I have a bunch of players on Earth

Chapter 886

886 Chapter 924: wait for the other party to speak first!

“D * mn, Haha, did you guys see that? Did you guys see that? I got it…”among the developers, a player named Bing Guo was excitedly maintaining his materialized alchemy array.


The surrounding players had unconvinced looks on their faces. They immediately used their mental strength to duplicate the array and tried again and again. However, there would always be a lost item at a certain checkpoint, causing the array to collapse.

Seer looked at the array curiously. The array looked very simple. It only used basic array refinement knowledge, high-level dimensional transformation, energy quality change, spatial gradient, and other high-level items did not exist. They only had simple integration algorithms and common energy conversion algorithms.

However, the array’s structure was not simple. It was equivalent to using simple knowledge rules to create a rather troublesome aggregation array that could summon across dimensions.

This refining array used a large number of energy gradient algorithm connectors. Each structure point’s energy circuit’s algorithm had up to tens of thousands of data. This not only tested the students’meticulous control of spiritual power, but also tested the students’temporary computing ability.

It was said that although Xandar Academy appeared to be a comprehensive department school on the surface, it was still a traditional martial arts school in its bones. However, it seemed that this was not the case now. This kind of exquisite refining array must have been created by a master-level tutor. It seemed that the spirit department instructors of this academy were of very high standards… …

Just as he was thinking about it, a group of short men in red robes rushed over from afar.

Xi Ye turned around and glanced at them. She frowned slightly and thought to herself, the Xi Ling clan? So many? Since when did Xandar Academy hire so many Xi Ling clan instructors?

The delicate-looking man who was leading the group out of curiosity hurriedly said, “Be careful…”

His words were naturally not directed at seer, but at the D ball players behind Seer. It was obvious that these players were also attracted by their sudden arrival and immediately turned around to look at them.

This made Konistan’s eyelids jump as he thought to himself, ‘what’s wrong with these unlucky kids?’? ‘didn’t the elders in the clan tell them to focus when using the refining array? How dare they be distracted at a time like this?

The refining array used spiritual power to make use of complicated calculations and reality media. The first step was to convert spiritual power into energy, thus pushing the operation of the refining array to achieve some realizations, whether it was the summoning array or other mutated arrays, it was the same.

If this kind of energy was not controlled properly when realizations were made, it was highly likely that it would go out of control. Usually, it was not very high-level, and very few people would use the refining array multitasking. However, the refining array placed here was not simple, it was left behind by his sister, Cornell, and was specially used to test the aptitude of low-level Spirit Department students.

Using the simplest method of knowledge to carve out an extremely complex summoning refining array. This refining array’s algorithm was complex and exquisite, and was divided into nine layers of calculations, usually, outstanding students would only be able to open the second layer of the refining array before the refining array would collapse because they could not calculate it properly.

However, most of these children had already calculated to the eighth level, and one of them had actually appeared! This was also the reason why the teachers were shocked earlier.

In the end, when they wanted to get closer and take a closer look, these unlucky children actually turned their heads and looked over?

Were they courting death?

When the refinement array reached the eighth level, the energy had undergone complex calculations and had already increased by at least sixty times. If a careless backlash were to occur, a level four lifeform would immediately be blasted into ashes!

Thinking of this, many teachers were prepared to take action, preparing to stabilize the refining array’s energy!

However, before they could take action, the first leader, who was called careful, suddenly raised his hand and stopped the teachers.

This was because he suddenly discovered that although the group of unlucky children’s attention was obviously distracted, none of the dozen refining arrays showed any signs of collapsing. Instead, they were operating normally!

“Sir… this… This is…”the teachers immediately reacted and said in shock.

Konistan also took a deep breath and looked at the group of children in shock.

This meant that this group of knowledgeable teachers obviously knew what it meant. This meant that this group of children could still control the energy circuits of the refining array even when they were distracted!

But How was this possible?

This refining array was created by his sister, and he was very clear about the complexity of it. Every energy node involved more than a dozen algorithms. How could a level-four lifeform still be able to stabilize its energy when it was distracted? Wasn’t this a little too fake?

“Little child, pay attention, be careful…”one of the teachers couldn’t help but remind him.

“It’s fine…”bingo smiled. “We calculated the formation beforehand, so there won’t be any problems…”

The teachers:”…”

Predict in advance?

These kids could predict in advance?

This calculation ability… ? … even a few scions of the Royal Family of the Xi Ling clan would not be able to do it, right?

The teachers all sucked in a breath of cold air. which family raised these scions?

“Hey, Mr. Konistan? Why are you here?”A deep voice suddenly sounded. It was professor derenz, who had just gone out to prepare snacks and tea for seer and the others.


Seer tilted her head. This name sounded so familiar… …

“Oh, Professor derenz, right?”Konistan regained his composure and smiled. “Who are these people?”

“Oh…”Darius quickly put the snacks aside and introduced them. “This is the Seer Lord. The children beside him are his juniors…”

At this moment, the juniors who were introduced by Darius smelled the fragrance of the exquisite snacks and were instantly attracted to their stomachs. Their physiological senses told them that the snacks were definitely better than the ones prepared in their base!

Thus, they hurriedly withdrew the refining array and ran towards the plate of snacks.

The few teachers watched as these fellows withdrew the refining array so easily, and their eyelids twitched again. Usually, they had to be extra careful to stop the refining array halfway, and they had to withdraw their spiritual power bit by bit according to the established formula, otherwise, if they were not careful, they would very easily collapse.

However, these dozen or so children retract their spiritual power in a few seconds. They were so familiar with the process that it was as if they had used this refining array countless times. One had to know that most of them had already run to the eighth level of the refining array, if they wanted to completely retract the array, they would have to retract the energy nodes that they had previously calculated one by one. What did this process represent in just a few seconds? It meant that they must have completely memorized the values of all the nodes!

This memory…

The corner of Konistan’s eyes twitched. Then, he looked at seer with a gentle expression. “Hello, Lord God. May I know your full name?”

He really wanted to know which family had nurtured such a heaven-defying descendant… …

“Seer Eldia…”seer replied very honestly.

Eldia? Konistan was stunned. He had never heard of it before. Could it be that he had been too focused on his research all these years and had not paid attention to the new rising families?

If that was the case, it could be the new royal families behind the third suzerain?

“I’ve heard so much about you. May I ask what brings you here, sir?”Konistan forced himself not to look at those heaven-defying children and tried his best to maintain a calm attitude.

In his opinion, bringing such an outstanding junior here must be because he heard that he was enrolled in Xandar Academy and wanted to study here. He had to maintain a certain level of perseverance and not lower his status… …

At the very least, the other party had to speak first, and he had to express that he would consider it… … HMM… … alright… … … actually, it was fine if he didn’t consider it, but the other party had to speak first. …

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