Let Me Game in Peace

Chapter 1015 - Mysterious Method of Death 

Chapter 1015: Mysterious Method of Death

Translator: CKtalon 

After returning to his residence, Zhou Wen switched on his phone and entered the Maze of Lies on Sunday. He also passed the test of the Destiny Witches and arrived at the garden again.

This time, Zhou Wen searched very carefully. There was definitely no grave in the garden, much less the tombstone and mask that Frod had described.

There was only one tree in the middle of the garden. It stood in the middle of the garden like a huge umbrella.

There really aren’t any graves or masks in-game. I can only go to reality to see if there are any. Zhou Wen glanced at the tree and was somewhat unwilling to return. He summoned the Bronze Sparrow Sword and slashed at the tree.

He wanted to dig up the tree and take a look. Perhaps there was a grave under the tree.

The Bronze Sparrow Sword slashed at the tree’s roots with terrifying flames. It only managed to slice less than three centimeters into the tree before it stopped. The flames failed to burn the tree.

To be more precise, the tree trunk and leaves became even more vibrant and lively in the flames.

Zhou Wen summoned the Bronze Sparrow Sword back and saw magma-like liquid flowing out of the tree’s wound. Furthermore, after the liquid flowed out, it quickly cooled down and turned to dust. The damage to the tree quickly healed.

This is a plant-type Mythical creature? As Zhou Wen was thinking, he suddenly saw the blood-colored avatar collapse to the ground. The game screen went black.

How did I die? Zhou Wen felt that he needed to figure out the true situation in the garden. He had a nagging feeling that the operation wouldn’t go so smoothly.

After entering the garden again, Zhou Wen summoned Tyrant Behemoth, hoping to see if he could uproot the tree.

In the Absolute Strength state, Tyrant Behemoth could be considered a peak force at the Mythical stage. After it gigantified, it crouched down and held the tree trunk with both hands before pulling it upwards.

Tree roots tore out of the ground as the entire garden trembled. However, the tree wasn’t pulled out.

Seeing that Tyrant Behemoth couldn’t do it alone, he summoned Torch Dragon, Black Dragon, Vajra Bull, and other Companion Beasts to pull out the tree.

Under the pull of the Mythical Companion Beasts, the tree’s roots snapped one by one as magma-like liquid flowed out. Then, it turned into ashes and vanished, but it still failed to be pulled out.

Suddenly, the blood-colored avatar collapsed to the ground again as the game screen went black.

Could it be that the liquid flowing out of the tree has some special power that kills me? In order to prove this hypothesis, Zhou Wen didn’t do anything after entering the garden again. He got the blood-colored avatar to stand in the garden and wait.

This was also to verify another guess because Zhou Wen realized that the time of the blood-colored avatar’s inexplicable deaths seemed to be very similar.

Time ticked by. When the blood-colored avatar had been in the garden for an hour, it died without any warning. The game screen went black again.

This time was rather similar to the time of death last time.

Zhou Wen carried out many experiments again. He wanted to figure out what was going on.

The situation was more complicated than Zhou Wen imagined. The few experiments produced different results.

Gaiman sent someone to invite Zhou Wen to participate in the training, but he declined the invitation.

Earlier on, Zhou Wen still had the intention to cooperate, but now, he knew very well that he had to figure out why the blood-colored avatar had died as soon as possible. Otherwise, it was very likely that no one would survive this operation.

Gaiman didn’t say anything when Zhou Wen didn’t participate on the first day. However, Zhou Wen didn’t attend on the second and third day. Ignoring Gaiman, even the rich and powerful personnel that came had negative views of Zhou Wen.

“What’s this? Does he think he’s impressive just because he has some strength? Does he think it’s beneath him to be associated with us?” The people from the North District had a bad temper to begin with. Zhou Wen’s actions naturally displeased them.

“He’s Wang Mingyuan’s disciple. He has a backer. Even if dimensional creatures occupy Earth, he can still live very well. Can you do it? If not, shut up,” another local tycoon quipped.

“He doesn’t come for training, but he has the final say. What if he gives random orders? Do you want us to listen to him and send you to your death? Mr. Gaiman, do you think that’s appropriate?” someone questioned Gaiman.

“Zhou Wen might have some matters to resolve. After the matter is resolved, he will probably come. Everyone, calm down.” As Gaiman comforted everyone, he secretly got Lance, Sadie, and company to figure out what Zhou Wen was doing.

Although Lance and Sadie felt that Zhou Wen wasn’t an arrogant person, they were very puzzled over his non-participation in the training. Therefore, they went to Zhou Wen’s residence.

Before they arrived at his place, they met Wang Lu, who was hugging Ya’er and carrying bags of snacks.

Wang Lu didn’t participate in the training either. However, she was only responsible for drawing cards from the Destiny Witches alone, so she didn’t need to have good teamwork with the others. Furthermore, she didn’t have the authority to make decisions, so no one had asked her to participate in the training.

“Wang Lu, why did you buy so many snacks? Didn’t I get someone to arrange a chef for you? Is the food not to your liking?” Sadie asked in puzzlement.

“No, the food is very good, but Zhou Wen is in his room… cultivating… He doesn’t want to go out, so he got me to buy some food and drinks for him,” Wang Lu said.

“I see. What cultivation is Coach doing?” Sadie asked.

“This… I’m not too sure either…” Wang Lu’s expression changed slightly.

Zhou Wen was basically gaming in his room. He didn’t cultivate at all. She only felt that it wasn’t appropriate to say that Zhou Wen was gaming, so she swapped it to cultivation.

“We naturally trust Zhou Wen’s character, but the others have many doubts. Furthermore, it’s better for him to familiarize himself with the other’s abilities. It’s beneficial for combat. I still hope he can participate in training,” said Lance.

As they spoke, they went to Zhou Wen’s room.

When she arrived at the door, Wang Lu knocked and said, “Zhou Wen, open the door. I’m back from buying your stuff. Lance and the rest are here to see you.”

Wang Lu naturally hoped that Zhou Wen would restrain himself a little and not let Lance and company see him gaming.

However, when Zhou Wen opened the door, he was still playing with his phone.

Due to the unexpected complexity of the Maze of Lies, he had yet to completely resolve the problem.

Now, Zhou Wen had to resolve the problem before the team entered the Maze of Lies. Otherwise, apart from him, everyone who entered would die.

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