I’m Not Going to Be Bullied By a Girl

Chapter 129 – Battle:Kindergarten Level

Chapter 129 – Battle:Kindergarten Level

“That can’t be done,” Peng TouSi refused. “My duty is just a bodyguard, not a killer. As long as she doesn’t attack Miss Ai Mi, I won’t move.”

“Nonsense! She is already attacking me! She’s attacking me with her eyes and brainwaves!” Ai Mi was unwilling to let her go, “She also admitted to hurting the manservant, that constitutes as a crime of destroying private property. I have the right to fight back!”

After observing that Peng TouSi was not hostile to us, Xiao Qin relaxed her posture, and she was once again an ordinary girl who was carrying a school bag.

Her attention shifted to the rude and arrogant Ai Mi.

“Who are you calling a manservant?”

Ai Mi pointed in my direction. “It’s him.”

“How can Ye Lin classmate be your servant? Don’t spout bullshit!”

Xiao Qin’s chest raised and lowered, her mood was not tranquil.

Ai Mi smugly put her elbows on the car’s seat and lifted her soft and delicate face.

“Oh, when I first met him, he was lost, tired, and hungry. I pitied him, so I took him off the streets and he volunteered to be my manservant to repay his debts!”

Who did you pick off the streets! Your mom took Peng TouSi off the streets of the United States, are you following in suit and picked me off the streets of China? Bastard, stop randomly picking people off the streets! Even if you picked it up, you have to hand it over! Also, weren’t you the one who got lost?

“Hmph, the manservant has been treated very well working under me. He might even be promoted to the housekeeper one day, so he is loyal to me —— who are you, why are you so close to my manservant? Are you trying to seduce him!”

Xiao Qin looked back at me with eyes of inquiry. I licked my lips and didn’t know where to start explaining.

My relationship with Ai Mi is very strange. I’m not sure why I keep playing the game of manservant or butler with Ai Mi.

Seeing as Xiao Qin did not speak, Ai Mi believed that she had the upper hand.

“Manservant, don’t stand behind that violent woman, she will hurt you again! Come to me!”

I did not move.

Ai Mi’s complexion did not look good.

“Why don’t you listen to your owner? Who is she to you?”

Xiao Qin looked down for a second, then grabbed my right hand and made it seem like we were walking home hand-in-hand.

The demonstration made Ai Mi scorn, who was lying on the seat and could not move.

“I’m Ye Lin classmate’s childhood friend, we grew up together! Even if I accidentally injured Ye Lin classmate, he will forgive me!”

Although she said this verbally, her body was trembling a bit, and asked in a voice that only I can hear:

“Don’t shake off my hand, please…”

The expression in her eyes were both timid and affectionate.

No choice, I’ll let you off for today.

It seems she was encouraged by my acquiescence, and Xiao Qin raised the volume of her voice when speaking to Ai Mi:

“Although we’re currently only childhood friends, we’re currently moving rapidly in the direction of lovers… Yes, we have already done things like kissing!”

It wasn’t a complete lie, at least we have kissed.

“Woof, Woof!”

Obama started barking in an ill-timed manner. I don’t know if he wanted to support his master, or if he was just bored.

Ai Mi tightly scrunched her brows, with a look of rage. “What’s so great about kissing? If I made an order, the manservant will kiss me!”

It seems like she misspoke, so she quickly added:

“He would already be very satisfied as long as he can kiss my feet. If I let him kiss me on the lips, his blood vessels would explode from excitement!”

Who would explode! Aren’t you over evaluating your own charm?

Xiao Qin sneaked in a laugh, only I heard it.

Was it because she learned from the conversation that Ai Mi did not kiss me, so she felt she was victorious?

“Stop kidding around, you yellow-haired brat!” Xiao Qin pulled me with one hand and the other hand pointed at Ai Mi’s nose.

“Woof, Woof!”

Believing that Xiao Qin was pointing to him, Obama barked two more times.

“Ye Lin classmate will not kiss a girl’s foot! The other way around would be more right! You obviously don’t understand Ye Lin classmate at all, so stop bullshitting!”

“Ah!? So, you understand him well?”

“Of course!” Xiao Qin was clearly only a little older than Ai Mi, but she acted like an adult and pointed at her face with her thumb.

“I have not only kissed Ye Lin classmate, but we have already slept together!”

Who has slept with you! In broad daylight, you dare to lie! If someone heard, what would happen to your reputation as a girl!

I subconsciously want to pull my right hand out of Xiao Qin’s hand. After Xiao Qin realized, she quickly tightened her grip, then relaxed, then tightened it again, as if she was sending a “SOS” signal, asking me to forgive her.

She hurriedly added: “It was when we were children, we slept together on the summer cooling mat! But it was a very intimate action! We both wore only underwear, and we slept hand in hand like the Haier brothers! ”

No, I searched for it carefully in my brain. That event did not happen in my childhood. Is this something you thought of? However, one summer, you did come into my house, rolled me up with the mat when I was sleeping, and rolled me to the ground!

Ai Mi asked Peng TouSi: “Who are the Haier brothers?”

Peng TouSi replied quickly as if he had already memorized the answer:

“An electrical appliance brand in China, the logo is two little boys wearing only underwear, the refrigerator I bought for the kitchen is this brand.”

After he finished speaking, he smiled.

Why are you smiling! The only reason why you bought Haier refrigerators was probably because you thought the Haier brothers were homos like you! After that, you’ll probably announce in the American homo group that China’s acceptance of homosexuality is very high, even the electrical brands are using two gay friends as a logo!

“Hmph, a child’s game, it proves nothing!”

Ai Mi said with her small beast mouth as if she was not a child.

“You’re so violent, the manservant would not like you!”

“Why not! If I work hard, Ye Lin classmate will definitely like me!” Xiao Qin said vowed, and asked: “If he doesn’t like me, you think he would like you?”

I don’t know why Ai Mi avoided her eyes and whispered, “It’s enough for the servant to worship the master, I don’t need to be liked by the servant!”

“But…but!” Ai Mi added, “if he had to choose between you and me, he will definitely choose to like me!”

“Nonsense! There’s no way Ye Lin classmate will like primary school students!”

“You’re the primary school student! I’m already in junior high! I’ve also released my own album!”

“Those kind of albums are terrible! Only lolicons would buy your albums! According to my mother, you’re extremely finicky, you can’t even do half a backflip in midair even when tied with a wire rope, and you actually hurt your back, disrupting the entire filming plan! ** If you don’t have enough tolerance, there’s no way you can be Ye Lin classmate’s girlfriend!”

Hey, what does that mean? You make it seem as if I would scold and hit my girlfriend, or **** her every day!

“I…” Ai Mi couldn’t think of how to refute it. “I’m not that weak! It’s your mother who’s mixing private and business matters! Because I called her stupid, she deliberately arranged difficult moves for me! That must be the case! Also, after I was injured, she actually recommended a traditional Chinese medicine practitioner to me! Who doesn’t know that traditional Chinese medicine is pseudoscience! She must want to make me crippled! Fortunately, I didn’t fall for it, even Obama’s massages are more reliable than Chinese doctors!”

What? Did Auntie Ren also recommend Ai Mi to Dr. Zhao’s Orthodox Hospital? If three generations of the Ren family visits that doctor, then it shouldn’t be harmful? It’s because you’re a fool who doesn’t trust others, you actually let the dog give you a massage, so your back hasn’t healed yet.

“My mother won’t harm you! It’s you who’s overly suspicious and stupid! Scram back to the US!”

“Who wants to stay in China! The smog last week caused all the American cast members to fall ill, and they are now quarreling to increase benefits!”

“That’s because all Americans are too delicate! If you can’t stay, then don’t stay, there are other crews that would fight for my mother!”

“You…if you keep saying that, I’ll tell my mother to fire your mother!”

“Don’t be stupid, your mother is only your agent, not the producer, she doesn’t have that right!”

“If I said she can do it, then she can do it!”

Ai Mi was unable to give any more convincing arguments, she actually turned her head and ordered Peng TouSi:

“Don’t just stand there, if you won’t fight, at least help me argue!”

Peng TouSi instead became the peacemaker, hoping that the argument would not escalate.

“The two of you, please calm down. Since we’ll have a working relationship for the foreseeable future, please get along.”

Ai Mi’s anger was unbearable. She put two fingers in her mouth and whistled, gaining Obama’s attention. Then she pointed to Xiao Qin:

“Bite her! Go and bite her!”

Obama was bored with nothing to do, he leapt out of the car and separated his forelimbs while fiercely staring at Xiao Qin.

However, when he took off, he hurt Ai Mi’s back. Ai Mi yelled out in pain.

You don’t trust Chinese doctors, but at least go see a Western doctor? Which American remedy uses dogs to treat sprains!

Xiao Qin sneered and sent a stare at the husky.

Less than five seconds later, Obama whimpered, lowered his head and fled with his tail under his legs.

So the situation turned into a verbal attack between Xiao Qin and Ai Mi.

“You’re the bad guy! Even dogs are afraid of you!”

“It’s because your dog is useless, just like you!”

“You’re bad!”

“No, you’re bad!”

The more they argued, the more childish it became. In the end, they didn’t speak, they just started making faces at each other.

Xiao Qin stuck out her tongue: “Ptooey! Ptooey! Ptooey! Ptooey! Ptooey! Ptooey!”

Ai Mi not only stuck out her tongue, but also pulls down her eyes and used a finger to push up her nose, imitating a pig: “Oink! Oink! Oink! Oink! Oink! Oink! Oink! Oink!”

If those American lolicons knew their idol was making these kinds of actions, I don’t know how hurt they will be.

I reckon that if Peng TouSi was here, the two of them wouldn’t fight, so I turned around to chase after Obama.

Obama did not have a leash around his neck. Now, he has completely forgotten about Xiao Qin’s scary gaze. The whole dog exuded an aura of freedom, returning to nature, and he ran in the direction of our school.

When I was close to the school wall, he turned around a corner and disappeared from my sight.

Instead, I slowed down my pace: it was the bicycle shed, it was a dead end, I can take him back as long as I walk over slowly.

It was a bit unexpected, I just walked around the corner and saw the class leader’s bicycle parked aside while she squatted on the ground to tease the dog.

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