I Was a Sword When I Reincarnated (WN)

Chapter 369 - Skill Practice

『Fran, let’s go!』


The day after I woke up, Fran and I were confirming the usability of the skill.


『OK! Good move!』


『That’s right!』

Fran used me to slice through the chunk of rock I created with Earth Magic. There’s a rock about 5 meter long that’s been neatly cut in half. My own magic conduction and use of the attribute sword was also fine.

However, Fran had a disgruntled look on her face that came from the bottom of her heart.

“……No good”


“Mhm. No good at all.”


Well, it’s no wonder Fran didn’t like it. First of all, the physical manipulation method took too much magic power. Although it didn’t go out of control, it took a long time to activate, and the effectiveness was low. In general, it meant that there was too much waste.

Still, Fran could handle this skill far better than I can use the physical manipulation method… Maybe it’s because she’s used to moving her body. Regardless, it was also clear that it was not at all up to the standard we were looking for.

That wasn’t all. Her mid-leap air manipulation for creating footholds was also terrible. Fran was going to run up in the air and slash the rocky mass from above, but the second foothold did not activate as she imagined it to. Therefore, she lost her balance because she couldn’t feel it.

Although she managed to make a big leap by injecting too much magical power into the third leap in the air, she would have fallen if she made a mistake, and would have fallen straight down and ended up underneath a chunk of rock. Well, that’s not really going to happen because she had my support, but still, it was a potential hazard.

Other than that, she seemed to have activated her omnidirectional detection to try to find the fragile spot on the rock mass, but she frowned at the amount of information she received. It would still take a while of practice to be capable of utilizing it in the heat of battle. In the end, we were able to slash that chunk of rock, but it was a clunky move that left a lot to be desired in terms of attack power.

When it came to the battling technique using air compression, it didn’t even activate. The air leap was too difficult to control, and the skill did not work well either.

『This is not looking good……』


All of my skills have evolved into higher-level skills, but my combat power has actually dropped tremendously. In my current state, we could have a hard time even dealing with a D-class demonic beast, let alone a C-class threat.

The physical manipulation regeneration I tried before was also unusually inefficient. I think it took about 10 times as much magical power to use the regenerative skill as usual to heal wounds on Fran’s arm. However, the regeneration power itself has increased, so if she comes to be proficient, Fran might be able to heal wounds more easily than using the recovery magic. But It’s going to take a long time to master it.

Fortunately, there were some parts that are in great shape. I was visibly improving my ability to control magic. The simultaneous activation of magic was faster than ever before, and morphing is more delicate than previously possible. The activation of the barriers to keep the rock chunks out was also surprisingly smooth.

The Earth Magic consumed less magic and activated faster. It might have been possible to arrange Kanna Kamui like Myrellia did. No, I definitely could.

Well, we are still in recovery, I guess? I’ll wait and see how it goes, and then try it out once again. Currently, my ability to use skills in combat is reduced while my magic-related skills are enhanced.

This will certainly help us surpass what we used to be once we become more proficient in handling the skills.

“Master, one more time.”


Next, we used our various skills to gauge our current skill proficiency and train in them. I transformed, and I also verified the lord techniques • base, and the lord arts • base, To be honest, my impression is that it’s not really a force. Well, I guess I could use Lord Archery • Base for long-range attacks and Lord Fist • Base for melee attacks. Still, I think it’s better to improve my sword mastery by earnestly refining sword arts.

We continued to test out Physical Manipulation, Omnidirectional Perception, Omnipresence Perception, Covert Concealment, Lord Intimidation, Flame Operation, Water Operation, Soil Operation, and Wind Operation.

In the end, the training method I used was to maintain my Lord Intimidation and Covert Concealment skills while accelerating and stopping repeatedly with Physical Manipulation. I also utilized Wind Operation, Flame Operation, and to detect the stones and wind debris in all directions, I used Omnipresence Perception to dodge… In addition, it is also to avoid the wall produced by the Water Operation and the Soil Operation.

After a long training session like that, Asurasu emerged from inside Alistair’s mansion.

“It looks like you’re having a hard time.”


Shortly after, Fran nodded to Asurasu’s words.




Asurasu suddenly grabbed the Earth Sword Gaia that he was carrying on his back and swung it at Fran. The attack oozed with murderous intent. Gaia thrust deep into the ground as Fran avoided it.

If Fran hadn’t ducked on the spur of the moment, she would have been badly injured.

『What are you doing!』

“Kukuku. You evaded it pretty well. That was an attack you wouldn’t have been able to duck if you hadn’t used your skills to the fullest!”

Hmmm, Well, now that you mention it…. Fran also heard Asurasu’s words and clapped her hand with a pop sound while giving a look of understanding.

So you’re saying that she instinctively sensed the danger and subconsciously used the skills. I didn’t quite master it, but it was certainly smoother to use than when I was consciously thinking about it in my head.

“It’s good to repeat the training to master it, but live battle is just as important, you know?”

Well, I understand what you’re saying, but you could’ve just told us about it.

Unfortunately, Fran, a passionate fellow, seemed convinced by Asura’s actions. She then nodded many times to his words.

“Mhm. I understand.”

“Then fine. With Master here, you wouldn’t die easily, would you?”

Fran set me up so that we could match Asurasu’s fighting spirit.




Before I could say anything else, Fran and Asurasu started a mock battle.

Sheesh! That’s why you guys are battle junkies! They didn’t even ask for permission first!

For the next few moments, the two continued to engage in an intense mock battle. No. Is it even a mock battle anymore? There were no reservations in each other’s attacks. It’s just like a face off, as long as one didn’t die, they kept unleashing high-powered attacks on each other.

In fact, there were several moments along the way where they used healing magic. Nonetheless, it’s also clear that Fran’s movements have visibly improved during this battle.

After all, as Asurasu said, there is nothing better than a real battle. Asurasu didn’t seem to be triggered in a fight of this magnitude, thanks to the resetting of the mad demonization once. It would be the only time I could get him to train with me.

I’m really grateful to Asurasu for caring and lending a hand to Fran.

“Fuhahahahaha! Your movements are gradually improving!”

“Shhh! Not yet!”


Well, it sounds like you’re totally enjoying it.


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