Inhuman Warlock

Chapter 738 - Repeat

"May I know when it happened?"

"It happened last year," the boy replied. 

"Wait. Is that why the Academy was closed? The students were killed by Alex? He killed students in the academy and still managed to escape? And now he's back to kill more? Did I get this right?"

"That's right!" The boy nodded his head. 

Such bad publicity of Lucifer reached everywhere and not a single person doubted these claims since they all sounded realistic after what they saw Lucifer do. 

However, all this created fear in everyone's heart as well. Lucifer was born killed from what it seemed. Everyone was praying that Lucifer wouldn't come before them next. 

Every person on the island only had one question though. "Where is Xaen?! Why isn't he stopping this?!"

None of them knew that it wasn't that Xaen didn't try to stop Lucifer. Instead, he did that already and he was defeated so badly that he had to run at the first opportunity he thought. 

Everyone thought that Xaen was probably not on the island. No one could even imagine the truth. 

In their fear, most of the people weren't able to sleep at night. 


Cassius was discovered near the destruction by the media channels. After recognising him, they hastily contacted the Ziani family, telling them about Cassius's condition. 

They sent Cassius back to his family but they didn't forget to ask some questions on the way about what actually happened here. 

Cassius didn't answer them. He kept his silence. 

Even though he didn't say anything, it didn't take the media channels long to come up with a story. 

They started claiming that Cassius came here to stop Lucifer and fought with him, ultimately suffering defeat. Cassius was made to be a hero who fought the evil without worrying for his life and still managed to survive. 

Since there were so many unknowns, the lies just kept increasing. 


On the other end, Xaen was lying on a white bed, his hand was wrapped as his fingers were reattached. He was also looking at the TV channels while eating apples. He sighed at some of the stories that were coming out in the media. 

"They just need an opportunity and they'll make any claims," he muttered. "However, he was happy that no one knew about his crushing defeat."

"I wonder where that guy is now? He won't stop looking for me. I must stop him, but I can't make the mistake of meeting him in a closed space again."

"I need to catch him outside where he can't trap me like he did last time. But I'll need some nice bait for that and some help. He's a big problem now. I am going to need help."

He stood up, getting off the bed. Without even waiting for the doctor to come back, he stepped inside the portal that opened before him.

He stepped inside the portal and disappeared. 


In another end of the world, Milena was in a complicated situation. Jestor asked her to get Lucifer's contact, but she failed. He wasn't willing to give the stone without talking to Lucifer. 

She told him that he was a bit busy and that she would get him to talk to him later, but Jestor didn't agree. "Fine. Then you'll get the stone later as well."

After waiting for an hour, she contacted Kellian to ask him if he was able to get through to Lucifer. 

Answering her call, Kellian couldn't help but slap the back of his head, unable to believe that he forgot it. When he talked to Lucifer, he forgot to mention that he needed to talk to Milena. 

However, he couldn't disturb him again now. 

"You can get through to him now, but he told me he's really busy tonight. Try calling him in the morning. He'll reply."

"Morning? Got it. I'll contact him in the morning."

Milena turned to Jestor and told him that she'll get Lucifer to talk to him in the morning. 

"You can keep the stone until morning. Is that fine?"

"I don't mind, since you haven't killed any person here yet and you do seem like you know a few things about Lucifer, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. I'll wait until morning."


The chaotic night ended with the first ray of sunlight. The sea was again calm for the most part. The clouds had disappeared but Lucifer was still seated. 

It was seven in the morning when he finally opened his eyes. His eyes looked a bit different. Unlike the immature eyes of a youngster, his eyes seemed more mature now as if they had traveled through the sea of time. 

He stood up, observing his hand. Everything seemed fine at the moment, but still something felt odd. He didn't know what it was, but something was much different. 

Ability wise, he didn't feel any difference. His Time Control had evolved but he felt like his understanding of this ability was still the same. 

When he evolved lightning, his knowledge also increased along with the ability and he was able to understand the various uses that this evolution came with, but it was different this time. This time it was just too... ordinary. 

"Why is the evolution so different from last time?" he wondered, frowning. 

His hand, his feet, his knowledge, everything was the same. 

Just as he was lost in thought, he heard the vibration of his glasses. 

He wore the glasses and picked the call. 


"There you are. Look I am near the stone you needed, but it's with someone named Jestor. He claims to know you. He says he'll only give me the stone if you talk to him."

"Jestor? I think I heard that name before. Is he a man in his mid fifties at this time?" he asked. 

"That's right."

"So that's what it was. Give the call to him. I'll talk to him."

Milena transferred the call to Jestor. "There, talk to him."

Jestor took the phone. "Hello?"

"Jestor, it's been a long time, hasn't it? At least for you? Don't tell me you still hold grudges for what happened on the ship? I didn't even hurt you there. All I did was play around."

"So it's really you! After so long, I'm talking to you again. Brings back the memories. It's been over thirty years but it still seems like it was just yesterday when I met a Warlock that widened my horizons that there is always a taller mountain."

"Just that teaching itself is worth more than this stone. I'll give the stone to her."

"Good, I'll talk to you later. I'm busy with something." Lucifer didn't waste time in talks and quickly disconnected the call.

He kept the glasses back in his pocket and prepared to leave.

Just as he put glasses back in his pocket, they started vibrating again. 

He wore the glasses again. "What do you need now?"

"There you are. Look I am near the stone you needed, but it's with someone named Jestor. He claims to know you. He says he'll only give me the stone if you talk to him."

"Huh?" Lucifer couldn't understand why Milena was repeating the same sentence again. Did she go crazy or something?

"Why are you repeating it? We already talked about it. I also talked to him. What more do you need?"

"What? What do you mean? It's the first time I got through to you. How can we talk about this already? Anyways, enough playing around. Talk to him so he believes me that I know you."

Lucifer was filled with confusion. He didn't know what was happening here. She just talked to him and now she was saying she didn't? Did she go crazy or something?

"Fine, pass the call to him." 

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