MMORPG: Rebirth as an Alchemist

Chapter 64

Chapter 64

BONUS Chapter 1/5


After his short encounter with Nikolai, Ren proceeded to follow the map toward Hubert’s shop.

With the guide in his hands, it only took him thirty minutes to reach the little Gnome’s shop.

The Millennium Tree.

It was a popular landmark destination in Maze Forest. It was the biggest tree in COVENANT next to Yggdrasil, the Tree of Life located in the Hidden Lands of the Fey. Occupying about 1000 sq. meter. It would take more than fifty people to circle its bark.

Though not long in the height of around four meters, its canopies almost shaded ¾ of the forest itself. In the month of Springs, the leaves were greener and white flowers sprouted on some of its barks. Leaves fell gently on the ground, and even though it was covered in perpetual shade, there was no rot on its barks and no decaying or a foul smell from its surroundings.

The air even had a minty, refreshing smell to it.

Ren took a moment to savor the atmosphere and took a deep breath of fresh air before proceeding to [Little Trinket].

There was a small hole carved from the trunk of the Millennium Tree enough to fit a 36 sq. meter one-story house. And inside it was Hubert, who was inspecting his trinkets.

Ren removed his hood and showed his face while he let Pii wander around the area.

“Oh! If it isn’t Ren?! You came here so soon?” Hubert exclaimed in glee, sharp teeth on display when he smiled.

“Yeah. I needed something. Mind if I look into your Elemental Duds.”

Hubert’s smile widened even more. “Look to your heart’s content. And like I said before, everything here is twenty percent off to you for saving my lie.”

“Thanks.” Ren looked at the selection of Elemental Duds, and he wasn’t disappointed with what he saw.

ǁ E L E M E N T A L

D U D S ǁ

❶ Water Dud

–– deals water damage

–– single target

–– Cost: 500 gil

● Aqua Dud

–– evolved form of the Water Dud

–– deals water damage

–– AoE damage

–– Cost: 1000 gil

❷ Earth Dud

–– deals earth damage

–– single target

–– Cost: 500 gil

● Earthquake Dud

–– evolved form of Earth Dud

–– deals Earth damage

–– AoE damage

–– Cost: 1000 gil

❸ Air Dud

–– deals air damage

–– single target

–– Cost: 500 gil

● Tornado Dud

–– evolved form of Air Dud

–– deals Air damage

–– AoE damage

–– Cost: 1000 gil

❹ Fire Dud

● Flame Dud

❺ Freezing Dud

● Blizzard Dud

❻ Lightening Dud

● Thunder Dud

❼ Holy Dud

● Devine Dud

❽ Darkness Dud

● Void Dud

ǁ E N D ǁ

The best thing about Duds is they weren’t dependent on ATP and level. Anyone can use them, and they pack a punch, especially if the enemy has an elemental weakness.

However, they were expensive as hell — especially the ones dealing AoE damage.

Ren was palpitating at the prices. But to win against Vulcan’s Cave at his group’s current ATP would be difficult without these Duds.

Closing his eyes and gritting his teeth, he bought 20 Aqua Duds. With a 20% discount, Hubert only charged him 16 000 gil, but it was still a significant sum considering the value of gil in the game.

Good thing that there was another grinding spot near Erendia Town, or Ren wouldn’t have spent 16 000 gil on the Duds that would only last on a single raid.

Ren comforted himself, thinking that he was investing in a piece of rare equipment. And Silvia would still compensate him if he didn’t get any equipment at all.

It was a win-win situation.

To gain some, he had to lose some.

After he was done with Hubert, Ren activated the save/teleportation Crystal so it would be a breeze to access [Little Trinket] in the future.

Ren was about to log out when Pii came crushing on his face and alerted him of something.



“What is it?’ Ren asked the little creature who was biting his clothes, pulling him forward. Like he found something, and it wanted him to take a look.

Pii released the hold on his shirt and flew near the Millennium Tree, pointing with its snout on the trunk.

Just beside [Little Trinket], Ren noticed a hole on a trunk that Pii desperately tried to point out. He thought it was part of the shop, but upon closer inspection, it was a crevice that was hidden by bushes, ferns, giant mushrooms, and flowers.

It wasn’t visible if you didn’t actually push the bushes and ferns away to reveal a fissure the size of a door.

Is there something inside? Ren became excited.

Maybe there were hidden treasures?

He immediately went inside the gap. Contrary to his expectation, the inside was light coming from the cracks on the trunk. It was spacious, about 400 sq. meters. It was airy and . . . covered in grass and trash.


Pii hovered above a patch of overgrown grass, and Ren went over to see what little Pii had found.

He was keeping his expectation down to avoid disappointment, but he was still disappointed to find a chest covered in rust with a rusty lock keeping it shut tight.

“Oh! I see that you have found my lost items!” Hubert entered the area and trotted in front of the chest. “So this is where it is! I thought I lost it.”

“What is it?” Ren inquired.

“This chest contained all my notes, you see. The blueprints for my Duds are all in here. Wait, let me open it.”

Hubert went out and returned immediately, holding a strange key in his hand. The key looked simple, and the tip appeared like a heart, but the intricate carvings on its shaft were strange.

“The lock on that chest may seem rusty and breakable, but no amount of hammering could open it. It needs a special Key that only I possessed.”

Ren thought for a moment. Could it be that the only way for the chest to be open was to rescue Hubert first? If others had found the chest before he was rescued then that meant that the chest was forever locked?

With a resounding click, the lock was released, and the chest opened, revealing old parchment of scrolls.

“Hubert carried the chest and gave it to Ren. “Here, you can take this.”

“. . .” Ren was flabbergasted. He didn’t expect to receive it, to be honest. He thought that Hubert would just give him rewards for finding the chest.

“Be glad that your class lined on the crafting side. I’ll let you have this. You found it, so it’s yours.”

“Are you sure?” Ren received the chest and all its contents.


All Elemental Dud Recipes!]


All Status Effect Dud Recipes!]

Ren was ecstatic! He didn’t expect to acquire all the Duds recipes this early on!

He didn’t know about someone acquiring all the Dud Recipes before. Was this because of his class and that he was the one who found Hubert’s Chest?

The Gnome implied that it was because of his class. But what if others found the chest? Would they have just gotten rewards?

It was possible since Ren didn’t know anyone who made Duds except Hubert in the past.

Even if he couldn’t craft them yet, it was still a huge relief that he got them all this early. He was now freed of the burden from strenuous quests just to acquire all of them.

Hubert tapped his head with the edge of his pointy nails. “I no longer need those. Everything is inside of my head. Besides, I had made new copies since I thought I lost them.”

“Is that so? Then thank you.” Truly. Ren was so happy, and it showed on his face.

Hubert nodded in appreciation at seeing Ren’s genuine smile.

“By the way, is this space taken?” asked Ren, looking over at the area. It might be a mess right now, but he couldn’t ask for a better headquarters for his soon-to-be mercenary troops.

It was hidden, and it’s near Hubert’s Shop. What more could he ask?

“No. when I made my shop here, I bore too large of a hole on the trunk. I wanted to use this space for storage but realized that I was too lazy to clean the place. My little shop works just fine for me.”

“Then do you mind if I use the place?”

Hubert shrugged. “As long as you clean this place, I don’t mind. It’s just collecting bags of dust anyway.”

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