I have a bunch of players on Earth

Chapter 924

924 Chapter 963: All Your Trump Cards!

“You got it so quickly?”


In the main hall, Burton looked at the petal that he had used the law to freeze time, and his eyes revealed a trace of curiosity.

With his understanding of that fellow, it was very difficult to give the result without torturing Rennes. In fact, he had already secretly asked other prophets, but in terms of the accuracy of the result,. Only that fellow could be 100% certain. After all, she was…

“Indeed, this time it was a little abnormal…”rennes carefully replied, “Do you think that Lord Lulu would give us a fake address to make us come all the way here for Nothing?”

“Looks like your basic lessons are not solid enough…”Burton laughed, “Our master-level seer might not be as good as her in terms of actuarial results, but it’s not too much of a problem to measure whether her results match up…”

Ryan’s face turned slightly red when he heard that. He hurriedly knocked his head and said with a silly smile, “Ignorant and incompetent. My Liege, please forgive me…”

Burton shook his head with a smile when he heard that. Then, he asked, “Didn’t she say anything else?”

To be honest, although it was impossible for that fellow to fool him with fake content in theory, he really could not believe that that fellow would do things honestly.

Ryan hesitated for a moment, and finally said, “Well… I said it…”

Bolton: “What Did You Say?”

“Sir Said… that my mission is doomed. If it’s not necessary, it’s better to give up…”Ryan was a little amused, “It should be that Sir Lulu deliberately created a smoke bomb to make me suspicious, right?”

What a joke, his backer was a level 16 large biological civilization. To deal with seer, a civilization that might not even be level 5, and you’re telling me that it’s doomed. He was very curious as to what method his little cousin could use to create danger for him… …

Hearing this, Bolton immediately fell silent.

“Sir… sir…”seeing the lord’s silence, Ryan found it funny. “That Lord definitely did this on purpose. You Don’t have to worry, I know my cousin’s background very well…”

“Is that so…”Bolton rubbed his chin and narrowed his eyes. “Maybe he did it on purpose…”

Ryan saw Burton’s mouth twitch. His lord was good in everything, but he was a little suspicious. He was still so cautious in this situation.

He couldn’t let go of this opportunity to get rid of seer just because of these words, right?

Just as he was thinking, he suddenly saw Burton raise his finger lightly, and the entire hall actually started to tremble.

“Lord, this is?”


“Lord Lulu, why did you let that kid off so easily?”Hua Lingqi asked.

She was one of the people who signed the contract with Lulu. Following the mysterious capture of Lulu by Bolton, she was also pulled over and became a prisoner for almost ten thousand years, otherwise, with her identity as a pure-blooded elf, she wouldn’t have come to work for a pure demon lord.

Of course, as a fairy, Lord Lulu was even more so. Although the Saipan immortal race maintained a neutral stance towards the various powers in the universe, and even responded to the undead, they only never interacted with the void and demons, they also directly cut off the passage.

Although she was forcefully captured, Lulu had often refused to cooperate over the years. Even if she was willing to give something occasionally, she would always play tricks on her. This was the first time she gave such a straightforward answer to the prophecy.

“Shh…”Lulu suddenly shushed. She lowered her voice and said, “Listen…”


The flower spirit was stunned. Then, she curiously opened her ears to listen. Then, the next second, she heard the sound of the Earth humming. Immediately, she became curious. The Planet of the Bolton force was controlled by the activation technology, the entire planet was equivalent to a huge living being, a living creature with the core of Titan as the center.

How could there be a ground chime under such circumstances. It didn’t make sense… …

But in the next second, the entire ground began to shake violently, and even the sky began to tilt. This kind of violent turbulence was obviously not a ground chime, but the entire planet was moving!

“Sir… This Is? ?”

“Heh…”lulu smiled, “That guy really did it, interesting, interesting…”

“Sir, you predicted it long ago?”Hua Ling asked curiously.

“You can’t say that. Things like prophecy have the biggest variable. Otherwise, this palace master wouldn’t have been caught, right?”Fairy Lulu’s big eyes narrowed into a beautiful crescent, she smiled and said, “There’s a show to watch. Prepare Xiaoling well. This trip should be the best chance for us to escape!”

Hua Ling heard the face of a startled, thought: this line is what mean? . Don’t tell me… … We… . Are You Going, too?

Then she looked at the changing planet, breathing suddenly became rapid.


“My Lord, this is? ?”Ryan looked around in surprise.

As one of the galactic marshals, he knows what this means. My lord, this is activating the activation mechanism of the main planet. Once activated, it means that the planet is in full biological mode!

He had never seen such a grand display of power ever since he joined the Bolton Force. Even the newly discovered three-dimensional battlefield in the Northern Star Field did not allow his lordship to be willing to use this main planet! !

The Bolton Force was an evolutionary force of the pure biological system. Moreover, they were considered to be the more extreme type in the biological system. The strategy they implemented was to nurture their own land with all things in the universe.

Usually, when Bolton encountered a planet with a strong mass of Titan, he did not conquer it. Instead, he used the activated planets in his own galaxy to swallow it, so as to evolve the mass of his own planet.

This was also the reason why Bolton Force’s funding and rating was even higher than wine god’s Pandar Galaxy. However, in terms of planet ownership, they did not even have one-thousandth of wine God’s.

This was because every planet of Lord Bolton’s was of extremely high quality, and was nourished by countless amounts of flesh, blood, and life energy. Not only could these planets become resting places for their citizens, once the war started.., these planets could also transform into powerful biological weapons at the first opportunity!

Among the many planets, this main planet with the longest history was the planet Lord Bolton had invested the most in. Over countless years, it had devoured countless Titan cores and countless amounts of life energy.

Including the powerhouses that were currently being used to absorb the lifeforce under the main planet, they could form a powerful army.

Once a biological weapon of such magnitude was activated, the energy consumption was simply unimaginable. It was likely that even if the planets under the ten star marshals were used at the same time, it would not be as costly as using this main planet.

“Lord…”Rennes swallowed his saliva and said, “This… why go to this extent?”

He really could not imagine that for a seer, the Lord would actually use the main star as a trump card!

“Inform Tidaran, Munk, Azmodan, Billie, lead the troops under them to protect the journey!”

“This…”Rennes looked even more surprised when he heard that.

The names that Bolton had just read out were all the marshals of the magic net army. The strongest seven Devil King Army under Bolton was his Trump Card Army. Two of them were sent to the three-dimensional space battlefield.., now, the five trump card armies that were left behind were actually going to send out four escorts?

Only one army was left behind to guard? Was this the scale of a country war?

Was this a joke? To go to the other side for a seer, did he need such a large army?

Rennes frowned. He always felt that his lord took the fairy’s words too seriously. That Bastard was only a level five or six deity overlord. Even if he went out, he would be able to crush that existence to death with his fingers. Why would he need to use all his trump cards?

Faced with Rennes’doubts, Burton did not say anything else. After instructing AI, he silently looked at the starry sky of his own faction, as if he was still thinking about something.

The reason why Burton had done this was not only because of Lulu’s prophecy and his more cautious personality, but also because of his own intuition.

A great overlord at his level would more or less have some foresight towards his future fate. He could feel that this trip was very likely to be a major turning point in his fate!

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