Inhuman Warlock

Chapter 525 - 525: Use The Bracelet

"That's... intriguing. Despite being strong, they're trying to attack from the back? Must be a backup plan for them."

Lucifer tapped his knees as he wondered what he could do. He was pretty close to the other group. If he wanted, he could have the plane diverted to them.

Uprising members also needed his help. That was also something he needed to deal with. He couldn't leave his team alone either. And even though they had started fighting back and destroying the planes, they weren't in any good condition either. 

"If I'm not wrong, that team could have the second Warlock Leader we talked about. So I can't send others alone either unless..." Lucifer glanced sideways, looking at Milena. 

A smile formed on his face. 

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Milena looked back in confusion. 

One moment he was talking to her, next moment he started talking to himself and now he was looking at her weirdly? She wondered what was happening with him. 

"You're here to fight the Warlock Council. And you're upset that you didn't get the opportunity to fight them last time, aren't you? I have a great opportunity for you," he added. 

"What opportunity?" 

"Another Warlock Council team's plane is coming in the same direction. I need to get to my team to help them so I can't take care of them. But that's where your team can be helpful. You can have all the fun you want."

"Also, you don't need to be concerned about the formation on the planes either since Yasmine's energy negation would make them ineffective against you. You're the perfect person to show them a mirror. How about that?"

"That does sound interesting. But what will I get in return for this extra effort of going alone? How about you take off these bracelets for that?"

"Don't even think about it. As for what you'll get? Are you forgetting you're their enemy like I am?"

"I know that I was, but not anymore," Milena smirked. 

"Two leaders of the Warlock Council are killed by your side if you win. Compared to my side, that's nothing. I don't think they'll come to the Divine Empire before trying to crush you. Since you're like a cockroach who doesn't die, you'll be in an unending battle. And I'll just sit back and watch."

"I don't have to do anything. I was their biggest enemy before this. But if you win, you'll take that position. So I am not in a hurry." Milena shrugged. 

Lucifer rubbed his temple. "Since you're not going to help, do I even need to keep you alive?"

"Are you threatening me again? Go ahead. Use that Limiter to kill me. You need me."

"And why would I need you? I don't like that you already compared me to a cockroach of all, but since we're there, why would I need you since I'm that? I can just keep fighting and winning. If I need to do it alone, I don't need you."

"You are entitled to your opinion. But I want something if I want to help now that the Divine Empire isn't at the risk of attack by the Warlock Council."

Lucifer glared at Milena. "Is that your final decision?"

"That's right. If you don't need my help, you can use that bracelet to kill me. All the Nobles would die too. And you'll be left alone in the War with your team. And if you want my help, offer me something in return."

A silence spread in the plane as Lucifer and Milena looked into each other's eyes. 

Lucifer knew that she was useful alive, then she was dead. Even if he stole her powers, he still couldn't be at two places at once. She was perfect to lead Team B. He couldn't kill her. 

"I'm not taking off the bracelet. That's final as well," Lucifer replied. "If you want anything else, I can think about it. And if you don't want anything else and want to be stubborn with this demand, then I'll actually kill you."

"Think fast. There's not enough time."

"Something else?" Milena rubbed her chin. "I want a favor from you. As long as you accept, I'll help you in any way possible in destroying the entire Warlock Council."

"What favor?"

"Just give me a blind promise that you'll do any one thing I ask after I help you this time. That would be enough."

Sitting in the back, Salazar shook his head, smiling wryly. 

This girl was asking him to promise? The guy who didn't care for promises like these? He was sure that Lucifer was going to agree. If the promise was within his range later, it was great. If it wasn't, then he wasn't going to follow through. 

It was also good since this vague promise was going to keep Milena motivated and ready to fight without throwing such tantrums like now. 

Just as he expected, Lucifer agreed right away. 

"Fine. I'll do one thing you ask, but only as long as it doesn't involve taking off this bracelet and something that puts my men in danger." 

"I don't think it will put your men in danger. As for you, is there anything that's dangerous for you?"

"Enough nonsense. I accept your condition. Now prepare to fight. I'll have the coordinates sent to the pilot where the two planes can meet the fastest if he changes direction. 

"You can also look at this screen. It'll tell you when you're near. You can jump out of the plane then."

Milena nodded. 

"Now move aside," Lucifer told Milena, who was sitting on the seat, blocking him from leaving. 

Instead of standing up, Milena simply moved her legs to the side, creating an opening. 

Lucifer left the seat and walked to the pilot. After talking to him, he came back. 

He stood before the plane door. 

"Caen, Salazar, come with me."

"You're leaving?" Milena inquired, walking to him. 

"Yeah. We aren't far from there. We'll fly. You all take the plane since you need directions more."

He pushed the door open and jumped out. 

Caen and Salazar also jumped behind him. 

The three of them flew in the air, right beside the place. 

As the plane changed the direction, their figure became more distant until they disappeared entirely. 

Milena was left alone in the plane with no oversight. 

She closed the door and walked back to her seat. Instead of looking at the screen, she started observing the bracelet on her wrist. 

"I need to find a way to get this thing out, so I can be free. And now I have a way. Since the Warlock Council is so advanced in technology, they must know about these bracelets. They'll have a way out.." A smirk formed on her lips. 

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