Infinite Mana In The Apocalypse

Chapter 3555 They did not leave us! I

Chapter 3555  They did not leave us! I

The very weavings of existence here were unique.

And every moment, it felt like one was breathing in fantastical flames of existence with every breath.

There were many flames of varying colors, and each one expressed a different emotion. Some flames would dance happily while others burst with excitement, and some flames looked dwindled and dried as they bent down seeming sad.

At this moment, near the world-sized Wisp of the Flame of the Wheel of Existence, the many seas of flames held a somber atmosphere as every single one seemed to be bound down by something truly too heavy.

Nearest to them was the figure of a Prime Source Complexity.

A man whose body was tall in stature, and his back was a wide one that many could depend on. He was an entity whose eyes were as fierce as they were gentle, with his head burning with silver-gold flames.

What he did for the Singed could never be placed in a single record and explained in its entirety.

And yet, as more and more Singed returned into the Prime Frequency of Flames, they came to find his visage that was half collapsed as at this moment, only half of his flaming body stood before them!

His single eye looked at all of those arriving as it now he held serenity and calmness as if to tell them- even in the state that he was in, that everything would be okay.

That even in this state, it should all still be what the flow of the Wheel intended.

He smiled at all of those that had gathered here as he nodded his half head and began to speak out.

"There are still a few others that have not arrived, but this is more than enough for me to spread what I have come to learn of the Weavings of the Wheel."

His voice still held a shocking power, but Mysara and many others felt a level of shock as within this voice, they felt such a profound wave of weakness!

Their minds still buzzed as they wondered how all of this could be possible. They had known everything, and they had planned everything.

This whole time, they knew that a terrifying Change was coming as tribulations were a part of the Flow of the Wheel.

So they got ready for it. They spread their forces out across Frequencies and entrenched them in through various powerful forces that remained inside of frequencies, and even those that moved across frequencies of existence!

They even learned about their enemy and did their best to prepare for them, even letting them make the first move as after they knew what their enemy held, they could very easily crush them after that.

These were their weavings, and this was what they knew.

And they came to finally carry out such weavings as instead- they were faced with the collapsing weavings of one of their more powerful pillars!

As if he could see all of their gazes, this entity smiled and shook his head.

"There is no need for sadness when it comes to the Flow of the Wheel. Things are, and will always be, how they should be.

There will always be surprises along the way as this time around, there is just this minor surprise. And yet, even though the flow of the wheel will always be as it should, there are those who can manage to alter this flow in ways that may not be necessarily good for all of existence.

There are those seeking to alter the flow to their own benefit, as the result would be mass casualty events across frequencies.

To prevent such possibilities and altercations of the Flow of the Wheel, there were those among us who grew powerful enough and sensed the unfathomable forces who we could not even imagine doing something like this. They sensed them, and so they went to search for them.

And at this very moment, they have been fighting for us. They have been fighting for the Weavings of the Wheel in a place where we cannot see- in a place where we cannot understand with the little complexity that we all have!

The figures whose names shone bright in the eons past.

The Origin Singed that has left many cycles ago.

I know that none of you have any doubts, but even for those who stumbled every now and then, I assure you that the Origin Singed did not leave us. He and many others protect the weavings of the Wheel from an unfathomable threat, seeking not to destroy because they cannot destroy- but they seek to alter and change.

This…is the only path and viability for them to take on. And for these past cycles, the Origin Singed and many others have successfully protected us from these forces. They have done more than what we could ever ask of them.

But it has been far too many years. In that period of time, many things can occur as I have learned and believe that at this moment, among the many countless threats that they protect us from…one has managed to slip through the cracks of their defensives without their knowledge.

Or maybe they do know that something utterly terrible managed to get past them, but they cannot leave as if they move away for even a single second; everything they have been protecting for all of these eons may come down crumbling.

So they hope that amongst the countless waves of complexity left behind by their own weavings, that it may be enough to handle just one of the threats that managed to pass through them."

His words were lengthy.

He had spoken this whole time as he paused every now and then to look into the eyes of every single Singed.

And he continued.

"Across the frequencies, the one known as the Great Beyonder left behind Weavings to try and muster up another version of himself after he was gone.

The Stellar Weaver of Nihilos left behind countless threads of weavings to try and raise up more soldiers to fight for the cause.

The Origin Singed left us a force of ultimate power working right below the weavings of the Wheel of existence itself.

There are many.

Too many of them who placed their hopes that they would not be the only ones bearing this unfathomable weight on their shoulders should anything happen. And now…something has happened."


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