Last Wish System

Chapter 361

Chapter 361

Everything happened so quickly that Yale didn't have any time to react until the group had been swallowed by space ripple .

Besides his friends, most of the members of the Dragon Race that had been hiding in the Storage Space had been swallowed .

Of course, being swallowed wasn't equivalent to death because it would depend upon luck .

If they managed to appear in a place without merging with the environment due to the random teleportation, they would probably be fine as long as there wasn't any powerful enemy nearby . However, the chances of all of them having that luck were almost inexistent, and that would be considered a miracle; Yale couldn't believe that they were all alright .

The one who had the worst problem was Sebe because he was injured to the point that without magic healing he would die soon . Thus, unless he appeared in a place where a healer would discover him before his death and that healer was benevolent enough to heal a foreigner, he was doomed .

Yale could only hope that they had enough luck to survive while he started to battle against six Law Masters at the same time, but since he didn't need to worry for using his power-up, he was going all out .

Although it was lucky enough that Aiwai had avoided the space ripples, she only had half an hour, and although the Storage Space would be able to stabilize again in time if Yale returned the Condensed Essences, if the enemies made it crumble again, it would be a disaster . Thus, Yale was determined to finish that battle before Aiwai ran out of time .

Aiwai was powerful enough for battling, but she decided to cast an ice shield around herself also covering Wyba, Swordmad and the other people unable to battle . Moreover, she was treating Swordmad, so at least his life could be saved .

Yale had covered the ice shield with the Space Law to protect them against the space ripples . In fact, it wasn't hard to avoid the space ripples, and those battling avoided being swallowed a lot of times . Sadly, those who had been just expelled from the Storage Space were unable to move and were caught .

That time, Yale was battling directly against the six Law Masters, but even with his power-up state, he couldn't kill them when they were fighting together .

However, Yale was still controlling some flying swords to pursue the other members of the army, and they were being defeated continuously .

If Yale was battling less Law Masters, he was confident in eradicating all the rest of the army and end killing some Law Masters in the process, but six at the same time were too much .

However, there were a total of seventeen Law Masters remaining without counting the sea monsters, and since Ronragruk started to battle against the birdman ancestor, Yale needed to endure against those six .

The other three Law Masters of the Dragon Race were fighting against nine Law Masters in total, and they were barely resisting because the cooperation between the three of them improved a lot thanks to their countless battles against Yale .

The other two were still battling against the former lizardman chief, but seeing the state of that battle, the former chief would be defeated in five minutes in the best of the cases, so there was no way to put more burden on him . However, Yale still believed that he could at least endure three minutes and he wanted to kill at least one of his opponents before that moment .

Ronragruk wanted to take advantage that the birdman ancestor had yet to recover from his full-power attack, but even in such a weakened state, a Law God was still a Law God, and Ronragruk was barely able to maintain a stalemate with him .

"Ronragruk, if for some reason I am killed today, you must grab everyone and jump to a space ripple . Protected by your huge body, the chances of survival will increase . "

Yale already felt that there was no hope in that battle, and once the two battling against the former lizardman chief were free, it would be difficult to retain the current situation . Moreover, if for some reason Yale or Ronragruk were defeated, the war would have ended immediately because they were the strongest and losing any of them would be a fatal blow .

If Yale died, Wyba and Aiwai would follow him, but if he managed to force a reincarnation, he believed that they could survive based on fragments of memories he had from Liye . Moreover, if he died, at least he was confident that Ronragruk would be able to save Swordmad .

Yale didn't want to die even though he could bet it all to reincarnation, but he was just taking measures in case that happened because of strictly speaking, in that war he had more chances to die than live .

In his heart, he felt like grabbing Swordmad, Wyba, and Aiwai and jump to a space ripple, but Yale couldn't protect them, so the chances of all of them dying due to a failed teleportation were far too high .

With Ronragruk's huge body, it would be easy to protect even those who were injured, and even in case of failure, they only one who would suffer would be Ronragruk who should be able to resist it with his divine beast's body and his true strength as a Law Master .

Contrary to Yale's expectations, the former lizardman chief was defeated in less than half a minute .

Although he got a severe injury, that wasn't enough to make his stop battling . The main problem was that when receiving that hit, he fell into another space ripple and disappeared .

The two freed Law Masters didn't try to help any of their companions, they rushed towards the ice shield of Aiwai and broke it .

"Trying to protect others? Just die!"

Those two Law Masters had attacked Aiwai's group without mercy nor any previous advice, so Aiwai could just hug Wyba to protect her with her body when the ice shield was broken .

However, that attack never reached them because the person who should have been lying down due to his fatal injury stood up and blocked the attacks .

"I lived a long life, I don't have any regrets . "

Swordmad muttered those words while his sword cut the head of one of the Law Masters just after blocking the attack . The other was shocked by that sudden attack and was unable to block Swordmad's second attack, which also ended with death for the Law Master .

At the start, the only one who understood the situation was Yale with his Divine Eyes because, for the others, Swordmad's sudden increase of power when he should have been almost death was something difficult to understand .

"Life ignition . . . "

Yale muttered those two words after seeing Swordmad current state . Swordmad's power at that moment wasn't weaker than Yale's power-up state, but the source of his strength was completely different .

Swordmad was destroying his own lifeforce to obtain an enormous increase of power in exchange . That was a difficult forbidden skill that always ended with the death of the one who executed it, and it was impossible stopping it once it started .

Yale didn't know how Swordmad learned that forbidden skill, but he knew that Swordmad was already about to die when he used it, so it wouldn't last for too long .

Swordmad didn't lose his time and hurried to attack the Law Masters battling against the three Law Masters of the Dragon Race and managed to kill four of them in some seconds, but at the same time, he had aged a lot, and his power was starting to decrease as his life extinguished .


Yale hadn't called Swordmad like that for a lot of time due to the circumstances, but he had always considered Swordmad his master, and Swordmad was also like a father for him .

When Yale saw Swordmad's body falling down, he rushed towards there ignoring the six Law Master battling with him, and he even killed two of them when they intended to block his path, but the other four managed to block his way .

"Yale, I am glad to have been your master . Using the last skill that I have learned in my life to prevent your death is my last gift to you . Don't give up . "

When Swordmad was deadly injured, he felt like if he had visited a mysterious place where he had seen Yale's fate, and he learned that Yale would die in that battle if the fate weren't changed .

It was in that same place where he learned about life ignition and decided to sacrifice his life to change Yale's fate . Although he couldn't remember well anything about that place, he was sure that he had made the right choice while his body disintegrated, and his consciousness faded .

Yale was facing the other four Law Master while seeing Swordmad's body disappearing .

"Get out of my way!"

With that shout the four Law Masters were sent flying as the Life Essence, the Death Essence and the Space Essence were thrown towards Swordmad's soul that was about to enter into a space ripple because there was no way a normal soul would survive to a berserk space ripple .

Yale wanted to send Swordmad's soul to reincarnation, but the situation was making it difficult for him, he didn't even notice that when trying to help Swordmad's soul, his aura turned into that of a Law God at the moment he shouted .

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