treat it as a gift for her, my apprentice.”

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