Last Wish System

Chapter 573

Chapter 573

"Well, this isn't the best situation, but we can wipe out that army slowly . "

Yale couldn't let that army survive because he knew that Alrein's universe wouldn't be able to stop it . Moreover, that was just the first universe he checked .

Although Yale just believed that the first one turned out to be the most dangerous one, that was just his optimism because he didn't know anything about the universes he had yet to visit .

"You can believe my friend . We are quite strong . "

Tofesh laughed while speaking, but he knew that although he was quite a powerful ninth level immortal, his strength was too small in front of that army . Thus, his confidence came all because he believed in Yale's strength, and in the worst situation, he could just call his grandfather .

The old man wasn't worried about if it was possible to beat the army or not because that was his last chance .

He didn't know for how much time he would be able to continue hiding as the army of his brother increased without stop . It was already very strange that two experts came from another universe, so he didn't believe that he would survive until finding someone else .

The old man didn't mind dying if that helped to destroy his brother's plans, but he didn't want that his death was used by his brother to increase the oppression on the people .

He was the last sign of resistance to the Emperor, so his death would have a great impact without any doubt .

The old man continued giving details of the situation without stopping; there was a lot of information, but it was still too small compared with the size of the army .

"That is all . I am sorry for not being able to help . "

The old man was only good at hiding, so in a battle against a ninth level immortal, he wasn't different than an ant .

"It is enough . We will be leaving now . "

Yale stood up once he spoke, and then he used his divine sense to check the outside of the dimension as a precaution in case someone followed them, or the dimension was discovered .

He really didn't think that it could happen, but the numbers of the enemy were too great, so he decided to be cautious .

"Tofesh, I just checked the outside . "

Once Yale spoke, Tofesh smiled .

"It is good to be cautious, but it would be too much bad luck that someone discovered us just now . We should be able to leave without problems . "

Yale also smiled .

"That is right, it is impossible that right now, three thousand ninth level immortals are surrounding us, right? Well, I doubt that my divine sense is failing, we are really surrounded by three thousand ninth level immortals . "

Yale's divine sense was stronger than the divine sense of any ninth level immortal, so he was sure of what he had seen .


Tofesh and the old man exclaimed simultaneously .

"Just what I said, we are surrounded . I didn't notice that someone was following us before, so we have the worst luck of the universe that a bored group of three thousand ninth level immortals were strolling and found us by coincidence, or they already know about this place but were just waiting to act . "

Inf act, seeing the huge number of ninth level immortals surrounding them, Yale felt that the other party knew of the old man's hideout from before but that given the cautious personality of the Emperor, they hadn't made a move until confirming that there wasn't any trap .

The truth was just like Yale imagined . Since the old man fled from prison, the Emperor feared that his brother had a trump card that could kill several ninth level immortals or something like that .

However, after a careful investigation, once he discovered the hideout, he felt that the only trump card his brother had was the one to flee that he already used . Anyway, he made the army wait to make a sneak attack just in case .

Only a select group of the army knew about the position of the Emperor's brother beforehand, and they mobilized stealthy to surround him .

If it weren't because Yale's divine sense was at a superior level, they wouldn't have been discovered until it was too late .

They couldn't do anything to avoid it because they didn't even know about Yale's existence . They had already planned to surround the old man's hideout that day, so they didn't know about the deaths of the patrol Yale killed .

"Well, this is bad luck, but they should already know of this place beforehand, or they wouldn't have been able to gather so many members . "

Tofesh reached the same conclusion as Yale .

"Was I discovered? I am sorry, this is my fault . . . "

The old man couldn't believe that he made such a big mistake, but Yale and Tofesh didn't blame him because it was already impressive that avoided the other party for so much time without being discovered .

"You two will hide inside my Storage Space . I will deal with them alone . I can escape without problems even if I fail to kill them all, so don't worry . "

After finishing to speak, Yale didn't give them time to reply before forcing them inside the Storage Space .

In front of so many enemies, having people at his side would just make it more difficult to use area attacks that would just affect everyone surrounding him .

"I guess it is time to have some fun . "

A devilish smile appeared on Yale's face . That army was part of the one that wanted to invade Alrein's universe, so Yale didn't plan to have any mercy; the more he would kill, the better .

Of course, the army had far more than three thousand ninth level immortals, and Yale wasn't confident in killing them all anyway, but everyone dead was one less problem for later .

Thinking about how many would die at his hand that day, Yale left the old man's hideout and returned to the main dimension of the universe .

"Who's that?"

Several members of the army asked the same, but when they finished asking, about five hundred of them died on a sneak attack .

They weren't on guard since they felt that it was stupid being on guard when dealing with someone that was just an immortal, so Yale managed to make a great killing with his first attack .

Once they noticed the deaths of the others, the army didn't dare to be careless again, but when they tried to check Yale's power, they couldn't feel anything; it was like if the person who killed about five hundred ninth level immortals in one hit was just a mortal, but that didn't make sense .

Most of them couldn't understand, but the leader of the group did .

He was the best friend of the Emperor or his best pawn considered from the Emperor's point of view .

He was the first ninth level immortal slave of the Emperor because he knew that it was the only way the Emperor trusted him .

He was the one who infiltrated as a guard of the previous Emperor and used the poisoned weapon to kill him .

Thus, he knew about the existence of Gods, and that moment, he firmly believed that the one facing them was a God .

At that moment, he remembered one of the fears of the Emperor, which was that a friend of his brother's mother would appear if his brother were at risk of dying .

At that moment, it seemed that the situation was just like the Emperor said, but the slave didn't discard that it might just be a coincidence, and the God was angered because they surrounded him .

"You should know who I am . I came here to fulfill the request of a deceased friend . "

After hearing so much about the Emperor, Yale guessed that he would fear a situation like that, so he made full use of the Minor Lie Divinity .

Despite his strength against the full army of that universe, he would be at a disadvantage, but if he made them fear him, the misunderstanding might help him given the cautious nature of the Emperor .

Yale felt that if he told that his only reason was to protect that old man, the Emperor might swallow his intentions of killing the old man and instead let him go to another universe under Yale's protection .

Of course, Yale didn't plan to flee to another universe because his real problem was the invasion, but he wanted to meet the Emperor face-to-face and then kill him .

Given the cautious nature of the Emperor, it would be difficult meeting him in another situation, but for the sake of making a God leave the universe, he might do it .

Even if the plan didn't work, the Emperor might try to contact some smuggler from higher universes to obtain something, which would also help Yale to know who was behind the scenes helping evil people with their plans .

The army didn't understand Yale's words, but their leader just confirmed his suspicions and sent a message to the Emperor immediately .

"Retreat for now . I will decide what to do later, but for now, we shouldn't waste energy battling an opponent like that . "

The Emperor himself didn't know what to do, but at least he was sure that those three thousand wouldn't survive; losing so many pawns wasn't good for his future plans .

He was just complaining of his bad luck for losing about five hundred of them .

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