Journey To Become A True God

Chapter 2840  Ye Chen Vs Cao Longhe (2)

Chapter 2840  Ye Chen Vs Cao Longhe (2)

"What is this?" Cao Longhe looked around, he didn't know what Ye Chen was trying to do.

Cao Longhe tried to get out, too bad, it was like a prison that couldn't be broken through.

"Damn it, let me out" Cao Longhe said to Ye Chen, he told Ye Chen to let himself out.

"You fool, why do I have to get you out, you're already trapped, it's time to finish you off" Ye Chen said to Cao Longhe.

"Damn it. . ." Cao Longhe slashed at the fire sword prison, he kept trying to destroy the prison.

Ye Chen had made several layers of fire swords, so there was no chance to get out, even if Cao Longhe put out full power, there was no guarantee for him to get out.

"hell Prison" Ye Chen's burned Cao Longhe who was inside.

A hot flame with such a high temperature enveloped the body of Cao Longhe.

It was obvious that Cao Longhe wouldn't be able to leave the place and would be burnt to nothing.

Cao Longhe's body began to blister and it began to turn into ashes.

"Damn it. . ." Cao Longhe looked at his ruined body, if it continued, he would be completely destroyed.

"hey, give me more power." Cao Longhe said to his sword, he needed more power to win.

The sword responded to Cao Longhe's request.

It gave more power to Cao Longhe.

Cao Longhe's body was enveloped by the power of darkness that was so strong and so dense, it made Cao Longhe healed and his body started to return.

"That sword, it healed him" Ye Chen saw what happened, he could quite clearly see what Cao Longhe did.

With that Cao Longhe's wound was healed, there were no more wounds on Cao Longhe's body.

Ye Chen stopped his technique, it seemed like Chu Yuechan's words were right, if Ye Chen wanted to destroy Cao Longhe, he had to destroy the sword first.

"I understand how to defeat him" Ye Chen already understood, he already knew what to do to defeat Cao Longhe.

"hahahaha, look, you won't be able to kill me" Cao Longhe said to Ye Chen, he told him that he won't be able to die.

"Are you serious with what you said ?" Ye Chen said to Cao Longhe.

"Don't underestimate me, I can't die, you have seen it with your own eyes right" Cao Longhe said.

"Of course, but I'm not sure about what I saw" Ye Chen said to Cao Longhe.

He told Cao Longhe that he was not sure about what he saw.

"I want to see if you can still survive or not" Ye Chen said to Cao Longhe.

He wanted to see whether or not Ye Chen could survive the next attack.

"As if I would accept your attack" Cao Longhe would not accept Ye Chen's attack, he had already been warned by the sword in his hand not to take damage from Ye Chen's attack.

Ye Chen began to release the power of the Wind vein, this was the time to show full speed.

Ye Chen released all the ballast in his body, his current body was as light as cotton and Ye Chen was ready to fight against Cao Longhe.

Ye Chen took his sword, it was time to fight using the Black Dragon Sword.

By using the Black Dragon Sword, it should be enough to defeat the weapons owned by Cao Longhe, Ye Chen doesn't need to use the main weapon just to defeat Cao Longhe.

"Don't lose" Chen Xing said to Ye Chen, she told Ye Chen not to lose to Cao Longhe.

Chen Xing encouraged Ye Chen not to lose.

"okay, let's be more serious" Ye Chen said to Cao Longhe.

"It's useless, you've seen it, you can't even land a strike on me, don't forget that" Cao Longhe said to Ye Chen, he gave Ye Chen a warning that he couldn't attack Cao Longhe.

Cao Longhe based on what had happened, Ye Chen failed to attack Cao Longhe dozens of times, it proved that Cao Longhe was much higher than Ye Chen.

"Shut up" Ye Chen moved at such a fast speed that it couldn't be 10:29


After Ye Chen, Ye Chen hit Cao Longhe with great force.

Cao Longhe naturally bounced after receiving such an attack, there was no way Cao Longhe.

"No way, how could this happen" Cao Longhe couldn't believe what happened, how could Ye Chen hit him to bounce like that, it was obviously impossible.

Normally Cao Longhe should be able to avoid, but why can't he avoid it.

"What happened, you should have told me to avoid that person's attack" Cao Longhe said to the sword in his hand, it should have helped Cao Longhe to fight Ye Chen.

The sword responded to Cao Longhe, it told him that Ye Chen was so fast that it was impossible to see.

Cao Longhe saw Ye Chen, he was having trouble fighting Ye Chen.

"troublesome person" Cao Longhe felt that Ye Chen was troublesome and he didn't like that.

The sword told Cao Longhe to bring out every bit of strength he had.

If not then he will lose in Ye Chen's hands.

Cao Longhe listened to that, he had no choice but to use his full strength against Ye Chen.

He attacked Ye Chen, this time he had to defeat Ye Chen and exert all the strength he had, otherwise there was no chance for Cao Longhe to win against Ye Chen.

Ye Chen himself also exerted his strength, he became so fast and attacked Cao Longhe continuously.

Cao Longhe tried to defend, he made sure that Ye Chen wouldn't be able to remove his sword.

This was the only weapon that could save Cao Longhe from Ye Chen.

Cao Longhe tried to attack Cao Longhe's hand, but Cao Longhe was very persistent in defense and didn't want Ye Chen to attack his hand.

That proved to Ye Chen that Cao Longhe wouldn't be able to do anything without the sword.

"take this" Ye Chen used Divine Sword Intent, he targeted Cao Longhe's hand.

"Hold on" Cao Longhe tried to hold on, unfortunately Ye Chen's slash was so strong that Cao Longhe's hand was cut off.

"Arghhhh . . ." Cao Longhe shouted for a while, he felt the pain from his hand.

"This bastard" Cao Longhe was so angry at Ye Chen, he was so angry at Ye Chen and wanted to kill Ye Chen.

Ye Chen seized the opportunity, he directly destroyed Cao Longhe's sword by using.

"Dimension Breaker" Ye Chen used Dimension Breaker.

"Clang. . ." the sword instantly shattered after receiving the Dimension Breaker.

There was no way the sword could survive after receiving the power of the Dimension Breaker.

Cao Longhe had lost the power to defeat Ye Chen, he could only rely on himself to fight Ye Chen.

"Come fight me, didn't you say you wanted to beat me" Ye Chen said to Cao Longhe.

Ye Chen told Cao Longhe to fight him.

"Bastard" Cao Longhe released all the strength left in his body.

"I will kill you, I will definitely kill you" Cao Longhe said.

Cao Longhe lost consciousness, he became a monster with red eyes.

Cao Longhe's anger had made him evolve to the next level.

He started to turn into a horrible and terrifying monster.

"Turned into a monster?" Ye Chen saw that Cao Longhe changed, he didn't know what kind of monster it was, this monster looked terrifying and had a head like a wild boar.

"Booom. . ." Cao Longhe hit the floor, when he did this, the floor split into two parts, so did the dense clouds under the floor.

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