Let Me Game in Peace

Chapter 1082 - The Symbol on the Wheel of Destiny

Chapter 1082: The Symbol on the Wheel of Destiny

Translator: CKtalon 

At the instant he shattered the Heaven-Opening Scripture, Zhou Wen felt his body undergo a strange change.

The mysterious Sigh of the Life Providence King automatically circulated. Slaughterer that had fused with Zhou Wen’s body still emitted terrifying killing intent and Essence Energy. It was even more terrifying than when he fought the eight Life Souls.

As for Zhou Wen’s essence, vitality, and spirit, they erupted like a volcano.

The energy produced by the three forces was unimaginable.

Zhou Wen had seen countless Mythical creatures. Apart from Demonic Neonate, who had the ability to undergo Terror transformation at the Mythical stage, all sorts of powerful Mythical creatures, such as Torch Dragon and Tyrant Behemoth, could produce powers that weren’t as terrifying as the ones Zhou Wen had unleashed.

Under the direction of such a terrifying force, Zhou Wen felt his body constantly transform.

This transformation was different from any other in the past. The previous transformations were within Zhou Wen’s limits, but this time, the energy produced by the evolution was no longer something his body could withstand.

At the beginning of the evolution, Zhou Wen was very worried that his body would explode because he couldn’t withstand the power.

In fact, it was indeed the case. In an instant, countless cracks appeared on Zhou Wen’s body like an eggshell that was about to shatter.

At this moment of life and death, the terrifying force surged towards a spot.

It was a point, a point that seemed to be in a superposition of existence and non-existence. It was like the beginning of the universe, but also the end of the world.

That point seemed to be a real existence, but it also seemed to only exist in his consciousness.

Between reality and illusion, it was difficult to even determine its existence. However, when the terrifying power injected into the point, it gradually became clearer.

It constantly spun and changed, and it became more and more corporeal. However, this corporealization was very abstract. It didn’t really exist in reality, as though it was just Zhou Wen’s imagination.

Gradually, the point grew bigger and brighter, turning from a point into a wheel.

Furthermore, there were many strange, changing patterns on the wheel.

The patterns were abstract. Sometimes, Zhou Wen felt that the patterns resembled him, and sometimes, they resembled Slaughterer. Sometimes, they resembled the Life Souls that had been destroyed by Zhou Wen.

There were moments when the patterns resembled Primordial Human Sovereign, New Era, and Supreme Hell King. However, upon careful inspection, it didn’t seem like it.

It was difficult to describe the patterns accurately.

Even Zhou Wen couldn’t tell what shape the wheel was. Although it could be described as a disk, it only had one face. It had a spherical arc.

If it was described as a sphere, from a certain angle it looked sunken. It was like a coin that was constantly spinning and changing.

Is this the Wheel of Destiny? Zhou Wen could sense that the Wheel of Destiny was inextricably linked to him. It was like a part of his body, as important as organs like his brain and heart.

However, it was different from the organs that grew on its body. It existed independently.

What will my Wheel of Destiny be? Tyrant Behemoth’s Absolute Strength isn’t bad. Dragon Eclipse’s Bright Torch Vision World is the strongest, but those don’t seem to have anything to do with me… Zhou Wen didn’t know what his Wheel of Destiny would be.

This was because he didn’t have any reference. Perhaps he was the first human to rely on his own strength to advance to the Mythical stage.

The three forces constantly surged into the Wheel of Destiny that was taking shape, but even the Wheel of Destiny couldn’t seem to withstand such a powerful force.

In particular, the energy that gushed out from the Sigh of the King was endless like a galaxy or the universe itself.

The energy that seeped out of the Wheel of Destiny seeped into Zhou Wen’s flesh and blood. Under the impact of the energy, his transformed flesh and blood seemed to undergo an inexplicable change.

Zhou Wen and the Wheel of Destiny were constantly transforming, especially the patterns on the Wheel of Destiny. The changes seemed to slow down as some of the lines stopped moving.

Zhou Wen inexplicably knew that his Wheel of Destiny was about to condense. This was the most critical moment.

What kind of power is it? If I can choose, I hope that the power of the Wheel of Destiny is related to spacetime. Zhou Wen felt that the power of spacetime was easier to understand the world’s origins.

To figure out the relationship between the dimension and Earth, perhaps spatial-temporal power was a good entry point.

However, he didn’t see any patterns related to spacetime on the Wheel of Destiny.

On the Wheel of Destiny that had condensed, many of the lines had already solidified. The lines looked a little messy, but he still couldn’t figure it out.

Zhou Wen tried to figure out some patterns from it, but in reality, there was no pattern to the lines. They were everywhere, as though they were random scribbles.

Most of them were curves with almost no straight lines.

Ah! When most of the lines took form, Zhou Wen finally saw what symbol it was. At the same time, he was alarmed.

It was a painting. It was a portrait of a woman, but it only showed her side profile. He couldn’t see her entire face. The portrait was complete, and just the incomplete side profile was already breathtakingly beautiful.

However, this wasn’t the reason for Zhou Wen’s horror. What truly alarmed him was that he was too f*cking familiar with this woman’s avatar.

This was the woman’s portrait on the anchor. He couldn’t be wrong. Zhou Wen had seen it too many times and had thought about it too many times. Apart from the lack of an anchor, this was the woman’s portrait.

As more and more lines were fixed, it proved Zhou Wen’s guess. It was indeed identical to the portrait of the anchor woman he had seen. Apart from not having an anchor, it was identical.

Why… Why would that woman’s symbol appear on my Wheel of Destiny… Countless thoughts flashed through Zhou Wen’s mind.

Just as the woman’s portrait was about to be completed with only a few strokes left, Zhou Wen suddenly felt extremely uncomfortable.

That’s my Wheel of Destiny. Why is there a woman on it? Zhou Wen felt an inexplicable emotion. This emotion seemed to infect the Wheel of Destiny.

When the woman’s portrait was just short of the last stroke, the Wheel of Destiny suddenly lit up. The rapidly spinning Wheel of Destiny suddenly stopped.

In the next moment, the Wheel of Destiny moved again. However, it was different from before. It was actually spinning in reverse.

Following the reversal of the Wheel of Destiny, the portrait of the woman engraved on the Wheel of Destiny was disappearing bit by bit.

For some reason, even though he didn’t know what the outcome would be, Zhou Wen felt an inexplicable sense of satisfaction.

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