Master of Untold Daos

Chapter 394 - Here’s a Return Gift

Chapter 394: Here’s a Return Gift

Chen Ming let it hang at his waist, Chen Lingyu must be crushed from parting.

Seeing Chen Ming walking further and further away, she bloomed into a wide smile, “Master has excellent senses when it comes to Dao. However, he can’t see through obvious tricks.”

“En, what should I do now? Pills? I don’t feel like it. I’m on vacation today.”

Vile Dragon Star River’s prison.

A shadow thickened before Duan Shou. His shoulder blades were pierced and his limbs were chained to the walls. The four Celestial Immortals tasked with his guarding shouted, “Who’s there?”

A half-crying half-laughing face in the middle of an eerie shadow, plus the strange demeanor it had, if not Chen Ming, then who?

“We greet Sire Faceless!” the four kneeled.

Chen Ming waved, “Withdraw.”

Even when they were alone, Chen Ming didn’t break the silence.

Duan Shou laughed and cursed in outrage, “What is it, coward?”

“As I’ve said before, if you won’t follow me, then you are nothing more wasted space.”

Duan Shou’s crazed laughter further emphasized the arrogance in his eyes, “I have butchered and burned wherever I pleased. How many do you think are out there that can stop me? The quick saber is the best in the world, this is all my Dao represents. I have no regrets even in death.”

This fool is a madman through and through, packed full of conceit. He pursues the quick aspect of the saber and won’t submit to anyone whose speed is less than him.

Chen Ming grinned, “Your saber art is nothing.”

“You want my allegiance? Even the last Faceless only had an agreement with me. You think you can do better and earn my loyalty?”

A faster saber was impossible for Chen Ming, but he had his ways.

Chen Ming unsheathed Two Year Cicada, “Seeing as you train in the quick aspect, I will let you bear witness to its true form.”

“If it’s too arcane, you won’t get it. Watch and learn, the Saber Domain, the awe-inspiring might of the quick saber!”

Duan Shou cultivated a dark Saber Drawing Art, who only pursued the meaning of speed. Saber energy drifted off Chen Ming and into the Two Year Cicada. He swiped it at the wall.

The wall was intact since it was built to hold a Gold Immortal.

However, Duan Shou had seen enough. Chen Ming used a simple Saber Drawing Art at the Saber Energy stage. However, it had a double speed effect with it!


Duan Shou had been gifted in learning the quick aspect, yet now he bore witness to a bizarre scene. Chen Ming’s saber went beyond the simple meaning of speed.

That must be a special art. If I can learn it, my speed will double and not only will I be uncontested among Gold Immortals, I can even challenge those above, killing them in a blink!

Chen Ming stowed his saber, “Fast and slow is all relative. What goes beyond speed is Time.”

Duan Shou knew Chen Ming’s mastery surpassed his imagination. This was the Time Dao.

He finally understood what monster the Faceless of the Three-headed Dragon Constellation was. He had the power to control his own time!

Chen Ming smiled, “Want it? I can teach you.”

Duan Shou’s face was blank, sunk in the depth of his mind.

Chen Ming clapped and the four guards came, “Does Sire Faceless needs us?”

Chen Ming pointed, “Release him.”

They hesitated. The danger was too great to ignore. However, they took comfort in Faceless’ presence. As the chains were removed, Duan Shou fell paralyzed on the ground.

His whole life revolved around the quick saber, yet held no worth before Chen Ming’s. What can a quick saber amount to in the face of Time? It’s but a children’s toy.

After six long hours, Duan Shou finally spoke, “I am incapable of refusing your deal.”

Chen Ming chuckled, “No, no, no. What do you think Time is? You don’t cut the part to earn the right to a deal. You have nothing that I hold of value.”

True, I have no right to ask for an agreement. I don’t have anything in exchange for Time Dao!

Duan Shou kneeled, “Lord has a blade and I am willing to wield it as a Blade, for as long as I live!”

Chen Ming smiled, “I accept your loyalty. I will permit you to call upon my name. But before that, you need to prove yourself to me.”

Duan Shou said, “This isn’t betrayal. I and the former Faceless only had an agreement!”

Chen Ming smiled, “I understand. Therefore, you now have to prove your devotion. I am quite intrigued by your Faceless. Understand?”

Duan Shou bowed, “Crystal. I will present you the Faceless’ Blade’s skull as proof!”

Chen Ming said to the four, “Tell Bu Liuhen Duan Shou is my Blade and not to restrict him and to provide help instead.”

Duan Shou snapped, “I don’t need it. I want to prove myself alone!”

Chen Ming vanished. A few days later, Inevitable’s meeting was in effect. The Faceless sat in their chairs as Inevitable held a long look over Nr. 9 and Chen Ming, “Nr. 9, Nr. 5, you’ve done well. Your victory is your own. I will not take anything from your Soul Beads.”

Chen Ming and Nr. 9 kept silent.

Nr. 6 smiled, “What a surprise, you managed to receive my gift without harm.”

Chen Ming chuckled, “Since you went and sent me one, I also considered returning a gift. For obvious reasons, I won’t be telling you of its content, unless it spoils the surprise.”

The rest just watched their game. They all knew Nr. 5 and Nr. 6 were beyond reconciliation.

Chen Ming had no intention of using Sin Searing Book and give his cleansing service to the rest Faceless, that would blow his cover.

As for exchanging souls for fruits or other trinkets, Chen Ming and Nr. 9 didn’t implicate themselves as they didn’t need it. They could use the Soul Beads however they wished.

Chen Ming gave Nr. 9 a long look. The new guy ain’t half bad.

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