Inevitable Road To Divinity

Chapter 362 - Fall of the family

Chapter 362 - Fall of the family

Seven Divine Weapons Alliance.

Sword Main World.

In this place, the old master was sitting on the simple chair, his old hands holding the thin and long staff. Supporting himself, the old man truly needed support as everything that was going on recently in the divine alliance truly hurted his body.

With tears flowing down his old eyes, the old man looked up at the mirror.

The mirror had a lot of dots.

The blue and green ones.

The blue dots were worlds and green ones were the humans and other races leaving those worlds one by one. Only the worlds with Sword Qi were without any blue dots. Naturally, every other races that were mixing and practising their sharp qi's with their natural attributes were leaving the alliance.

And nothing could be done as other divinities were also leaving.

In fact, they were leading the other disciples.

The Seven Divine Weapons Alliance had a lot of worlds and various races as the sharp qi of weapons had no restrictions. If one had weak talent in their natural attribute, then one might be born with pure talent towards one of their weapons.

However, if one was no one of these, then one could try and go for the mix.

A lot of races were trying to mix the qi and their own nature attributes, so the alliance itself had a lot of allies and one of the strong positions in the universe.

But now, everything was falling...

"You stupid idiot..."

Every divinity of any other weapon than Sword were leaving the alliance. They were either going back to their home worlds or simply trying to enter other alliances. And who would reject the divinity and its disciples?

Furthermore, the one related to weapon that could highly boost their ranks?

As old master was looking at the mirror, his eyes kept releasing tears, then the sound of footsteps could be heard. He knew who it is and he also found it hard to face this person... So hard that tears began flowing even faster.


"Give me father's weapon."

The voice was cold and one could think that this man was trying to kill the old man with voice alone. Even the old master who was one of the sword divinity holders trembled by hearing it, his old body slowly turning around.


Farrisnes Vuka.

He was one of the Uris' sons that survived to this age. Right now, his whole face was painted by anger as he had his brows furrowed, eyes releasing killing intent. Quickly enough, other two men stepped forward from the shadows.

They were also Uris' sons.

"Give me father's weapon! NO ONE OF YOU CAN TOUCH IT ANYMORE!"

Screaming at the old master, Vuka also released his sword qi. In normal case, it would be truly laughable for him to do so, but right now, the old man simply trembled and didn't know how to react.

"Where is she?"

"No one knows. No one knows! But the deed that this bastard done is known by anyone! If you don't give me the father's weapon, then we will riot."

Farrisnes family had the high status. They were not only strong as Uris' descendants, they also had Divine Blacksmith as their ancestor.

The weapon of Uris was weapon that could change shape. The third could change his spirit along with the weapon and his battle sense was astonishing! It was pity for many that he couldn't grasp the divinity, but that's how it is.

Anyway, he had divine weapon. Divine weapon made by his wife.

But now, this wife... disappeared.

"Mother worked hard for this alliance. Even after father's death, she kept forging the divine weapons for you. If not her, then only the relics of the past would be divine weapons in every alliance! But her masterpiece, the only masterpiece that she had forged for father couldn't be used by anyone. Even though after years of begging, she allowed others to try it."

No one could wield Uris' weapon. But the alliance, mainly from the Sword God side, were quite greedy. The Sword God shared the blood with Uris and his descendants believed that they could grasp the strongest divine weapon from Divine Blacksmith!

Using his name, they kept pestering Eva until she allowed them to try it.

Uris... would be happy if someone from his family could wield the weapon. That's how she convinced herself.

Then, after another thousand years, the incident that destroyed the whole alliance happened.

Sword God that was quite silent for most of his career... abused Mrs. Eva. Using his divine wings, he overwhelmed the divine blacksmith and violated her body with his dirty hands. No one knew why would he suddenly do it.

Divine Blacksmith had high position and she herself was wife of his brother! Yet, he done it, completely destroying the alliance.

The first one to break the alliance was Spear Goddess. She charged into Sword Main World and fought against Sword God, then, her brother followed her, and two divinites joined their hands to fight against Sword God.

But, it was simply not enough to win. Both had their techniques, dimensions and divine equipments strengthened by Divine Blacksmith. Even though it was one versus two, the winner couldn't be decided.

However, Spear Goddess spoke harshly. She insulted Sword God and using smooth talk, she quickly got the approval of the rest. Although Sword God hadn't died as old masters begged, the alliance eventually broke.

"Here.... And I am sorry."

"Sorry? Why are you apologizing? No one knew that SWORD GOD is such scock! No wonder Miss Kyouka didn't pay any attention to him!"

"Kyouka... If she was here... Haa..."

Taking the weapon of their father, the Farrisnes siblings left the old man without even caring about him. Their anger simply blinded their hearts and for them, everyone from the sword worlds was enemy.

As they sided with Sword God no matter what.

But little did they know... that their own family... was also blinded.


Coming back home, The Farissnes ancestors were all ready to leave this world. They had their father's weapon and taking out everything that their mother left behind, they set up themselves for long journey.

"Mother... Where did you go?"

This question was said many times yet they could only go for another world to protect their family. Because their family was quite big, it would be simply too hard to move around. They had to find new world and settle themselves.

But when they came back home, the internal battle was ongoing.

"SCUMS! You are scums! SCUMS!"

The young lady screamed. She had spear on her back and wearing the Farrisnes emblem, the lady was one of many who inherited Uris' strong spear qi even after all generations that passed.

Naturally, after all this time, only 'ancestors' had resemblance to father and mother.

Still, The Farissnes family had a little of spear and other weapons related warrios.

Was it because Uris' first qi he had awakened was sword? But the family of his from first to the latest generation was mostly combined from swordsmen or blacksmiths.

Uris and Eva's bloods were flowing deeply in their veins.


"We are willing to stay in The Sword Main World."


"It's because this world fit us the best. We have the best chances to grow here and our survival-"


Hearing this angry shout, they knew that their ancestors came back. Vuka yet again took the lead and step by step, he was exuding more and more of the sharp qi that was suffocating the 'sword' faction of the Farrisnes Family.

"W-w-we refuse! Those weapons were tailored for us and-"


Taking his own, long and sharp blue sword, Vuka slashed the air and sharp qi like wave got sent towards ungrateful descendants. However, it got blocked... In matters of seconds, the powerful qi slash got stopped by both bastard descendants and Sword God's descendants.


"Mr. Vuka. No need to get so agitated. The mistakes of your mother can not be put on your descendants, right?"

"Mistakes... of my mother?"

The anger was boiling within him like never before. The cold and ruthless voice was becoming more and more like demon. The other two brothers also let out killing intent as they listened to the haughty voice of the direct sword god descendant.

"The Divine Blacksmith and Divine Sword God bloodlines... You are the ones who have it and your powers can rival many strong entites... What kind of individual would be born with such divinities? It would be much more pure and stronger than any one of you!"



Vuka unleashed his own dimension, the rays of blue sword qi rained down on his descendants and sword god bastards. Smashing his sword like never before, Vuka, enveloped by anger, fought against Sword God descendants prodigies bravely until he couldn't keep up due to the number of enemies increasing.

Was it respect? But he got spared.

Nevertheless, Vuka didn't feel happy at all. His whole body trembled with utmost anger and sadness that no one could properly imagine. The descendants who had other type of weapons were looking at him with sad eyes, but he himself couldn't believe in anyone.

If they had sword talent, would they also leave their family alone?

Would they also side with the abusers?

Properly hiding his emotions, Vuka helped his brothers who supported him in battle, then turned to the descendants that still stood with him. However, because of this small incident, he found it hard to believe.

"Go after other divinities... You should catch up with them. Our family is disbanded."


Most of the descendants immediately answered, leaving the sight. They didn't say anything. From the beginning to the end. Even after the enemies left, they didn't say anything as if waiting for this small approval that was 'useless' anyway...

Only small portion of the descendants stood, their eyes clouded with tears and worry.

The lady who screamed 'scock' at the beginning tried to say something, but words didn't left her mouth... In the end, Vuka spoke yet again.

"You are good children... It's fine... It's really fine for you to go after other divinities. The destiny will reward you in the future... I believe so."


Clenching their hands, they bowed and left, leaving the house and three last ancestors all alone. Their bodies were wounded, but with medicines taken, it was mere time before they could properly move.

Yet, they moved.

Vuka took the lead and he appeared in the main house.

Here, his mother lived all alone... and all alone she had to experience the pain of being abused... by her own 'family.'

At this moment, Vuka took out small sword.

It might look like sword toy, but this sword was the first sword he got from his mother. It was made for his young self, the kid who barely could move. But from these very young days, Vuka had his father training him.

Small divine weapon... and big father who trained him with all love and harshness.


Swinging this small sword, Vuka began piercing his own veins. With tears flowing down his face, the ancestor began burning his whole 'Sword God bloodline' as his father had implanted it within his little body as he wished for his good future.

Splash! Splash! Splash!

The burning blood scattered around the room and Vuka had yet to stop. He was the only one with divine sword god blood as other ancestors had different weapons.

Thanks to his father and mother grace, they could get the divine blood and have it implanted within their bodies from the birth. It was pure and strong. But in their current cases, they couldn't fight properly and numbers weren't on their sides.

"Haa... haa.... haaaaaa!"

Vuka kept doing this for long, long time. In his mind, the past full of pride and happiness flashed briefly. The man in golden kimono was standing in front of him with slight red marks that were clearly blood of his enemies.

And right now, the old ancestor could mutter the name of this man like little child.

"Father... If you were here.... Father..."

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