Last Wish System

Chapter 568

Chapter 568

Tofesh had been angry when he discovered about the invasion plans because Yale was absent when he heard it . Thus, he sent a message to his grandfather, begging for help .

He calmed a bit after hearing the information that his grandfather told him, and after Yale appeared, he was sure that everything would be alright .

"Wait, you two are related to this universe?"

Awat didn't expect that the first information he gave would be enough to make Yale so angry . Of course, Yale wasn't angry with Awat but with those planning to invade Alrein's universe .

"That is where Liye was born and where we two met for the first time . "

Tofesh had already heard the news time before, so he was calmer than Yale, who had just heard it .

"True, those in this universe are just planning it because they didn't know that it is related to me, but if someone still has any intention after learning it, I swear that they will die . "

Tofesh nodded when he heard those words .

"We were ready to spread the word next week if you hadn't appeared . We would have told that you were born there and that as your allies, we would declare war to anyone who had intentions to invade it, but it is more efficient if you say it yourself . "

If it weren't because it was possible that a war happened just afterward, Tofesh wouldn't have waited to unveil the fac that Yale was from that universe .

After all, it wasn't the same that an ally of a Great God spoke than the Great God speaking himself .

Although Yale wasn't a Great God, everyone believed he was, so no one doubted that a threat from Yale would be deterrent enough .

"Well, I will announce this later to everyone in this universe . Now let's speak of the real problem . I doubt that this is the only universe planning to attack, right?"

Tofesh turned serious after hearing that question .

"Exactly, that is the problem . There is no way that just one universe will show interest in a newly ascended universe . Although universes don't have too many problems ascending to inferior levels, reaching this level is completely different . "

For universes at a lower level, it was difficult that those living there managed to interact with another universe . Although wars sometimes happened, they were usually between two universes, three at most .

However, once the universes allowed people to reach ninth level immortal, the situation was vastly different because they could sense other universes . Traveling between universes was still difficult, but it wasn't difficult that each universe at that level had at least one method to do it .

Moreover, although lower universes mostly declared war to absorb other universes to increase the level of their own universe, for ninth level immortals, that energy could be absorbed directly and used to help them to advance to Minor God .

Thus, the number of people interested in invasions was far higher, because there was just one universe owner in each universe while there were several ninth level immortals in each one .

"Then, I just need to travel to those universes and destroy anyone who is a threat to Alrein's universe . "

Yale knew how much Alrein's universe suffered due to the previous invasion, so he wasn't planning to allow it to happen again . It didn't matter if he needed to be ruthless .

"Straight to the root of the problem . Good method . "

Tenir, as someone who lived a hell due to his universe being invaded, liked that plan . In fact, he hated everyone with the thought of invading other universes for their own sake .

"That is the only way . Destroy the universes if you feel that they may harbor desires of revenge . "

Awat, who experienced a lot of things in his long life, knew that forgiving a weakling with hatred just because it is weak was the most stupid thing that someone could do .

It wouldn't be a problem if a universe were divided into different forces like in the universe they were, as the other powers would even be grateful for having one rival less .

However, in a unified universe, the chances of survivors harboring desires of revenge were just too high .

However, unless those were ownerless universes or belonged to a God who didn't care about them at all, the universe owner would be interested in the invasion, or it wouldn't happen . Killing the universe owner would doom the whole universe, so in those cases, as long as no one fled of the universe, they were all doomed .

Of course, Awat never thought that it was possible that someone like Alrein might exist, or he wouldn't think that with killing the universe owner, no one would be able to escape .

In fact, Alrein was the only one who did something like that, so he could be considered as the exception that confirmed the rule, but Yale wouldn't be at ease knowing that exceptions might exist .

"Don't worry, no one with such intention will survive . "

Hearing Yale's words, meaning that he didn't have any doubt, Tofesh spoke again .

"Then, after clearing the issues in this universe, come to the Otref Kingdom . We have a method to travel through universes that my grandfather designed long ago . He even improved it after becoming Great God Kroh's servant, so the stability is top-notch . "

Traveling between the universe was quite expensive on resources needed because a ninth level immortal couldn't break the dimension wall by himself . After all, the higher the level of the universe, the tougher of the dimensional walls surrounding it .

Some people use a lot of ninth level immortals simultaneously, or just put a lot of valuable resources in exchange .

The Otref Kingdom used a precious stone that Great God Kroh gave to Tofesh's grandfather when the latter started to work as a servant .

That stone was special and could support open a passageway between universes several times with ease . Moreover, it would even replenish itself with the pass of time, so it was a renewable resource .

That stone was the standard gift that Great God Kroh gave to all his servants when they start working for him .

"Wait . I heard that Great God Kroh gave that stone to your grandfather . If you use it as your grandfather's family, I doubt that there is any problem, but if you let others use it, it might seem like renting the stone, which might offend Great God Kroh . "

Tenir spoke with fear in this voice . He made a deal with Great God Kroh in the past and experienced from firsthand how fearful Great God Kroh was .

"I doubt that he has problems with it . He gifted it, so how it is used afterward shouldn't matter at all . "

Yale said that without any worry . After everything he experienced, he had the feeling that Great God Kroh wasn't someone that would be angry by something like that . Otherwise, Yale was sure that Great God Kroh would have told about the matter when gifting the stones, and Tofesh's grandfather would have said it to Tofesh to prevent a calamity .

"You are underestimating Great God Kroh . Moreover, I heard that Great God Kroh doesn't have gender, so you shouldn't treat him like a male or Great God Kroh might be angry . "

Tenir needed to reply when he heard Yale's words . After all, although Yale was powerful, he wasn't a match for Great God Kroh .

"Tenir, shut up! That won't happen . My grandfather told me that the stone can be used by anyone my father or I authorize . Regarding Great God Kroh's gender, he doesn't mind at all . "

Tofesh wasn't so stupid to offer a method that would anger Great God Kroh, but he knew that Great God Kroh wasn't so petty .

"Moreover, I will tell you all something that all the servants of Great God Kroh knew . In the last meeting of the Council of Gods, the famous Great God Kroh, who always remained neutral, decided to speak for a new member that no one knew before he used God's Punishment . Do you understand what I am meaning?"

Servants liked to obtain any information about the Great Gods they were serving, so it wasn't strange that they knew about it . In fact, God Great Kroh spread the news on purpose like usually happened with information about Great Gods of the Council of Gods . If the Great God didn't want the information to be spread, it wouldn't no matter how much the servants wanted, but the Great Gods usually liked to have information about them spread just to see the reactions of those who hear it .

"You aren't joking, right?"

Awat understood the meaning quickly, and Tenir did it an instant later .

"That someone is me, no need to doubt it . I caught a lot of attention from the other members when I used God's Punishment . If they hadn't come to meet me yet, it is definitely for Great God Kroh's interference . "

The first time they might have just been curious about him, but the resurrection topic was something that would move several members, and Yale didn't doubt that they knew about it .

The fact that no one had appeared at the instant he reappeared to ask him for a favor was a proof that Great God Kroh did something to avoid their interference .

Of course, Yale didn't know that it was like that since Alter Yale used God's Punishment .

"Enough chitchat . Anyway, I won't use your method, Tofesh . I will open the passageway by myself . "

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