Journey To Become A True God

Chapter 2542 Zhang Ein

Chapter 2542 Zhang Ein

Maid looked towards Ye Chen, there was a look of yearning when feeling the power emitted by Ye Chen.

Ye Chen took the Divine Yin Yang Sword, he defeated all the annoying people by using the Divine Yin Yang Sword.

The Divine Yin Yang Sword was so easy to use, Ye Chen was able to win easily against all of them.

A while later Ye Chen finally succeeded, he solved everything easily.

Everything has been lying on the ground, Ye Chen has dealt with them all easily.

"Are you okay ?" Ye Chen walked over, he asked the woman in front of himself.

"I'm fine, thank you" she lowered her head, she was really too friendly and full of dignity, she was like a professional maid who had been strictly trained in all kinds of aspects.

"may I know who you are" she asked Ye Chen, she wanted to know the name of Ye Chen.

"My name is Ye Chen" Ye Chen told his name.

"Ye Chen, my name is Zhang Ein, thank you very much for what you have done" Zhang Ein said to Ye Chen.

"Already, you're not very formal with me" Ye Chen said to, he didn't really like to talk formally.

"I see" she understands, she won't speak formally anymore.

"Miss Zhang, what are you doing in this place" Ye Chen asked Zhang Ein.

"You can call me Ein, everyone calls me that, I don't like such honorific names" Zhang Ein said to Ye Chen.

"Okay, I get it. ." Ye Chen understood, he saw that Zhang Ein was serious about what was said, Ye Chen felt pressure when facing Zhang Ein.

"So what are you doing in this place, have you lost your master" Ye Chen asked Zhang Ein.

Ye Chen felt strange, how come a maid was in this kind of place.

"No, I haven't served others for a long time, I just came from a nearby town and want to go to another city, I don't have a regular job, I enjoy helping other people's work" she tells what she does.

Zhang Ein didn't have a master, she just traveled all over the world and did everything she wanted.

she helped the work of those in need, it can be said that he was very kind.

"So that's it, so you have an adventure and help other people's work, it's really very noble" Ye Chen felt that it was a glorious thing.

"yes, thank you very much for the compliment" Zhang Ein was grateful for the praise given by Ye Chen, she was very happy with the praise given by Ye Chen.

"By the way, young master Ye Chen, do you need a servant" Zhang Ein asked.

"ehh, why indeed ?" Ye Chen asked Zhang Ein.

"maybe I can work for you" Zhang Ein said to Ye Chen.

she told me that he might be able to work.

"But I don't have a home in this world" Ye Chen said to Zhang Ein, he still has no home, he will probably move around.

"I don't mind that," she didn't mind it.

"why is it so sudden" Ye Chen asked Zhang Ein, in Ye Chen's opinion, what Zhang Ein did was so sudden.

"I just want to thank you for what you have done" Zhang Ein said that she just wanted to thank Ye Chen for what Ye Chen did, she was very grateful for what Ye Chen did.

"How is this, this situation is really out of control" Ye Chen said to Chu Yuechan, the situation developing out of control.

"Don't ask me, I don't want to be seen" Chu Yuechan said to Ye Chen, she told Ye Chen that she didn't want to get involved.

"That, how should I answer it" Ye Chen was a little troubled, he couldn't refuse the goodwill of the other party.

"Take it easy, I won't ask you more" Zhang Ein confirmed that she would not ask Ye Chen for more.

"That. . ." Ye Chen encountered a more serious problem, she was really in trouble when facing Zhang Ein.

Zhang Ein stared at Ye Chen, she looked at Ye Chen with expectation.

"uh. . . , she used a cheating way" Ye Chen could see that Zhang Ein used such a fraudulent way, she obviously used a very fraudulent way to deal with Ye Chen.

"I can't refuse it if you insist," Ye Chen said to Zhang Ein.

"Thank you very much, then from now on I am in your care" Zhang Ein said to Ye Chen.

"Are you sure, I want to go to the Sect, so you probably won't be able to get together with me" Ye Chen said.

"It doesn't matter, I can go anywhere I want" Zhang Ein said that she could easily go where she wanted.

"is that" Ye Chen still didn't understand.

"Then let's draw up a contract" Zhang Ein said to Ye Chen.

Zhang Ein stretched out a hand that belonged to her towards Ye Chen, she directly took Ye Chen's hand and kissed him.

Ye Chen looked at what Zhang Ein did, it seemed that this was some kind of oath, it was not a dangerous thing and would not harm both parties.

A light appeared in Ye Chen's hand, it proved that he became Zhang Ein's master for now.

"Fine, everything is done, if you need anything, just call me, I will come directly to your side".

"I see, I understand" Ye Chen understood.

"Then I'm leaving first" Zhang Ein said to Ye Chen, she would leave first.

Zhang Ein disappeared, she looked like a shadow who could disappear quickly.

"Huh?" Ye Chen was taken aback.

"Where did she go?" Ye Chen didn't look, he really didn't see the departure of Zhang Ein.

To be able to leave in such a way, it was obvious that Zhang Ein was so powerful, she was able to disappear from Ye Chen's sight, and Ye Chen didn't even see Zhang Ein's departure.

"she gone" Chu Yuechan said to Ye Chen.

"Yuechan, what happened?, just now it was" Ye Chen said to Chu Yuechan.

"Master, that woman is quite strong, I don't know why you helped her, with her strength she should be able to handle everything on her own" Chu Yuechan said.

Zhang Ein is a strong maid, overcoming low-class criminals is not a problem for her.

"Is that so, then why didn't you tell me earlier" Ye Chen asked Chu Yuechan.

"I've told you this from the beginning, you're the only one who didn't listen to what I said" Chu Yuechan had already said these things from the beginning, only that Ye Chen did not listen to what Chu Yuechan said.

"Is that so, I didn't listen clearly" Ye Chen said that he didn't listen to it.

"It is indeed like you" Chu Yuechan said to Ye Chen, she knew that this was Ye Chen's nature.

"But it's so strange, why did he become like that" Chu Yuechan thought of the possibility of why Zhang Ein was willing to serve Ye Chen.

It seemed that something was going on in this place, Chu Yuechan was very curious about this matter.

"What's wrong?, is there any problem" Ye Chen asked Chu Yuechan, he wanted to know why Chu Yuechan was silent.

"It's okay, forget it, you'd better go back to Wu Ziyi" Chu Yuechan said to Ye Chen.

"You are so right, he will definitely wait for me, I hope he will not be angry" Ye Chen returned soon, he hoped that Wu Ziyi would not be angry.


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