Journey To Become A True God

Chapter 673 - Nangong Xiang And Sexy Queen Talks (2)

Chapter 673: Nangong Xiang and Sexy Queen talks (2)

Sexy Queen got out of bed, after getting out of bed she began to stretch her body very seductive.

This woman did not know that what she was doing was so seductive that it caused a man to have a large number of nosebleeds.

This woman was indeed born as a Vixen, every move she made was very tempting to see.

"Ahhh, this is fun." Sexy Queen began to enjoy the comfort as she stretched her body.

"Maid, hurry and get my robe." Sexy Queen asked the maids who were here to get her robe.

The Maid around Sexy Queen deftly took a robe for Sexy Queen.

"Queen, this is your robe" The waiter gave Sexy Queen a black robe with several beautiful motifs engraved on this robe.

"Quickly help me wear it" Sexy Queen asked the maid to help her wear this robe.

Maid nodded to Sexy Queen, she immediately helped Sexy Queen to wear this robe.

Some of the other Maids also started to help put on the robe for the queen, they very skillfully dressed the queen in black robes.

The Maid very quickly put a black robe on the Queen's body, after finishing dressing the Queen's robe, all the Maids immediately withdrew and moved away from the queen's body.

After wearing the black robe, this woman's temperament now became that of a great queen.

Queen started advancing towards Nangong Xiang, she started to stand right in front of Nangong Xiang.

"So, what brought you here?", Queen asked what Nangong Xiang wanted to meet her.

There was no way that Nangong Xiang would come just to meet herself, there must be something wanted this woman.

"Looks like you really understand me" Nangong Xiang said to the Sexy Queen.

"We've known him for a long time, so of course I know about your habit." Queen has known Nangong Xiang for a long time, so she naturally knows about what Nangong Xiang wants.

"Tell me what you want from me ?" Queen asked what Nangong Xiang wanted from her.

"I want to know all the information you have over the past decades, I want to hear everything from you, with the great spy you have, I believe that you have all the information I want." Nangong Xiang wanted all the information about what was going on in This world.

Especially information about what was unknown and very hidden.

"So that means your coming here, okay I will tell you what you want, let's both sit down" Queen asked Nangong Xiang to sit on the seat in this room.

Nanggong Xiang nodded, she went towards the seat in this room.

After Queen and Nangong Xiang sat down, the maid began to pour tea for the two of them.

"All of you can get out of this place." Queen told all the Maids to leave this place, there is something that must be discussed privately with Nangong Xiang.

All the servants paid their respects to Queen, after which they all left this place.

"Why don't you take off your mask, here now only the two of us are left, so you don't need to be afraid to show your face." Queen said to Nangong Xiang to take off the mask she had.

Queen already knew that Nangong Xiang's beautiful face was broken, so she was the one who could accept Nangong Xiang's shortcomings.

Nangong Xiang started to take off the mask that was on her face, when Nangong Xiang took off the mask she was wearing, a beautiful flawless face appeared on Queen's eyelids.

Queen was quite surprised to see this flawless beauty in front of her, Nangong Xiang's beauty was completely indescribable using words.

"You.. ., you.. ., what happened to you. "Queen immediately asked what happened to Nangong Xiang, why did Nangong Xiang look so beautiful, even more beautiful than herself and the beauty in the Kunlun Holy Land.

"Why are you surprised like that, this is the original appearance that I have" Nangong Xiang told Queen that this was his real appearance.

"But.. ., but, didn't your face hurt before, why did it become like this? "Queen wants to know what happened, why did Nangong Xiang's face recover and look so beautiful.

"Actually, what a coincidence I met a nice man who gave me a pill that can restore the appearance I have." Nangong Xiang started to tell Queen what happened to her.

"But haven't you tried all kinds of pills to heal the wounds you have and nothing works" Queen asked about what happened.

As far as she could remember, Queen had given countless pills to try to heal the wounds on Nangong Xiang's face, but all the pills she gave did not have any effect on Nangong Xiang's face.

"The pill given by that man is very different from what you have, it is a very, very valuable pill, I am lucky that he wants to give me a pill like that" Nangong Xiang told Queen that she was very lucky because of Ye Chen. very good and gave her the heavenly beauty pill which was very valuable.

"I see, you accidentally met a very kind man and gave you an amazing pill, then where is that man now, do you know where the man who helped you" while raising a glass of tea, Queen asked if Nangong Xiang knew where a man who gave her such a great pill.

"Of course I know, I'm currently living with that man" Nangong Xiang told Queen that she was currently living with Ye Chen.

" Buftt " Queen sprayed the tea she just drank, she could not believe what she just heard.

She were truly words that the Nangong Xiang she was familiar with could not possibly say.

"Wait a minute, didn't you ever say you used to hate a man more than anything, but why are you now staying with a man at night? ", Queen started to question Nangong Xiang.

Queen of course knows that Nangong Xiang really hates a man, every man who tries to get close to Nangong Xiang will definitely be beaten directly by Nangong Xiang or maybe killed if her mood is bad, it is unexpected that Nangong Xiang who hates a man will suddenly live with a man.

"This person is different from the men I have met before, he is really very kind and can accept me as I am, he even bravely proposed to me to be his woman" Nangong Xiang told Queen that the man she met was different once with men all over this universe.

Ye Chen is a figure who can make a goddess like Nangong Xiang who used to hate men become able to like a man.

"I still didn't expect that you would be with a man, it really really shocked me." Queen still did not believe that Nangong Xiang would live with a man.

Especially from the words that Nangong Xiang just said, she heard that Nangong Xiang seemed to like this man.

Queen wants to really want to know what kind of man can make a beautiful goddess like Nangong Xiang fall in love like this.

Nangong Xiang smiled slightly at the Queen in front of her, Nangong Xiang initially did not expect that she would fall for a young man like Ye Chen, whose age was very much different from herself.

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