Journey To Become A True God

Chapter 2454 Change Of Direction In The War

Chapter 2454 Change Of Direction In The War

"What really happened ?" The generals belonging to Da Dolu looked confused, how could the troops behind attack them, this was unreasonable.

"Stupid, what are you guys doing ?" the supreme general was angry, he was angry when he saw his stupid army.

"Shut up . ." Xu Leiya appeared, she immediately blocked the enemy general with a mirror of light, now the enemy would not be able to fight back because their main brain had been locked up by Xu Leiya.

"what happened, why are they attacking us" The troops in front looked confused, they didn't know what was happening in the rear.

"continue to attack them" Ye Chen gave the order.

"attack. . ." with the order given by Ye Chen, those under the control of Xu Leiya immediately attacked and the front troops.

"attack, this is our chance" Xu Leiya took advantage of this opportunity to attack, the front troops were flanked by the rear and front, they would not be able to escape anymore.

"What happened there ?" Da Dolu was very angry, he wanted to know what happened there.

"quickly send a messenger over there" the elders and military advisors were the ones who panicked the most, they immediately sent messengers to the battlefield.

Whereas before they could laugh as they watched Lu Hanna's defeat, now the tide had turned and they looked utterly panicked.

"Our plan worked. . ." Xu Leiya saw that the remaining enemy troops were almost completely defeated, they would soon be completely defeated.

"You work well together, we will soon win" With good and neat cooperation, they defeated half the army from Da Dolu.

several hours later the battle was finally won by Ye Chen and Lu Hanna.

"we did it" Lu Hanna said to Ye Chen, she and Ye Chen finally managed to win.

"Our plan worked, now we only need to attack Da Dolu" Ye Chen said to Lu Hanna.

"Everyone assemble" Lu Hanna gave the order, she gave the order for everyone to gather immediately.

they all gathered, they headed towards the palace from Da Dolu.

Da Dolu was completely frightened, they were completely frightened when they saw Lu Hanna's army, Lu Hanna's army was enough to destroy them all.

"How could this happen. . ." those in the palace couldn't believe it, how could they lose, this should be their victory.

"shut up . ." Da Dolu screamed, he shouted loudly and full of strength.

everyone immediately fell silent when they saw this, none of them dared to fight back.

"gather all our best fighters, we will fight them all with all our strength, whoever retreats then they must die" Da Dolu gave the order, those who do not want to fight will be executed,

"understand. . ." They all immediately left and prepared themselves, Da Dolu had already issued the order, they had no choice but to fight to the end of their lives.

"I won't let you win" Da Dolu won't let Lu Hanna win, he won't lose to a woman.

The army of Lu Hanna quickly arrived near the palace of Da Dolu, they finally arrived easily and without a hitch.

"We have finally arrived, this is the last battle we have, after this we will win" Lu Hanna said with a fiery speech, she told everyone that they would be the victors.

"Roars . . ." a very loud scream occurred, this loud scream resounded and showed everyone present that they were ready to win.

"Don't be afraid, we will win." Ye Chen also helped raise the morale of the troops. With this, the morale of the troops became very high, they were no longer afraid and were ready to win.

"do you think I will let you win" Da Dolu showed himself, he showed himself in front of everyone.

Behind Da Dolu were countless people, behind him were countless people with high cultivation levels.

they are the elders and higher-ups that belong to Da Dolu, they are the top-level cultivators in the God Realm.

"So you gathered top-level power" Lu Hanna said to Da Dolu.

"of course, this time I will destroy everything" Da Dolu said to Lu Hanna.

Da Dolu and his army began to give off a terrifying aura, they gave off an extremely terrifying aura.

"What's that . . ?" everyone felt pressured, they backed away when they saw the aura emitting from the bodies of Da Dolu and the elder behind him.

Da Dolu was like a terrifying and powerful monster, those with low cultivation could no longer even breathe.

Seeing that the situation was getting worse, Ye Chen finally came forward, he stepped forward and displayed the strength that he had.

"trying to frighten us with such power . . ., very stupid . . ." Ye Chen released his own power, he suppressed the power released by Da Dolu.

"cough . . ." Da Dolu and all the elders were forced back by Ye Chen, they were forced back by the power that belonged to Ye Chen.

"impossible" Da Dolu and all the elders coughed up blood, the attack from Ye Chen had overwhelmed them all.

"want to bully, try to do it again in front of me" Ye Chen said to Da Dolu.

"Who are you, I have never seen you?" Da Dolu asked Ye Chen, he had never seen Ye Chen.

"I am one of Lu Hanna's people" Ye Chen said to Da Dolu.

"Are you kidding me, with your strength, you are not worthy of that woman" Da Dolu said to Ye Chen.

"Then?" Ye Chen asked Da Dolu.

"work for me, I will give you better things" Da Dolu said to Ye Chen.

"do not do it . ." Lu Hanna said to Ye Chen, she was worried that Ye Chen would be influenced by Da Dolu, this man always used resources to attract others.

"Did you think I would be interested in that kind of thing ?" Ye Chen said to Da Dolu.

"then what do you want ?" Da Dolu asked Ye Chen, he wanted to know what Ye Chen wanted.

"I want you to die . ." Ye Chen said to Da Dolu.

Da Dolu's face darkened when he heard what Ye Chen said.

"Damn it, how dare you . . ." Da Dolu looked furious, he couldn't accept Ye Chen's words.

"we are fated enemies, let's finish this quickly" Ye Chen said to Da Dolu.

"You are absolutely right, we are indeed fated enemies, let's solve this matter quickly" Da Dolu agreed, the sooner this matter was resolved, then it would be a good thing.

Da Dolu began to take off all the armor on his body, he took off the armor on his body and part of his body was naked.

"what does this person want" Ye Chen saw what Da Dolu was trying to do.

"bad . . ., he will. . ." Lu Hanna said to Ye Chen.

"what is he going to do ?" Ye Chen asked Lu Hanna.

"It is a star-devouring technique, only Da Dolu can use it" Lu Hanna said to Ye Chen.

"Star Eater? ? ?" Ye Chen looked at Da Dolu.

"This is a darkness technique that will consume everything around, prepare to be my meal" Da Dolu said to Ye Chen.

Da Dolu explained to Ye Chen, he told him what he could do.

"what will happen if we are devoured by it ?" Ye Chen asked Lu Hanna.

"You will probably become a part of his strength" Lu Hanna said to Ye Chen.

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