Infinite Mana In The Apocalypse

Chapter 3568 What could have been I

Chapter 3568  What could have been I

Each frequency held its own unique weaving of existence.

The first frequency apart from his own that Noah arrived in was a unique one as his arrival point…was in the Expanse.

And yet here, one could see shattered strings of existence that had lost all color.


Quite literally cut in half as if they had received a horrific impact that decimated all of them throughout the expanse at once!

Everything was filled with a sensation of death and that of the end, with Noah seeing storms of Anti-Matter, Matter, and Dark Matter raging in separate directions.

As if they had no musings or purpose- with them having constantly been crashing against each other for eons.

In the distance, Noah saw massive shattered Blancverses, and as he began to fly across these cataclysmic weavings of a frequency, he even saw fractured Megalos Mountains!

By all means, this looked to be a frequency devoid of any life and weavings.

Very likely, even the Megalos Beyond, Ynnere, and Nihilos of this Frequency were decimated with absolutely no life within them!

It was a unique selection of a place to hide one's weavings as truly, there may be no others to ever disrupt one here.

Noah looked around as he thought about the countless lives lost in such a frequency, and his eyes turned towards a certain location as he turned into a streak of light that shot out past the decimation.

In a short period of time, he arrived before typhoons of Matter and Anti-Matter as at the very center of these terrifying storms, what looked like an embryo floated silently while withstanding all the storms- even pulling them into its body every passing second!

Inside this embryo, the weavings of Bob could be felt as if he was in a state of deep sleep that he would never wake from unless…a complexity prompted him out of it.

Noah looked at the embryo calmly before his finger struck out, releasing a heavy pressure that popped it as what lay within was about to be swept up into a storm of Matter and Anti-Matter when suddenly, everything calmed.

From the embryo, a small humanoid body with limbs that looked like tentacles slowly buzzed as its complexity began to awaken.

The skin was silver white, with the head being utterly bald and free of hair as, at this time, its eyes fluttered open!


Its voice was dry as if it had not spoken in forever, a white robe covering its body as it looked around with an expression of annoyance.

"Who woke me u…ah!"

As if droves of memories smashed down like waves, his singularities for eyes squinted while he frowned, eventually coming to refocus as they raised to see Noah.

Gradually, the singularities gained clarity as they were both happy and frustrated at the same time.

"You were successful in getting here, but things still look rather drastic, young friend."

One of the few that Bob had become entangled with across frequencies.

As of now, this entanglement seemed to be the one that saved him as Noah neared Bob, who seemed unbearably weak- with this body of his only emanating waves of the complexity of a Constellation and not a Source!

"What is this?"

He spoke while referring to Bob's body.

"Mmm, I had to cut off a part of myself to put here and make sure it was entirely free of influence from my main self. As if we were different weavings entirely. And I then hid it into my worst failure…this Dead Prime Frequency of Genesis!"


A Dead Prime Frequency!

Bob looked around him with immense pain coursing through his eyes!

"For other people, failure only leads to a mistake of money or failed relationships. For people like us…failure means entire Frequencies are decimated as you get to be at fault for Megalocides! How unfair is this?!"

His musings were chaotic as he spoke, his singularities pulsing as he continued.

"But here, weavings are cut off. So I hid a part of myself here in case anything were to occur, and those fuckers mad things occur. The ambush in the Logos of the Wheel…they knew they could not defeat me, so they sent my body to none other than Hell Terra Firma! A place I knew my weavings would always lead me to as there was something there that could be utilized to right many wrongs, but I never went into it because entry would also mean I was stuck there. Even if I find that which many Sources spoke in hushed whispers about, I would never even be able to leave."

He spoke with a sense of regret as Noah raised his brows.

"What lies within Hell Terra Firma that many Sources speak of?"

Bob blinked at such a question while shaking his head.

"A Rumor. A Dream. That in a place where authority does not work, there lies a Primal Flame of the Wheel of Existence. It was placed there solely because it was the safest place for such a critical part of the Wheel to be since nobody could use it, nor could it be taken out as no authority could be used. But this Primal Flame of the Wheel could theoretically be used to revitalize Dead Frequencies. Bring back quintillions upon quintillions of what was lost. I say it is a dream as how could one, without any authority, find such a thing within the Purgatory Lands or even bring it out when there is not an ounce of authority to be utilized?"


Noah could not help but smile at such an assertion as his weavings began to study Bob- with Severed Extractor actually having trouble grasping the source of this being as it seemed to be part Matter and part Anti-Matter!

But it would only be a matter of time as he replied calmly.

"If it is Hell Terra Firma, then that makes things relatively easier. Where did your main body land within? If you can describe the surrounding environment, I may be able to find you quickly enough. And then…this Primal Flame of the Wheel of Existence can also be searched for if it exists!"

A flame that could revitalize entire Frequencies.

Would the Prime Frequency of Life that had just fallen into the hands of the Faceless Lifeforms be capable of being returned to what it once was?

As Noah thought of this, Bob shook his head incredulously as if the two of them seemed to be on entirely different planes of understanding.

Why was he talking about Hell Terra Firma as if it were his own backyard?!

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