Let Me Game in Peace

Chapter 1218 - Imparting the Qi Refinement Art

Chapter 1218: Imparting the Qi Refinement Art

“I can teach you, but to what extent you can learn depends on your talent and hard work. It’s not guaranteed that you can defeat Faceless Buddha,” Zhou Wen said.

“I understand. In that case, are you willing to teach me?” Hui Wan said happily.

“I can teach you, but I don’t need you to work for me forever. I just need you to help me do three things,” Zhou Wen said.

“What are they?” Hui Wan hurriedly asked.

“I haven’t thought of them yet. I’ll tell you when I think of them.” Zhou Wen didn’t plan on getting Hui Wan to help him. He had only made a passing remark.

To his surprise, Hui Wan was very serious. “I’ll do anything it takes, as long as it’s moral and doesn’t harm my family or friends. Even if I have to give up everything, I will definitely do the three things you want.”

“That’s good.” Zhou Wen nodded.

“When are you going to teach me?” Hui Wan pressed anxiously.

“What do you want to learn?” Zhou Wen asked.

This question stumped Hui Wan. Although his knowledge far exceeded his peers, he didn’t know what he should learn to defeat Faceless Buddha.

“Of course I want to learn what you’re best at. I want to have the strength to defeat Faceless Buddha.” Hui Wan thought for a moment and said, “Does the Essence Energy Art you cultivate require a special physique? I don’t have a special physique, but I can use the Mythical Serum to change my physique.”

“Let me take a look,” Zhou Wen said as he grabbed Hui Wan’s hand and injected his Essence Energy into his body.

Zhou Wen used the Demon God Body. He didn’t need to transform into Hui Wan’s appearance. All he needed to do was understand his body.

Moments later, Zhou Wen dispelled his Demon God Body and said to Hui Wan, “Your body really doesn’t have any special physiques. I can give you two choices. Both of these Essence Energy Arts suit you. The first choice is to cultivate the Qi Refinement Art. This Essence Energy Art is very difficult to cultivate. Not only do you need massive amounts of resources, but you also need perceptivity and hard work. If you cultivate it well, you can become a first-rate expert or a top expert in the future. If you don’t cultivate it well, as long as you have large amounts of resources, you can barely become a third-rate expert. Everything depends on your effort and hard work. There’s also another one called the Ancient Sovereign Sutra. This Essence Energy Art requires fewer resources than the Qi Refinement Art, but it has extremely high requirements for one’s talent and perceptivity. If you can succeed, you might soar to the sky. If you can’t, you won’t even be considered a third-rate expert. It will be difficult for you to achieve anything in this lifetime. Which one do you choose?”

Hui Wan thought for a while and quickly made a choice. “Qi Refinement Art.”

“Why did you choose the Qi Refinement Art?” Zhou Wen was somewhat surprised. Typically, geniuses who were confident in themselves would choose the latter.

Hui Wan answered, “Talent is something that can’t be controlled. I don’t like things that can’t be controlled, so I want to cultivate an Essence Energy Art that’s within my control.”

“Alright, I’ll teach you the Qi Refinement Art.” Upon hearing Hui Wan’s words, Zhou Wen began to like this child. He indeed had the mind and qualities that were rare in ordinary children.

Although his cultivation talent might not be top-notch, as long as he could maintain such a mindset and with the Hui family’s immense capital, constantly cultivating the Essence Energy Arts would lead to a certain level of achievements in the future.

Zhou Wen immediately taught the Qi Refinement Art to Hui Wan. Hui Wan was really smart. His memory was excellent—his photographic memory was just a basic trait of his.

“Can the Qi Refinement Art really make me an expert who can defeat Faceless Buddha?” After Hui Wan memorized the Qi Refinement Art that Zhou Wen had imparted to him, he couldn’t help but have some doubts.

It wasn’t that Hui Wan was doubting Zhou Wen. He only wanted him to demonstrate the might of the Qi Refinement Art so that he could have some confidence.

“I’ve said it before. Whether you can defeat Faceless Buddha depends on your effort and hard work. The more effort you put in, the greater your future achievements will be. The more likely it is to defeat Faceless Buddha.” Zhou Wen had no intention of demonstrating its prowess.

“Then can you use the Qi Refinement Art to defeat Faceless Buddha?” Hui Wan asked again.

“I don’t know,” Zhou Wen answered.

Hui Wan was slightly disappointed, but not knowing was better than definitely not being able to defeat him.

As the two of them spoke, they had already walked out of Fireworks Lane. Not long after they walked out, they were surrounded by a group of soldiers. One of them was a well-dressed man with glasses. He walked in front of Zhou Wen and stared at him. “Who are you? Why did you take Young Master to Fireworks Lane?”

“Secretary Liu, this is the coach I hired. Arrange for him to stay in my yard,” Hui Wan said.

When Secretary Liu heard Hui Wan’s words, he couldn’t help but frown slightly. “Young Master, you already have many coaches. If you still want to learn something new, I can hire the best experts in the Federation for you. You can’t casually bring someone of unknown origins into the residence. This is against the rules. Otherwise, we won’t be able to answer to the president.”

“I’ll explain this matter to my father myself,” Hui Wan said as he pulled Zhou Wen’s hand and walked forward. He knew that Liu Yujin was a very strict person. He maintained a suspicious attitude towards everything. In his eyes, anyone was either a criminal or a suspect.

It wasn’t only Zhou Wen; even if the family heads of the six families came, Liu Yujin would treat them as suspects. As far as Hui Wan could remember, he had never seen any changes in Liu Yujin’s ice-cold face.

Secretary Liu called for an officer and whispered a few words into his ear. Then, he led his men and followed. Instead of calling it protection, it was more like a tight surveillance.

“May I know how to address you?” Secretary Liu walked beside Zhou Wen and asked.

Liu Yujin didn’t underestimate Zhou Wen because of his young age, but he was familiar with the young geniuses from all over the Federation.

He compared Zhou Wen’s appearance to similar-aged experts of the Federation and even overseas and realized that he was momentarily unsure of Zhou Wen’s identity.

It was no wonder Liu Yujin didn’t know Zhou Wen. Liu Yujin knew Zhou Wen’s name and had even seen his old photo. However, the photos he had seen were of An Jing’s impersonation of Zhou Wen. There was already a difference in their temperaments. Furthermore, in the past five years of impersonating Zhou Wen, An Jing had been guarding Chess Mountain and had chosen to keep a low profile. Therefore, Zhou Wen’s name had been silent for too long.

“Zhou Wen,” Zhou Wen answered.

Liu Yujin was slightly taken aback when he heard that. After carefully sizing up Zhou Wen, he frowned and said, “You are Zhou Wen from Luoyang?”

He was very confident in his memory. Although he had only seen the Zhou Wen in the photo and the Zhou Wen in the photo was somewhat similar to the Zhou Wen in front of him, he still felt that they weren’t the same person.

“I attended school in Luoyang and stayed for quite some time,” Zhou Wen answered.

“Are you and Overseer An family?” Liu Yujin asked again.

“No, not really.” Zhou Wen’s answer left Liu Yujin slightly taken aback as he sized up Zhou Wen again in surprise.

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