I have a bunch of players on Earth

Chapter 895

895 Chapter 933: Interview for the children of Eldia (middle)



In order to not attract too much attention, coolly Lulu’s laughter was still restrained. Her voice was very low, but the ridicule in her tone did not lessen in the slightest.

“I was wondering which great lord had such good taste in the two of you. So it turns out that you two sisters are from your own family…”. “… Haha, not bad, not bad. Internal digestion does make sense.” “…”. “But I’m very curious. How did that Wandering Liege of yours sneak into our school to recruit?”

“Watch Your Words!”Tia’s face was livid as she said, “Our school has never stipulated that low-level lords can not come here to recruit!”

“Oh Oh… Hahaha, I said something wrong. Right, right, right. Our School doesn’t have such a rule. Then let me rephrase it. Where did your family get the face to come here to recruit?”

These words made the three siblings’faces turn red, but they did not know how to retort.

“Oh, yes, you’re wearing a helmet. You Don’t have to use your face, hahahaha!”

“You…”Bertrand was so angry that the veins on his forehead were throbbing. In his heart, he wanted to slap the woman in front of him to death, but he also wanted to go up on stage and drag that embarrassing seer down.

He really didn’t know what he was thinking. Didn’t he know what level he was at. Why did he have to come here and embarrass himself…

“That… Seer, the Overlord, is from the Eldia Family?”Some students couldn’t help but ask.

“Yesterday, I saw his recruitment notice. The conditions are pretty good. An ordinary warrior instructor would offer an annual salary of 250,000. I thought that he was a deity nurtured by some big family…”

“What Big Family!”Ku Lulu directly spat. “You guys don’t know what kind of weight the Eldia family has? “A star-level powerhouse who hasn’t even managed to accumulate a single one, and he’s actually fantasizing about nurturing a deity? “In the end, in less than 10,000 years, he almost lost his underwear. I’ve heard that the deity that he spent a lot of money to nurture has directly walked the vagrant path. To put it bluntly, he’s just a vagrant lord. Where did his background come from?”

“Vagabond Lord? No Way, can he afford that kind of salary? could he be a vagabond Lord?”

“It’s not hard to find out about this. You guys can go to our star field and ask around. Everyone knows about it. You guys didn’t send his resume, right?”? “Don’t blame us for not advising you guys. Don’t be blinded by that salary. When the time comes to work on a grade-9 planet, you guys will cry!”

“The salary on a grade-9 planet is actually quite acceptable for a lot of children from average families…”a rational and objective Titan warrior said while stroking his chin.

“Ha… why do you think an average grade-9 planet Lord would give such a good salary? It’s most likely a polluted planet. This kind of pit is not rare. Didn’t your employment teacher tell you?”


The moment these words were said, the surrounding people instantly took in a deep breath. Generally, warriors with good physical fitness weren’t afraid of pollution, but there were some planets that were polluted beyond normal circumstances, for example, some planets that had been eroded by void or undead energy would cause great harm to people. Long-term work in such an environment could even cause permanent illness, destroying the evolutionary foundation of many warrior systems!

Such unscrupulous lords were actually not rare in the universe. They would use high salaries to trick insensible rookies into going there, only to end up with problems that could not be cured even with ten times the amount of money!

At the thought of this, the surrounding students looked at the three siblings with cold expressions.

The three siblings instantly buried their faces even lower. They could only curse seer, a divine relative, in their hearts while feeling ashamed and indignant. They even began to complain about Rennes, who had issued the mission.

Just as they were in a stalemate, a beam of light suddenly shone down from the teleportation passage. A person who no one had expected appeared in the interview hall.

“Sir Principal?”

The principal of this era was a famous person. In terms of seniority, many of the great lords of the Eastern Star Field had to respectfully address him as a senior. None of the sky gods present had expected that this person would personally come to the interview venue. They all stood up.

Many of the school staff who were responsible for receiving the guests were also stunned. They quickly went forward and asked, “Principal? Why are you here?”

“Oh, I’m here to take a look…”the principal was a member of the Sea Dragon Clan. He belonged to the bloodline of the ancient Dragon Clan of wastaya. He looked short, but his aura carried the unique pressure of the Dragon Clan. The entire hall instantly quieted down.

Why did the principal come?

All the students could not help but think to themselves.

“This batch of children is very good, I hope they won’t disappoint the Gods…”the principal said politely to the crowd with a kind face.

“Senior, what are you saying!”The gods’Lords did not dare to be arrogant, and all of them returned the greeting. “Your school’s students are famous for their high quality, how can they be disappointed?”

“Yes, senior, you are being modest. This year, Xandar is full of talents. We caught the first wave. It should be because we got lucky, Haha!”

“It’s a good thing that we came early. Otherwise, we wouldn’t be able to drink the soup later…”Lord Bolton also flattered them.

Faced with the praise of the group of Heavenly Gods Lords, the faces of the students instantly turned red. They did not expect that the principal would personally come to support them. Due to their face, they were afraid that their value would be higher later.

At the thought of this, all the students looked at the principal with eyes filled with gratitude.

The principal smiled and returned the greeting. Then, he slowly walked in front of Xi Ye. “What do you think of this batch of dolls, Lord Xi Ye?”

The scene instantly quieted down. All the Lords looked at Xi Ye with faces full of surprise. They could not help but think to themselves, “Who is this kid?”? He was able to alert the principal of Xandar Academy to personally greet him?

Only Bolton looked into the night’s eyes, not knowing what he was thinking.

Xi Ye is obviously stunned, he did not expect the principal of this school will personally greet him, for a time do not know how to answer, the face under the helmet is very exciting.

Finally, after holding it in for a long time, he replied, “Not bad…”

The crowd:”…”

This young man… … Tut:. … . . How dare you…

A group of college students were also stunned…

The principal nodded in understanding. “It’s not bad to get a word from an adult, but it’s rare…”

Everyone: “Hiss…”

What’s going on?

The gods had a confused look on their faces, obviously unable to understand… …

The head of the finance department behind the principal had a bitter smile on his face, because he knew that the principal’s words came from the bottom of his heart… … and he didn’t deliberately agree to anything. …

Last night, he and the principal had personally seen that batch of developers’children. To be honest, at that moment, he finally understood why Cornnistan was so excited. There were more than ten such high-quality developers at once, who wouldn’t be excited?

Who knew what force was behind this kid, using such a good seedling to befriend their Xandar Academy?

However, the temptation was indeed great. No matter what the purpose was, the principal probably didn’t want to give up on that batch of immortal seedlings… … After all, Xandar Academy was currently at a crucial moment of transformation!

It seemed like he would have to carefully calculate how to save the school’s expenses this year… …

At this moment, the principal was still looking at Xi Ye with a gentle expression as he said with a smile, “Since Sir has come here, you must have taken a liking to someone, right? This old man here is a little curious, I wonder which students have taken a liking to you?”

The moment these words were said, many of the top students frowned as they looked around, wanting to see if their usual competitors had been chosen.

“Oh… not really…”xi ye said honestly, “The main thing is that a few relatives of the family have voted for me. Let me take a look…”


The principal was stunned for a moment before he finally smiled bitterly and said, “Sir, you’re really honest…”

The faces of the students below all twitched. This pretentious act was… “…”. Just what was this guy’s background?

Speaking of which… who was his relative?

The students next to KU Lulu were stunned for a moment. Then, they looked at Ku Lulu and asked suspiciously, “You… are you sure he’s a vagrant lord without any background?”

“UH…”Ku Lulu couldn’t figure it out for a moment. Her face turned green and white as she thought to herself, “What’s going on?”?

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