Level Up Legacy

Chapter 505 - There Was None

Amon knocked on the throne room's door, but there was no response. A sigh escaped his lips before he, without further ado, pushed the doors open. The hall inside was dark, almost as if its inhabitant would vaporize when struck by sunlight.

"Your Majesty," called out Amon as he walked to the throne. "You have been sitting here forever. Before I became your right-hand man, I was a friend. I am worried about you."

"You... visited the Seika," muttered Solomon with a dark and unreadable expression. Amon was silent, but there was no use hiding it. A nod was all it took to answer. "I want to know why."

"I requested that he does not revive my sister," answered Amon honestly. The king rose from his seat, his teeth gnashing against each other.

"A betrayal," declared the king. However, Amon stood unwavering, for he believed in his cause. "I cannot believe that my most trusted betrayed me, Amon. You are refusing to revive your sister."

"I believe that there are things that cannot be taken back. I want you to be my king instead of a man in love. Furthermore, what happens when it is known that revival is possible? The world will be turned upside down."

"You are lying, Amon. The only reason you refuse to revive her is that you feel guilty for killing her. You do not want to face the person you killed."

Amon was silent as memories flashed in his mind. There were simpler times where the three of them were everything that mattered in this world. Long ago, a brother and sister found an obsessed craftsman.


"This is a hopeless matter, Ruki," said Amon as he slammed down his bear. "The king is asking for the impossible. There is no way for us to emerge victoriously."

"You are a spineless man," spat Ruki with a playful smile, eyeing a man sitting far away. "I came here with a purpose. There is a man here who is said to be a Seika."

"Seikas are barely fit for battle," frowned Amon. "Their abilities do not go beyond simple manipulation of matter."

Amon heard more than one thing about these people. It was a mystery how they used their powers, but it was not as if they were masters of their elements. Most of them were peaceful people, albeit some became warlords.

"I know that, dumbass," she turned toward him, her face wrinkling in scorn. "I am here because this is a craftsman! I think, no, I know that he can craft us a weapon capable of tearing about those wyverns!"

"I see," smiled Amon. "However, you better keep an eye on him next time. Your Seika has disappeared."

"Ah!" Ruki turned around to look for him, but the man left while she was distracted. "I hate you, Amon!"

After her declaration, the petite woman jumped from her chair and ran toward the door. Amon smiled as he watched her black, curly short hair bob away, following another whim of hers.

However, he would have never realized that this moment would become his greatest regret. After all, if she hadn't met that craftsman, she would have never lost herself.


Amon stared at his king, a tall man that sat majestically on his throne. The eyes that stared into his have lost their kindness and wisdom. These were the eyes of a man that lost his desire to live long ago.

"I served you for one reason: the love she had for you. I never believed you were fit to rule this kingdom, but you changed my mind. I should have known that it was about her. Everything you have built so far is about her."

"Are you finally showing your true colors, Amon?" grinned Solomon in contempt. "I know that you never liked me for who I am. However, I expected some loyalty to be within you."

"My loyalty is for this kingdom. I will bleed for the hungry children I was raised among and will lay my life to the mothers that tended to my wounds. I, unlike you halfling, have a connection to this land."

"My connection was killed by none other than you!" roared Solomon as he slammed his fist on the armchair, breaking it. "You killed the one person that accepted who I am, and now you refuse to bring her back."

Amon stared at his king. His eyes closed because he did not wish to see his friend like this. It would have been different if she was here because she always knew how to bring them together.

"I refuse to bring her back because... I was relieved when she died. This world is cruel, and I had to fight alongside my little sister. I never slept at night because I feared something would take her away from me. However, when I finally lost her... a part of me was relieved."

Amon tried to resist the tears from his eyes, but it was hard to admit how pathetic he was. The darkest secret he ever had was that a part of him could not handle seeing her again.

"I took her life with my blade, but that set me free. I was no longer a prisoner of fear. I had nothing else to lose, but now, you want to bring her back."

"You disgust me."

"What if I do?" laughed Amon as he waved his arm. "Life is filled with death! Do you want me to go through that again? It will break me to lose the only family I have twice! It does not matter if I want to see her again because, at one point, I will lose her again!"

"You are selfish," rose Solomon from his chair. "I knew that you were a coward, but this is beyond that. You refuse to be happy because you know that someday, it will be taken away from you."

"It does not matter anymore," laughed Amon. "I visited the Seika because I thought he could revive the dead. It turns out that he cannot find a long-lost soul. Saint Ai was an exception because her soul was still there, but Ruki? It is impossible."

The hall was silent, and the darkness seemed to swallow it. The king was looking at him silently as if considering this matter. Then, a smile appeared on his face.

"I know that you are lying, Amon," he said, and it made Amon tremble. "However, it indeed seems that the Seika disappeared from his city. I was naive to believe he could help me. However, I found another way. Right, Lorius?"

Amon was confused as someone emerged from behind the throne. The figure waved his arm, and Amon felt as if a giant struck him with a hammer, sending him flying.


The throne room shook as Amon slammed to the walls, coughing blood as he slid down. After he raised his head to see who it was, his eyes widened in surprise.

"Ancient One!" roared Amon as the warm and metallic taste of his blood filled his mouth. "What is the meaning of this, Solomon?!"

"You told me that you did what you have to do. I am doing the same. I no longer need the Seika, nor do I need you to bring her back."

"This man is everything we refused to be!" Amon tried to stand, but Lorius waved his arm again and pinned him to the wall. The man walked forward, pale and ghostly, as he stood beside the throne.

"How does it feel when your friend becomes your enemy?" smiled Lorius as his hand rested on Solomon's shoulder. "I would have spared you, Amon. However, I fear that is no longer possible. We are at war."

"Solomon..." Amon tried to speak through gritted teeth as an invisible force pushed him against the wall, forming an outline of his body. "...please don't do this... Ruki did not... want this..."

"I will apologize after I revive her," said Solomon with a blank expression. "Ask her to wait for me, Amon."

After the words fell on his ears, Amon felt the force disappear, and his body landed on the ground. Then, as he tried to gather his breath, he saw a pair of feet in front of him.

"You are being fooled, Solomon! The dead cannot return!" shouted Amon to his friend, who was holding a sword in hand. "You will curse this kingdom with darkness if you listen to this freak!"

"I was once your comrade, Amon," Solomon said as he kicked Amon in the face, making him slam to the wall. Then, he aimed the tip of his sword at his heart. "However, this is where the path ends. Thank you for everything."

"Ruki will never accept who you became," said Amon as rivulets of blood trickled down his face. "You are making the wrong choice, Solomon," he was no longer shouting.

"I know that," Solomon closed his eyes and admitted. Amon was confused before the sword pierced his heart. "However, even if it is wrong, I want to see her again. I am sorry, Amon."

Amon reached out his hand toward his friend, who had fallen to the darkness. The memories of how things led to this flashed in his mind. His heart was full of regrets as his life slipped away. If only he had one more chance... but there was none.


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