Level Up Legacy

Chapter 679: My Victory

Chapter 679: My Victory

The world was frozen to its tiniest molecules as the demonic aura was about to strike the city and its survivors. Yet, even after the broadcast transmitted the footage to the rest of the world, the Yalen King did not send the emergency signal to the masters.

Behind Amelio was a gigantic figure of a demon whose eyes were blindfolded. The demon struck with an open palm with a word engraved, and tears streamed down his eyes. It was the lord of the underworld, Asura.

"It seems that this is his strongest attack," muttered Arthur quietly, which compelled Seref to look toward his son. Unlike before, Arthur was smiling and standing. Seref's eyes widened with confusion before Arthur raised his hand and held his fingers together. "This is… a win for humanity."

"Amelio, stop!" shouted Seref as he realized something was wrong, but it was too late. Arthur snapped his fingers, and the blood on Amelio's chest lit up like a bloody flower. Although the calamity was warned, it was too late.

"Strengthen-IV!" shouted Arthur as a rune appeared on Amelio's chest, strengthening him further. Amelio was confused before his arm deformed before he could finish his attack. The muscles on his chest began to expand as well.

Every tissue, bone, muscle, vessel, and cell began to break down. Amelio was bleeding from every pore in his body as his bones disintegrated and his tendons could no longer support his muscles, rapturing as well.

The strongest man in the world was turning into an incomprehensible mesh of flesh and bones before their eyes, and the culprit seemed to be the man standing behind them. The gory sight left the crowd fearful and the world shaking.

Arthur Silvera walked toward the still moving corpse of Amelio, who had no time to scream in pain as his whole body began to break down. Then, he reached his mother and checked if she was still alive.

"Arthur…" muttered his father with a hoarse voice. "What… did you do?"

"I nudged him, that is all," said Arthur while looking at his mother's sleeping face. "I saw Amelio's stats. It took me an embarrassing amount of time to realize that Amelio sealed himself for two reasons, not just one."

"One of them is the split, but the other is…" his father seemed confused.

"The other reason is his inability to evolve further. This pushed him to the limits of his human body. Any further strengthening would make his body collapse, as my theory proved. The container was already filled to the limits."

"You were acting earlier just to push him into using his strength, thus pushing his body to its limits further?" asked Seref while gulping. "What happened to you?"

"You happened," said Arthur as he turned toward Amelio, whose legs stopped him from supporting and fell to be a pile of flesh. The more enraged he was for what Arthur did, the more he tried to use his strength, and the more it backfired."I will not lose again, father. My suffering will end because I decided it will."

"This isn't over yet," said Seref before he regained his composure. "You are alone here, battered and tired. But, I am still here, and my plans won't fail!"

"He is not alone," said a voice from the void as a group of people appeared. It was Oren, Selena, Li, Julia, and Kody Nightroad, along with an injured Mr. Tate. "He was never alone," said Oren before stabbing the ground with his greatsword.

The four defenders walked to stand behind Arthur as well, each of them battered but still carrying the same prestige. Their gesture compelled the soldiers and guild members to do the same, followed by the shadows and gobkins.

Seref Silvera stared at the crowd, glanced toward Li behind him, and then turned toward Arthur. For the first time since he started fighting, Arthur was no longer the outsider. Instead, he earned a place among these people by protecting the earth from calamity.

"These bonds that you have created can break," said Seref toward him. "Everyone will betray you as long as their kings demand it, which they will. No can be relied on, Arthur."

"I will decide that. It is my life, after all," replied Arthur with a smile. Seref was silent before he walked toward Amelio and waved his hand. Then, Amelio disappeared somewhere, and Seref started levitating.

"Do not let the calamity escape!" shouted Ilia Perli with panic, but Arthur raised his arm toward them. Seref Silvera watched them while floating toward the sky.

"The real calamity was not Amelio nor the serpent," said Arthur as he glared at Seref. "It was him. We are spared because this was not within his calculations, and he needs time to decide whether our deaths will bring him benefits or harm."

"I lost this time, Arthur," said a smiling Seref as he rose higher. "However, there will be a next time. This is a warning to every human in this world," declared Seref toward the drones. "The other world has started attacking!"

His face was transmitted to every citizen worldwide, shaking their hearts. The world would collapse if more attacks happened like this one in every city. After that, the man who would be labeled a terrorist took out a small artifact.

"The invasion is over. Return to the gate, and leave this world. The mission… has failed."

Seref soared toward the giant portal where Avarice was and disappeared into it. Arthur watched his father leave with Amelio, and his body lost strength once the man disappeared into the portal.

The Skywalkers and serpent retreated into the gate, and in a few minutes, the city was empty from any outsiders. However, the monsters remained to roam Kera, but those turned out to be the lesser evil.

Arthur fell to the ground beside his mother, his breathing growing shallower. Oren rushed toward him and placed his hand on his back. Arthur turned toward him with a smile, feeling like his brother had changed.

"Is this a new hairstyle?" asked Arthur while looking at the grayed hair of Oren. After a momentary pause, Oren smiled while shaking his head. "I guess a lot… has… happened."

"Your face is pale, Arthur," said Oren with worry, but Arthur shook his head and stood up. "You should rest since the fight is over."

"The fight is never over," said Arthur as he looked at the soldiers and Ilia Perli. "Amelio is gone, and your king still wishes for my death. Are you going to arrest me now, Ilia? My head should equal a pardon."

Oren seemed confused about the situation, which has not been resolved yet. The invaders were gone, but Arthur was still a criminal in the eyes of the kingdom. However, Ilia Perli shook his head in response.

"Once two men fight alongside each other, there is nothing but respect between them. I am no longer Captain of the Unbroken Corps since I disobeyed my king. Kera needs no further destruction but healing."

"A wise man," Arthur said before turning toward the horizon. "I just wish that your king was just as wise. It seems the fighting never ends indeed."

The rest of them followed his gaze and watched airships line the horizon. Their sudden appearance after Arthur managed to defeat Amelio suggested this was planned, but no one was brave enough to admit that.

It was the Royal Fleet, commanded by the king himself. The Yalen King wanted to kill Arthur instead of relying on someone who might disobey him. The soldiers felt choked as they witnessed the scene, and it was the same for Ilia Perli.

"His Majesty has waited until the fighting ends to send reinforcements? Has he wished for Arthur Silvera's death that badly?" asked Ilia Perli with helplessness while clenching his fist. "What have we been protecting, exactly?"

"The innocents," said Arthur as he turned around toward Oren and the rest of the rescue squad. "I will take my leave now, Ilia Perli. Are you sure you won't join me since we are both criminals now?"

"I have been a man of justice my whole life. If I run away now, I will be no different from the criminals I caught. Let me believe His Majesty is still the same king I chose to serve."

"I understand, but when the time comes, I will not hesitate to aid you," said Arthur as Oren supported him and Selena carried his mother. "As for the two of you, it might be dangerous to stay here. So be our hostages for the time being since the Nightroad family is bound to be concerned."

"Greetings, older brother," said Selena with a bashful face as she met Arthur for the first time. "We will be under your care, then. I still want to make sure Oren and Aunty are safe."

"I understand," agreed Arthur before turning toward Julia, Li, and Mr. Tate. "I have many questions, but we can talk after we run away. There is still one missing person…" muttered Arthur as he looked around.

The Calamity Spider descended toward them, filled with deep gushed and corroded metal after its fight with the serpent. A giant teleport circle appeared on the ground, covering Arthur's group, his gobkins, and his shadows. However, they were still waiting when someone appeared on the cliff.

"Alexie!" shouted Maryam as she waved her hand. Arthur smiled and waited for her to teleport toward them, and she joined their group. The airships were now covering the distant sky, and it was time for them to leave.

"Goodbye, everyone," said Arthur toward the guild masters and Ilia Perli. "I will visit when I have the time and thank you for taking my side. The next time we meet… I will be leading my own guild."

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